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Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 1-10

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From page 1...
... The workshop, held virtually May 2–3, 2022, highlighted promising financial and supportive services and programs throughout various stages of career development. Sessions followed student progression through the major stages of education and career development, 1  This proceedings refers to Black men and Black women (or African American, a person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa)
From page 2...
... Bias, Financing, Stakeholder Engagement, Mentoring and Advising, PreK–Graduate Education, COVID-19, and Systemic Change to Overcome Psychological Barriers to Success. The action groups foster information gathering and development of evidence-based approaches; engage with key stakeholders and the broader community of scientists, clinicians, engineers, and administrators; and
From page 3...
... and highlighted how her experience as a student shaped her political and professional life. As president of the Black Student Union at Mills College, she invited Rep.
From page 4...
... The workshop will also examine recent shifts in SEM employ ment trends; the roles of SEM professional societies in setting and obtaining diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultural goals; and how diverse funding streams might help address remaining needs. ­Specific attention will be given to the educational context, such as the experiences of Black students at Predominately White Institu tions and how Historically Black Colleges and Universities contrib ute to SEM ecosystem.
From page 5...
... Sullivan reminded participants of the Flexner Report from 1910. While the report called for a larger scientific basis for medical education, it cut off opportunities for Black physicians by closing five of the seven predominantly Black medical schools at the time.
From page 6...
... ) , underscored the significance of the Roundtable and the recognition that the National Academies created a way to focus on Black men and Black women.
From page 7...
... They include setting high expectations, promoting enthusiasm for research early, devel oping a community of people who work together, enabling scientists to produce scientists, providing financial and emotional support, and conduct ing rigorous evaluation. While he celebrated UMBC graduate Kizzmekia Corbett, Ph.D., as the first Black woman in the world to create a vaccine, he also noted the need to have a pipeline of students, rather than focus on exceptions.
From page 8...
... A program similar to the National Science Foundation's ADVANCE, which has been ongoing since 2001 to increase the representation and advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers, may be a way to do that.7 Students need mentors, but they also need champions or advocates who will knock down doors for them and help them move toward becoming independent investigators and tenured faculty. He said he was encouraged by HHMI's $2 billion initiative that seeks to influence academic science at critical stages from undergraduate through tenured faculty to meaningfully advance inclusion and equity.8 Foundations and federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation and NIH, as well as professional societies and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, can build coherence and coordination.
From page 9...
... In accordance with the policies of the National Academies, workshop participants did not attempt to establish any conclusions or recommendations about needs and future directions, focusing instead on issues discussed by the speakers and workshop participants. In addition, the planning committee's role was limited to planning the workshop.

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