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Appendix D: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
Pages 333-346

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From page 333...
... He serves as the executive director of the American Public Health Association (APHA) , the nation's oldest and largest organization of public health professionals, where he is the publisher for American Journal of Public Health, The Nation's Health newspaper, and APHA Press, its book company.
From page 334...
... She and her team were early pioneers in leveraging electronic health records in health disparities research. Her research evaluates natural experiments that impact access to primary care and community-based interventions that aim to reduce health disparities.
From page 335...
... Dr. Ayanian has been a member of numerous National Academies committees, including on Consequences of Uninsurance, Accounting for Socioeconomic Status in Medicare Payment Programs, A National Surveillance System for Cardiovascular and Select Chronic Diseases, and Guidance for Designing a National Health Care Disparities Report.
From page 336...
... He is a member of the Maryland Department of Health's Advisory Committee on Minority Health, Maryland Health Equity Policy Committee, Health Affairs' Health Equity Advisory Committee, and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Health Disparities Steering Committee. He is a 2019 recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
From page 337...
... She also directs the Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity, an academic–community partnership with American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander people to restore traditional foods and food practices to promote healthy diets and reduce chronic disease. In 2011, she was the inaugural chair of the National Cancer Institute's Intervention Research to Improve Native Health initiative, a collaboration of NIH-funded investigators conducting intervention science research.
From page 338...
... She receives funding from the Merck Foundation for work on health equity and diabetes. She has published extensively on SDOH, health disparities, and health care education.
From page 339...
... community and serves in several leadership capacities, such as on the steering committee for its inaugural Cancer Disparities Progress Report, chair for its Minorities in Cancer Research Council, cochair for its 11th Conference on Cancer Health Disparities and its Think Tank on Cancer Health Disparities, and the National Advisory Committee for the Robert A Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials Award Program established by Bristol Myers Squibb, Virginia Commonwealth University, AACR, and Gilead Sciences.
From page 340...
... in Economics from the University of Maryland. She serves on the National Academies Roundtable on Population Health Improvement.
From page 341...
... He has experience working on local and state level health disparities policy and developed and taught courses focused on measuring and reporting health disparities.
From page 342...
... BOARD ON POPULATION HEALTH AND PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE LIAISON Joshua Salomon, Ph.D., is a professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine, associate chair for faculty affairs and strategy in the department of health policy, and senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. His research focuses on public health policy and priority-setting to enhance the evidence base for reasoned decision making that improves population health and reduces disparities.
From page 343...
... Among his recent work are the workshops on Innovation in Electronic Health Records for Oncology Care, Research, and Surveillance, Promoting Health Equity in Cancer Care, Innovation in Cancer Care and Cancer Research in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Care, and Suicide Prevention in Indigenous Communities. He was the responsible staff officer on the National Academies congressionally mandated study that produced the consensus report Medications in Single-Dose Vials: Implications of Discarded Drugs.
From page 344...
... The board has examined such topics as the safety of childhood vaccines and other drugs, systems for evaluating and ensuring drug safety postmarketing, pandemic influenza planning, the health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids, the health effect of environmental exposures, the integration of medical care and public health, women's health services, health disparities, health literacy, tobacco control strategies, and chronic disease prevention. Earlier, Dr.
From page 345...
... Her research aims to understand and improve patient, community, health system, and structural-level processes to identify and address adverse SDOH and advance health equity. She has published extensively on SDOH and social care integration, food insecurity, and health disparities, and her work has been cited in congressional testimony on veteran and military hunger.

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