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Appendix A: Committee Biographical Information
Pages 59-66

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From page 59...
... Murthy is president and professor of mechanical, industrial, and manufacturing engineering at Oregon State University. She previously served as the Ronald and Valerie Sugar Dean of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.
From page 60...
... Ms. Buxbaum serves on the Fulbright Scholar CIES Advisory Board and the Association of International Education Administrators' Public Policy Committee, and is currently chair of the Big Ten Academic Alliance's Senior International Officer group.
From page 61...
... His awards include Decoration for Meritorious C­ ivilian Service to the U.S. Air Force, the Goddard medal, the Basic Sciences Award of the International Academy of Astronautics, and two NASA Public Service Medals.
From page 62...
... Flagg is the founder of Flagg Consulting LLC, as well as a ­fellow at the Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) , a visiting fellow at the Perry World House at the University of Pennsylvania, and a senior advisor to the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center.
From page 63...
... She is co-editor of the book series Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education. She formerly served as a NAFSA: Association of International Educators senior fellow, U.S.
From page 64...
... She studied at the Princeton in Beijing Chinese language school and was a visiting scholar in Nankai University's Department of Economics, where she studied China's science and technology policies, infrastructure development, and university reforms. She is a co-author of the 2013 study Chinese Industrial Espionage, the first booklength treatment of the topic, as well as countless related proprietary studies.
From page 65...
... Dr. Riedinger has conducted briefings on foreign aid, land reform, and international education issues for members of the White House staff, Department of State, and U.S.

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