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23 results for "artificial intelligence"
Award type
Opportunity details
Next required due date
Cooperative Agreement

Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase II (PIPP Phase II Centers Program) | NSF 23-608

Synopsis of Program: Despite decades of research, scientists do not fully understand the dynamic nature of pathogen and disease emergence. Emerging (and re-emerging) pathogens represent a continuing risk to national security because they threaten health (animal, human, and ecosystem) and...
Current But No Longer Receiving Proposals
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (EFRI): Biocomputing through EnGINeering Organoid Intelligence (BEGIN OI) | NSF 24-508

Supports foundational and transformative research to advance the design, engineering and fabrication of organoid systems that are capable of processing information dynamically while interfacing with non-living systems.

Posted January 27, 2005
Letter of Intent Deadline:
September 12, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant

Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) | NSF 23-630

Supports research on what constitutes and promotes responsible research conduct and how to instill that knowledge in researchers, practitioners and educators across all career stages.

Full Proposal Target Date
January 23, 2025
Cooperative Agreement

Synthesis Center for Understanding Organismal Resilience | NSF 23-564

Supports the establishment of a new Synthesis Center focused on organismal resilience and plasticity as well as training new generations of researchers in data-intensive, open, cross-disciplinary and collaborative science.

Posted December 23, 2008
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Emerging Mathematical Tools applied to Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease | NSF 24-067

Encourages proposals that enhance our knowledge of pathogen transmission dynamics through novel technologies, such as remote sensing, precision treatment and mathematical or computational models, including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Emerging Mathematics in Biology (eMB) | NSF 24-513

Supports research in mathematical biology that addresses significant biological questions by applying nontrivial mathematics or developing new theories — particularly from foundational mathematics, including artificial intelligence or machine learning.

Standard Grant

Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT) | NSF 24-524

Supports research, implementation and education projects involving multi-sector teams that focus on the responsible design, development or deployment of technologies.

Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Future Manufacturing (FM) | NSF 24-525

Supports research and education to overcome barriers and enable new manufacturing capabilities. Focuses on cybermanufacturing, eco-manufacturing and biomanufacturing.

Posted April 21, 2014
Full Proposal Deadline:
January 13, 2025
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Supporting Research at the Intersection of Agricultural Science, Big Data, Informatics, and Smart Communities, a joint effort between NSF and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) | NSF 19-051

Encourages proposals that combine methods in agricultural, biological, and computer and information science and engineering to address pressing challenges in digital agriculture.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS): Innovative Solutions to Climate Change | NSF 21-124

Encourages proposals focused on developing novel approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

See letter for details
Dear Colleague Letter

Leadership-Class Computing Facility Application Team Partners | NSF 21-040

Dear Colleagues: For almost four decades, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has played a leading role in provisioning advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) capabilities for our nation's researchers to advance science and engineering (S&E) discovery and innovation. Today, as part of a...
See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

UKRI/BBSRC- NSF/BIO Lead Agency Opportunity in Biological Informatics, Systems Understanding of Host-Microbe Interactions, Synthetic Cells and Cellular Systems, and Synthetic Microbial Communities | NSF 24-112

Encourages transatlantic collaborative research proposals in the biological sciences focused on areas at the intersection of the National Science Foundation and the UK Research and Innovation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Strengthening the Evidence Base Related to Broadening the Participation of LGBTQI+ Individuals in STEM | NSF 24-101

Encourages proposals for activities that inform and support efforts to increase the participation, inclusion and well-being of all, to include LGBTQI+ individuals in STEM to promote a diverse and innovative science and engineering workforce.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Leveraging Innovations From Evolution (LIFE) | NSF 24-049

Encourages research proposals using comparative approaches to identify evolutionary convergent adaptations to life’s challenges and the mechanisms that underlie them.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Designing Synthetic Cells Beyond the Bounds of Evolution (Designer Cells) | NSF 24-505

Supports research that designs and builds synthetic or artificial cells or cell-like systems to explore questions about biological function or evolution of life processes, as well as for biotechnology applications.

Standard Grant

Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Core Research (FW-HTF) | NSF 23-543

Supports research on the interaction of technology and people in the workplace, with a focus on the design of intelligent technologies and work organization that improves the quality of work, ensures worker safety, and enhances societal impact.

Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Innovative Use of Scientific Collections (IUSC) | NSF 24-069

Encourages proposals that foster innovative and diverse uses of collections and/or associated digital data for novel research, education and training applications within and across STEM.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Sentinel Systems that Detect, Recognize, Actuate, and Mitigate Emergent Biological Threats (DREAM Sentinels) | NSF 22-077

Encourages the submission of interdisciplinary proposals to develop novel all-in-one biosensing and actuating technologies for rapidly evolving or emerging biological threats.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Workforce Development in Spectrum STEM | NSF 22-095

Invites supplemental funding requests from active awardees of several NSF programs to support research, training, public outreach and workshops relating to development of the spectrum workforce.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Future Proofing Plants to a Changing Climate | NSF 23-096

Supports collaborative research involving scientists from the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom in two focus areas: multi-scale crop physiology or programmable plants.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Veterans Research Supplement (VRS) Program | NSF 23-161

Invites supplemental funding requests from awardees of specific NSF programs to provide research opportunities to veterans who are undergraduate and graduate students, K-12 teachers or community college faculty.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

UKRI/BBSRC - NSF/BIO Lead Agency Opportunity in Biological Informatics, Systems Understanding of Host-Microbe Interactions, Synthetic Cells and Cellular Systems, and Synthetic Microbial Communities | NSF 23-143

Invites transatlantic collaborative research proposals that address the priorities of both UK Research and Innovation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and participating Divisions in NSF’s Directorate for Biological Sciences.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) | NSF 24-510

Supports collaborative research projects and the sharing of data and other resources for the study of computational neuroscience.

Posted January 28, 2005
Full Proposal Deadline:
November 13, 2024