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8 Resiliency, Emergency Management, and Training
Pages 57-59

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From page 57...
... Because of the mission‐critical nature of airport operations, the FAA requires 50 commercial service airports in the United States to have backup generation that is able to maintain the control tower, airport surveillance radar, approach‐light system, instrument landing system, and runway lights on the primary runway for a period of at least four hours.76 in 2023, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report finding that between 2015 and 2022, 321 commercial service airports reported electrical power outages of five minutes or more, 25% of which lasted for a period of over four hours.77 To mitigate the impacts of grid failure events and improve overall energy operations, airports have begun to deploy microgrids, backup generation, renewables, battery storage, and combined heat and power (CHP)
From page 58...
... Stored energy not only ensures that stations can continue to charge EVs when grid power fails, it also improves grid stability by providing capacity during peak demand. Integration of energy storage with EV charging is gaining widespread adoption in the United States; for example, Electrify America has deployed battery energy storage systems (BESS)
From page 59...
... The airport saved $1 million in energy costs in year one of operations because of this effort.78 Microgrid systems are beginning to integrate charging infrastructure in non‐airport applications. Planning for EV charging energy demand when designing microgrid systems is important to ensure that capacity is appropriately sized.

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