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Pages 6-8

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 6...
... Day one of the workshop was framed around a hurricane scenario while day two posed a protracted oil spill, emphasizing the various environmental and human health effects that had to be considered, as well as the economic impacts to local industries. GULF RESEARCH PROGRAM Annual Report 2021 6
From page 7...
... Beverly Wright, and Catherine Coleman Flowers -- discussed opportunities to equitably improve conditions in the Gulf of Mexico region, particularly within Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities. Offshore Energy Colloquia Series with the National Academy of Engineering In 2021, the GRP partnered with the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
From page 8...
... In 2021, Thriving Communities webinars featured discussions of research on climate migrants, culturally responsive interventions and strategies for increasing community capacity and resilience in Cambodian and Laotian communities in coastal Alabama, and the process of building a learning collaborative and research network focused on building capacity to test and promote practices that would improve mental health and disaster resilience. GULF RESEARCH PROGRAM Annual Report 2021 8

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