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5 Case Studies and Effective Strategies
Pages 75-93

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From page 75...
... Title Lead Agency Initiative Description Type of Initiative Issues Addressed Case Study 1: Metropolitan Atlanta MARTA's employee Innovative practice Access to mental health Using Technology to Rapid Transit assistance program and wellness resources Connect Employees Authority (MARTA)
From page 76...
... provides employees and their covered spouses with a one time reward of up to $250 for participation in the Wellness Rewards program. Case Study 4: Indianapolis Public IndyGo offers an on- Innovative practice Barriers to accessing On-Site Health Transportation site health clinic with mental health and Clinic Services Corporation DBA licensed clinical staff, wellness services.
From page 77...
... comfortable, and convenient place to pump while completing a driving shift. Case Study 9: Santa Clara Valley VTA, in collaboration Innovative practice Frontline transit workers Training and Transportation with the ATU Local feel unprepared for their Mentorship for Authority (VTA)
From page 78...
... . Title Lead Agency Initiative Description Type of Initiative Issues Addressed Case Study 12: San Diego MTS provides an Innovative practice Access to mental health Beyond Traditional Metropolitan Transit employee assistance and wellness resources.
From page 79...
... Furthermore, a cross section of volunteers from various departments serves Program Success as "Wellness Ambassadors." The ambassadors provide boots on the ground and establish two-way communications by sharing information about the Because of the agency's innovative agency's health and wellness resources with employees and sharing feedback EAP program, MARTA employees from employees at the monthly Wellness Ambassador committee meetings. have myriad resources available As a committee, ambassadors work to develop solutions to address employee to them 24/7.
From page 80...
... Some of the services offered by The 526 Resiliency Center include • Group counseling; • Individual counseling for children and adults; Program Success • Family counseling; • Trauma counseling; Providing mental health support • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy with a licensed pro following traumatic incidents is fessional, a technique used to reduce emotional responses to trauma; and critical to ensuring that frontline • Workshops on stress management, relationships, coping skills, and self-care. workers are adequately supported.
From page 81...
... In coordination with its health insurance provider, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) provides employees and covered spouses with up to $250 per person, per year for their participation in the Wellness Rewards program.
From page 82...
... Case Study 4: On-Site Health Clinic Services Challenges addressed: Barriers to accessing mental health and wellness services. IndyGo in Indianapolis offers an on-site health clinic with clinical staff, including nurse practi tioners and doctors who are available for appointments (Figure 5.2)
From page 83...
... physicals, and receive some medications free of charge while at work. Services offered by IndyGo's health clinic network include • Physicals and sick visits, Program Success • Chronic condition management, • Behavioral health counseling, Transit workers often must • CDL physicals, navigate schedules that do not • Medications, and make it easy to get regular • Recurring "Lunch and Learn" events, where employees learn about health health checks.
From page 84...
... resources as well as Program Success important health and wellness topics. IndyGo's "Toilet Talk" is a flyer with infor mation on health and wellness topics displayed in restrooms behind plexiglass IndyGo's Toilet Talk program is (Figure 5.3)
From page 85...
... Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) reported employing a Critical Incident Support Team (CIST)
From page 86...
... This will ensure workers feel fully supported and have the resources they need to return to work following an incident. Case Study 7: Red Kite Project Resiliency Training Challenges addressed: Frontline workers lack the tools, training, and resources to deal with the adverse conditions and stress encountered on Program Success the job.
From page 87...
... Case Study 8: Lactation Van for Nursing Operators Challenges addressed: The workplace conditions of frontline transit workers do not accommodate parents and caregivers. TriMet in Portland, Oregon, began noticing that nursing operators were missing work and needed more support to be able to pump while at work.
From page 88...
... • Frontline workers lack clear pathways for career growth. Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
From page 89...
... The mentorship program was initially developed by identifying key transit operators who could act as mentors; these operators demonstrated leadership Program Success skills as well as a commitment to the profession and the community. Mentors VTA's mentorship program were assigned to new operators after the technical training period ended, ensur- provides a career ladder for the ing that those operators who were accepted to the mentorship program were advancement of many frontline committed to working with the agency.
From page 90...
... and other transit agencies to design an approach for solving operator restroom access issues. At the time, SFMTA had staff dedicated to creating and maintaining contracts with local businesses and property owners to use restrooms during -- and sometimes after -- business hours.
From page 91...
... To support the mental health needs of frontline transit workers, the Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100 in New York City developed a union assistance program (UAP)
From page 92...
... Program Success To provide adequate mental health support for transit workers, employees MTS goes beyond traditional can access up to eight counseling sessions per each unique issue each year. EAP services, like mental health Counseling sessions are available for a variety of issues, including anxiety, rela support, by providing access to tionships, depression, stress management, work–life balance, family issues, grief legal, financial, and daily-life and loss, personal development, substance misuse, and many more.
From page 93...
... of transit workers, especially since work–life balance is a challenge for many frontline transit workers.

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