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Pages 84-111

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From page 84...
... 84 A P P E N D I X A Annotated Tables of Airport Economic Impact Studies
From page 85...
... Table A-1. Airport-specific AEISs identified during the literature review.
From page 86...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Alaska McDowell Group Anchorage Development Corporation and Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport 2012 This study aims to conduct an assessment of the economic impact of Lake Hood Seaplane Base, which is recognized as the busiest seaplane base in the world. To measure the economic activity that occurs at Lake Hood, 25 representatives of businesses, agencies and other organizations were interviewed.
From page 87...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software California San Francisco ICF International San Francisco Airport Commission 2019 "This study examines the fiscal year (FY) 2018 economic impacts of the San Francisco International Airport (SFO or "the Airport")
From page 88...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software induced benefits of direct expenditures. Specifically, the modeling process provides estimates that illustrate indirect (supplier)
From page 89...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software multiplier data for the ten-county Air Trade Area specified by the Airport Authority. The multipliers for this study were computed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis using 2002 national benchmark input-output data and 2010 regional data, which are the latest data available.
From page 90...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software impact of non-local domestic and international visitors arriving and departing from MSP, InterVISTAS commissioned an on-site in-terminal survey during the spring of 2017. Wherever possible, the results of this study were validated and measured against recognized and reliable external sources." Montana Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport Kimley-Horn Montana Department of Transportation 2016 "To better understand the value of Montana's airports from the perspective of both economics and community benefits, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT)
From page 91...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software associated with visitors who arrive on privately-owned general aviation aircraft and on scheduled commercial airline flights at SLC." West Virginia Yeager Airport West Virginia University West Virginia International Yaeger Airport 2016 "This report provides an economic impact estimate of the terminal's expansion and associated growth in region on the West Virginia economy." "To estimate the economic impacts of WVIYA, we use a detailed model of the West Virginia economy.1 For example, each year WVIYA and businesses located there purchase a variety of goods and services, such as airplane fuel, utilities, insurance, etc. Also, the airport and associated businesses directly employ hundreds of workers, part of whose income will be spent in the West Virginia economy.
From page 92...
... State Airport Name Agency/ Organization Completing the Study Agency/ Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software • 2015 data obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. • Regional economic multipliers obtained from the industry transaction tables in the Impact Analysis for Planning Model (IMPLAN)
From page 93...
... Table A-2. Regional AEISs identified during the literature review.
From page 94...
... State Geographic Area Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Mississippi Mississippi College of Business Jackson State University Jackson Municipal Airport Authority (JMAA) 2017 "This report provides an estimate of the Total Economic Impact of the Jackson Municipal Airport Authority (JMAA/Authority)
From page 95...
... State Geographic Area Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software salaries account for 71.8 percent of personal income, thus, the airfields generate $55.6 million in total personal income." Nevada Clark County, NV Oxford Economics, England, UK Clark County, Nevada, Department of Aviation 2019 "The purpose of this study was to calculate the economic contribution made by McCarran and its four sister airports to the people and businesses of Clark County, Nevada. In addition to McCarran, there are four other Clark County airports: Henderson Executive Airport, North Las Vegas Airport, Jean Sport Aviation Center and Overton-Perkins Field" "The research began with the collection and analysis of data describing employment and expenditure information for three significant categories of airport activity: • Airline carrier operations • Airport operations (including concessions)
From page 96...
... State Geographic Area Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year of Publication Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software economic modeling) and the "balance sheet" (as measured by the depreciated or useful life value of the Airport's assets)
From page 97...
... Table A-3. Statewide AEISs identified during the literature review.
From page 98...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software specific inputs. Total economic impacts are the sum of direct and multiplier impacts" California ADE, Inc.
From page 99...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Florida Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Transportation 2018 "FDOT Aviation and Spaceports Office conducted this study to better understand the overall role of aviation in the state's economy and inform state decision making. The Study captures both quantitative economic impacts and community benefits through qualitative case studies that describe real life examples of how the aviation industry impacts Florida's businesses and communities.
From page 100...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Illinois Kimley-Horn Illinois Department of Transportation 2022 "The purpose of this study is to assess the economic and social contributions of Illinois airports to the state economy. The study, referred to as the Illinois Aviation Economic Impact Analysis (EIA)
From page 101...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Kansas Burns & MacDonnell Engineering Company, CDM Smith Kansas Department of Transportation - Division of Aviation 2017 "The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic impacts of only the state's 80 public-use airports included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) ." "The total economic impact of the state's 80 NPIAS airports is quantified in terms of employment, payroll, and output.
From page 102...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software on and benefits from its 36 publicly owned commercial service and general aviation airports. To measure the economic benefits attributable to the airports in Maine, the Office of Passenger Transportation undertook an economic impact study.
From page 103...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software effect, which trigger additional impacts. When summed, direct, indirect, and induced impacts equal total annual economic impacts" Mississippi CDM Smith Mississippi Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division 2014 "The goal of this statewide aviation economic impact study is to show how the aviation industry serves as an economic engine for the State.
From page 104...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software total contribution (direct impacts plus the modeled spin-off effects) of airports in the Montana economy." Nebraska George Butler Associates, Olsson Associates, Marr-Arnold Planning, Kimley-Horn, Inc., and Dr.
From page 105...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software New Jersey AECOM New Jersey Department of Transportation Bureau of Aeronautics 2016 "The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) periodically reviews and updates the New Jersey State Airport System Plan (NJSASP)
From page 106...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software New York No Data Aviation Bureau, New York Department of Transportation 2010 "The purpose of this study is to highlight the impacts of the aviation sector - specifically the impacts derived from public-use airports - to the economy of the state. It provides a benchmark of aviation's contribution to our economy in 2009 by looking at the economic activity, jobs, and taxes generated by this sector.
From page 107...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software attempting to get the most return from the limited resources at their disposal. development officials, pilots, aircraft owners, and other aviation system users.
From page 108...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software circulation is commonly referred to as the "multiplier effect.") , and total.
From page 109...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Tennessee Kimley-Horn Tennessee Department of Transportation 2022 To understand how Tennessee's 78 system airports support the economy, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Aeronautics Division undertook this Aviation Economic Impact Study.
From page 110...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software Virginia InterVISTAS Virginia Department of Aviation 2018 The Virginia Department of Aviation prepares this statewide economic impact study periodically to identify the economic benefits associated with nine commercial service and 57 general aviation airports serving communities throughout Virginia. This study focuses on the economic benefits created by the businesses and tenants of Virginia's airports, the visitors who travel through those airports, and the in-state companies who rely on the airports to support and conduct their business.
From page 111...
... State Agency/Organization Completing the Study Agency/Organization Sponsoring the Study Year Stated Objective/Purpose Methodology Modeling Software 72 Wisconsin counties, based upon input-output matrices, was used to measure the multiplier effects related to indirect and induced impacts in this study. This model, the Impact Analysis for Planning (IMPLAN)

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