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5 Navigating Federal, State, and Local Requirements
Pages 45-49

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From page 45...
... Federally obligated airports are highly regulated enterprises, and future development of the airport requires FAA coordination, certain FAA approvals, and/or compliance with federal regulations. Several types of airport planning efforts requiring FAA involvement or adherence to FAA regulations include:  Airport Master Plan: FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070‐6B, Airport Master Plans, provides guidance on the preparation of airport master plans that range in size and function from small general aviation to large commercial service facilities.
From page 46...
... and special purpose environmental laws and regulations require environmental impact analyses of proposed airport actions subject to FAA decision, including federal funding (see: Federal Funding)
From page 47...
... Access Board, two key sets of features should be considered for charging stations:  Accessible mobility features. A reasonable number of chargers must have physical access for people who use mobility devices, such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, and canes.54 Accessible mobility features primarily involve having a large enough vehicle charging space, providing access aisles, installing charging infrastructure in accessible locations, and ensuring access to the physical operability of EVSE.
From page 48...
... Permitting Like the codes regulating EVSE, the permitting process for charging stations will be highly dependent on the relevant jurisdiction. Some states like California have been aggressive in encouraging a uniform process for EVSE across municipalities and local utilities provide resources to identify the relevant permitting requirements.59 Across all jurisdictions, permit applications typically include significant documentation of station design aspects including load calculations, electrical service assessments, site diagrams, and charging layouts.
From page 49...
... As a result, charging station equipment should be labeled according to fire code, feature electrical disconnects, and verified to be capable of handling EV charging load.60 Relevant airport staff should be trained on how best to respond to EV and charging station fires, including learning manufacturer‐specific EV power shutoff and BEV fire procedures. Wayfinding and Station Signage Requirements Signage for charging stations provides two major functions: wayfinding signage helps EV drivers navigate to charging stations, and station signage marks stations and communicates station rules and policies.

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