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Currently Skimming:

Pages 332-364

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 332...
From page 333...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 334...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 335...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics This appendix presents a plethora of recently published resources that can be used by transportation agencies to support ATM functions. The resources contain documentation and tools that cover a wide spectrum of areas involving organizing, planning, analyzing, modeling, programming, and budgeting for ATM strategies.
From page 336...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics addressing a broad array of issues affecting design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of managed lanes. Steps in the planning and implementation process include defining initial objectives, outlining the necessary decision-making process, and addressing safety concerns, through the process of detailed design configuration and operation.
From page 337...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Much of this help content (and additional guidance) is also embedded in the tool via information buttons (SHRP 2 2014a)
From page 338...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATCSs, including a description of their working principles and operational requirements; identifying operational advantages and disadvantages of deploying ATCSs, and the implementation issues and lessons learned; identifying institutional problems at agencies that deploy ATCSs and documenting their experiences; and investigating implementation costs and benefits perceived by ATCS users (Stevanovic 2010)
From page 339...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics foster multi-agency collaboration and dialogue about traffic management at the regional level (FHWA 2023)
From page 340...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics 5. Compare model MOEs to field data (and adjust model parameters)
From page 341...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics will help practitioners to identify specific roadway segments most suited for ATM, the appropriate strategies, and the expected costs and range of benefits (Neudorff and McCabe 2015)
From page 342...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics adequately convey operational strategies to travelers, and operations and maintenance approaches and responsibilities (Kuhn et al.
From page 343...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics reliability and offer new analytic methods. The prospective HCM Chapter 36 concerns freeway facilities and urban streets, and the prospective supplemental HCM Chapter 37 elaborates on the methodologies and provides an example calculation.
From page 344...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Testbed Preliminary Evaluation Plan for Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM)
From page 345...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ICM. In addition to the material covered in the guide itself, there are extensive references to other documents and source material that can assist ICM adopters in successfully applying these concepts (Gonzalez et al.
From page 346...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics also be a helpful reference to all stakeholders involved in AMS, including technical modelers, by providing a framework for developing an effective analysis plan to support selection and application of available tools and models specifically conducive to ICM (Alexiadis et al.
From page 347...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe (2011) The purpose of this scanning study was to examine innovative design practices and techniques used in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain to improve the operational performance of congested freeway facilities.
From page 348...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics transportation agencies. Some of these issues pertain to traffic control devices, design, performance measures, potential safety benefits, maintenance, enforcement roles and processes, incident response, personnel training, costs, liability, and public outreach and education (Kuhn 2010)
From page 349...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics criteria that are focused on defining operations objectives and performance measures (Gordon and Braud 2009)
From page 350...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics decision maker, including throughput, mean delay, travel time index, freeway segments at breakdown, and surface street intersections with long queues, turn bay overflows, and exit blockages. The report also recommends that vehicle trajectories be used as the common denominator for comparison of results between tools and methods between field data collection and analytical tools (e.g., HCM, microsimulation, etc.)
From page 351...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics freeway network. Some of the topics covered in this handbook include freeway management programs, performance monitoring and evaluation, roadway and operational improvements, ramp management and control, managed lanes, high-occupancy vehicle treatments, traffic incident and special event management, management during emergencies and operations, information dissemination, transportation management centers, detection and surveillance, regional integration, and communications (Neudorff et al.
From page 352...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Statewide Active Arterial Management Needs Plan (2013) This report addresses the need to apply operational strategies of the ITS technology in conjunction with an advanced traffic management system for the arterial roadways in order to reduce unnecessary delays and improve the overall reliability of the arterial system.
From page 353...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Planning for Active Traffic Management in Virginia: International Best Practices and Implementation Strategies (2012) This report provides four sets of guidelines on how to incorporate ATM applications into the planning process.
From page 354...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Active Traffic Management Concept of Operations (2008) This document is the concept of operations report for the Washington State Department of Transportation ATM program.
From page 355...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Appendix D References Alexiadis, V., D Sallman, and A
From page 356...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Academies.
From page 357...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Fontaine, M., and J Miller.
From page 358...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Accessed June 2023.
From page 359...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics of Transportation. Publication FHWA-HOP-13-018.
From page 360...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Neudorff, L., J Randall, R
From page 361...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Sallman, D., E Flanigan, K
From page 362...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Ungemah, D., B
From page 363...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Demand Management (ATDM) Programs.
From page 364...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics

Key Terms

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