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1 Summary
Pages 1-2

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 1...
... known to have an interest in transportation GHG, climate, and/or equity issues; two peer exchanges with State DOTs, one focused on GHG emissions and one on climate change effects, to discuss current approaches and needs for additional guidance and resources; and pilot applications of the complete draft guide with two State DOTs, each including a series of three to five workshops focusing on various elements of the guide. Key Findings The review and outreach found that many State DOTs are working to incorporate the treatment of GHG emissions, climate change effects, or both in project planning and environmental reviews.
From page 2...
... No States were identified that had developed guidance or procedures for addressing equity or environmental justice related to GHG emissions or climate change effects specifically within the context of environmental reviews, and no environmental documents were identified where an explicit linkage had been made. Suggestions for Additional Research The research findings suggest that the following additional research may be helpful to State DOTs to further enhance their ability to consider GHG emissions and climate change effects in environmental reviews.

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