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Appendix C: Workshop Agenda
Pages 87-92

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From page 87...
... 0 How can the voice and experiences of TBI survivors be more integrated into the development of health informa tion exchange systems? 0 Based on the voices and experiences of TBI survivors, what recommendations should health care providers and policy makers consider to ensure that TBI patients receive cohesive and coordinated care?
From page 88...
... • Discuss the anticipated trajectory of learning health systems over the coming years, and how they can transform the over all health care landscape. • Review how the National Academies 2022 consensus study report Traumatic Brain Injury: A Roadmap for Accelerating Progress provides recommendations for care and research improvements involving learning health systems.
From page 89...
... 0 What partnerships are needed to help learning health care systems implement evidence-based care delivery innovations? 0 What strategies are needed to ensure that data drives policy, and that policy drives continuous improvement in care and research systems?
From page 90...
... 0 What are the key lessons learned? 1:00 SESSION INTRODUCTIONS Nsini Umoh, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 1:05 EXEMPLARS OF LEARNING HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS IN TBI Jennifer Bogner, Ohio State University Medical Center Joseph Giacino, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and Harvard Medical School Katharine Stout, Department of Defense 1:55 MODERATED DISCUSSION/AUDIENCE Q&A 2:40 BREAK SESSION 6: DATA CAPTURE, SURVEILLANCE, AND SUPPORTING COMMUNITY-BASED CARE Session Objectives: • Understand how the CDC performs data capture and surveil lance to inform public health strategies and support commu nity-based care.
From page 91...
... 3:20 LEARNING HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS TO SUPPORT COMMUNITY-BASED CARE Rebeccah Wolfkiel, National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (moderator) Christiane Miller, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services 3:40 LEARNING HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS FOR TBI IN THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Joel Scholten, Department of Veterans Affairs (moderator)
From page 92...
... 4:20 SESSION INTRODUCTION Monique Pappadis, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (virtual) 4:25 PATIENT/PROVIDER EDUCATION, RESOURCE FACILITATION, AND SYSTEMS CAPACITY BUILDING IN COMMUNITY FOR BRAIN INJURY Peggy Reisher, Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska 4:40 MODERATED DISCUSSION/AUDIENCE Q&A 4:50 CONCLUDING REMARKS Corinne Peek-Asa, University of California, San Diego; Workshop Chair; Cochair, Forum on Traumatic Brain Injury 5:00 ADJOURN

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