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Appendix D: Closure Reasons for U.S. CIs Using National Association of Scholars Data
Pages 69-82

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From page 69...
... Confucius Institutes (CIs) was compiled by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine staff using data collected by the National Association of Scholars.1 This spreadsheet is not exhaustive, in that it does not contain a listing of every U.S.
From page 70...
... policy government reasons enrollment values/goals Other reason (no public reason, restructuring, etc.) Alabama A&M X X University Arizona State X X University Auburn University at X Montgomery Augusta University X X Baruch College Possible restructuring Binghamton University Broward County Public Schools Bryant University X Possible restructuring California State X University, Long Beach
From page 71...
... With all of the uncertainties these organizational changes bring during these challenging times, CCSU has decided to close its CI on June 30, 2021." – Letter from President Zulma Torro to Hao Pan, CLEC, November 6, 2020 Chicago Public X Schools Clark County School "The main reason was we were not able to get licensable District teachers to teach Chinese in Nevada." – Shannon La Neve, Director of Humanities, Curriculum and Instruction Division, Clark County School District, via phone to Flora Yan, National Association of Scholars Cleveland State X University College of William Possible restructuring and Mary Colorado State X University Columbia University Community College X of Denver 71 continued
From page 72...
... Given the strong and multi faceted links we have developed over the years, including academic collaborations, student exchange and study abroad, and its status as one of the leading institutions for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, BLCU is the ideal partner for us to build on and expand the many achievements of the Georgia State CI. The staff formerly affiliated with the CI will transfer to this new initiative and continue to support teaching and outreach efforts at the university and in the Atlanta community." – Email from Associate Provost for International Initiatives Wolfgang Schlör to undisclosed recipients, August 19, 2020
From page 73...
... Houston Independent School District Indiana University– X Possible restructuring Purdue University Kansas State Possible restructuring University Kennesaw State X University Medgar Evers College Miami Dade College X Miami University Possible restructuring (Ohio) Michigan State X Possible restructuring University Middle Tennessee Possible restructuring State University New Jersey City No stated reason University New Mexico State X X Possible restructuring University North Carolina State Possible restructuring University continued 73
From page 74...
... policy government reasons enrollment values/goals Other reason (no public reason, restructuring, etc.) Northern State X Possible restructuring University Northwest Nazarene X X University Old Dominion X X University Pace University Possible restructuring Pennsylvania State X X University Pfeiffer University "The CI that formerly was located at Pfeiffer moved to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte at that time." – Email from President Colleen Keith to the Wilberforce Institute, June 2018 Portland State X X Possible restructuring University Prairie View A&M X University Presbyterian College X COVID-19 cited Rutgers University X X
From page 75...
... " Instead, the university is "launching a new Chinese Cultural Center." – In "New Chinese, Global Education Center Launched at SDSU," SDSU News Center, August 7, 2019, news_story.aspx? sid=77714 San Francisco State X University Savannah State "Current world circumstances with the force majeure University presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic dictate that we discontinue the collaboration, and close the Confucius Institute at Savannah State University." – Letter from Interim President Kimberly Ballard Washington to Ma Jianfei, CLEC, July 1, 2020 Southern Utah X University St.
From page 76...
... policy government reasons enrollment values/goals Other reason (no public reason, restructuring, etc.) State University of New York Global Center Stony Brook Possible restructuring University Temple University Possible restructuring Texas A&M X Possible restructuring University Texas Southern X University The George Washington University Tufts University "We have decided to focus more on our strong and growing direct relationship with BNU." – James M
From page 77...
... Tulane University No stated reason University at Buffalo X Possible restructuring University of Akron X University of Alaska X Anchorage University of Arizona X University of X California, Davis University of X COVID-19 cited California, Los Angeles University of No stated reason California, Santa Barbara University of Central No statement Arkansas University of Chicago X X University of X "It was simply a decision made due to decreased activity." Delaware – Associate Deputy Provost Ravi Ammigan, quoted in Kirk Smith, "Confucius Institute Set to Close in Early 2020," The Review, October 8, 2019, confucius-institute-set-to-close-inearly-2020/ continued 77
From page 78...
... policy government reasons enrollment values/goals Other reason (no public reason, restructuring, etc.) University of Hawai‘i X Mānoa University of Idaho Possible restructuring University of Illinois X at Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa X University of Kansas X Possible restructuring University of X Kentucky University of X Maryland University of X Possible restructuring Massachusetts Boston University of X Memphis University of Possible restructuring Michigan University of X Minnesota
From page 79...
... University of Missouri X University of Montana X University of X Possible restructuring; COVID-19 Nebraska–Lincoln University of New X Possible restructuring Hampshire University of North X Possible restructuring Carolina at Charlotte University of North X Florida University of X X X Oklahoma University of Oregon X Possible restructuring University of X Pittsburgh University of Rhode X Island University of South Carolina University of South X X Florida continued 79
From page 80...
... policy government reasons enrollment values/goals Other reason (no public reason, restructuring, etc.) University of Southern X X Maine University of X Possible restructuring Tennessee, Knoxville University of Texas at X Possible restructuring Dallas University of Texas at Possible restructuring San Antonio University of Toledo University of Transferred CI to Pacific Lutheran University Washington University of West X Florida University of X X X Wisconsin–Platteville Valparaiso University X X Wayne State Possible restructuring University
From page 81...
... West Virginia X University Western Kentucky X Possible restructuring University Western Michigan X X COVID-19 cited University Xavier University of "The University continues to offer for-credit Chinese Louisiana language courses and the Chinese Minor through its Department of Languages." – "Confucius Institute," Xavier University, TOTAL 31 9 16 9 20 81

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