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Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 9-16

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From page 9...
... focused solely on Confucius Institutes (CIs) -- Chinese ­government-funded centers established to extend the reach of Chinese language and culture and to enhance worldwide opinion of China by offering classes in Mandarin Chinese and highlighting positive aspects of Chinese culture -- this sec ond report focuses on foreign-funded language and culture institutes more broadly.
From page 10...
... national security. The committee notes that one source of the cautionary view about CIs was the values espoused and actions by the Chinese government and the associated effects on human rights and the rights of Chinese students and scholars on U.S.
From page 11...
... . To carry out this charge, the National Academies formed a committee of ­leaders and scholars that included higher education administrators and ­researchers, science and technology policy experts, foreign language and China experts, inter national programs experts, and national security experts.
From page 12...
... As the Confucius Institute program evolves, these characteristics and features will allow academic institutions and DOD to identify programs that may not meet academic criteria for openness and independence in education and research. Additionally, the committee will identify best practices and principles regard ing appropriate operations for U.S.
From page 13...
... institutions of higher education; determine which attributes may serve as flags and require deliberation and vetting prior to entering into a partnership; identify implementable practices and principles regarding appropriate operations for U.S. colleges and universities; and continue exploring what role the sensitivity of research conducted on campus should play in determining which foreign-funded language and culture institutes are appropriate.
From page 14...
... This report demonstrates there are specific steps U.S. colleges and universities can take to minimize risks associated with hosting foreign-funded language and culture institutions, such as a CI, on or near campus and protect academic freedom and national security.
From page 15...
... , the committee finds it is possible to implement measures on campus to mitigate -- but not to fully eliminate -- the risks associated with the presence of a foreign-funded language and culture institute and protect academic freedom, freedom of expression and dissent, and national security. Therefore, the committee developed recommendations that U.S.

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