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Appendix D: Assessing Risk
Pages 77-80

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From page 77...
... Long and O'Connell note that "sharp power" as defined by Christopher Walker can "pierce, penetrate, or perforate the political and information environments in the targeted countries" and 77
From page 78...
... 78 FIGURE D-1 Risk assessment decision tree. SOURCE: Peter Dorhout, personal communication, May 4, 2023.
From page 79...
... foreign influence mechanisms are soft or sharp. Nye, for example, contends that a Confucius Institute, the Chinese government-backed language and culture 79 centers which diffused throughout American and Australian university campuses in the first two decades of the 21st century (Luqiu & McCarthy, 2019; Yang, 2010)
From page 80...
... 80 APPENDIX D can be used to "describe the foreign influence approaches of authoritarian regimes that are neither conventionally hard nor soft" (Walker and Ludwig, 2017; Long and O'Connell, 2022)

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