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104 results for ""
Award type
Opportunity details
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Cooperative Agreement

Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) | NSF 24-599

Supports large-scale interdisciplinary research projects focused on advancing quantum information science, engineering and technology through collaboration, education and innovation, as part of the National Quantum Initiative.

Posted April 21, 2014
Letter of Intent Deadline:
February 7, 2025
  • Letter of intent required
  • Preliminary proposal required
Standard Grant

U.S. National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program | NSF 24-597

Supports interdisciplinary, evidence-based traineeships that advance ways for graduate students in research-based master's and doctoral degree programs to pursue a range of STEM careers.

Full Proposal Deadline:
November 14, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Research Coordination Network for a University-Community Climate Action Network (RCN-UCCAN) | NSF 24-115

Encourages proposals to form a national network of professionals focused on developing new connections and partnerships for climate action through university-community partnerships.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

Regional Resilience Innovation Incubator (R2I2) | NSF 24-595

Supports collaborative, community-engaged initiatives to develop and implement scalable solutions to climate-related challenges by translating recent research advancements in climate and Earth system science into practical applications.

Letter of Intent Deadline:
December 16, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Supplemental Funding
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Strengthening the Evidence Base Related to Broadening the Participation of LGBTQI+ Individuals in STEM | NSF 24-101

Encourages proposals for activities that inform and support efforts to increase the participation, inclusion and well-being of all, to include LGBTQI+ individuals in STEM to promote a diverse and innovative science and engineering workforce.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Supplemental Funding Opportunity: NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Training for Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) Recipients | NSF 24-110

Encourages supplemental funding requests from POSE recipients to complete the mandatory I-Corps Training, which is focused on developing robust and sustainable open-source ecosystems.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Planning Grants to Create Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Ready Test Beds | NSF 24-111

Encourages Planning Grants that expand existing test beds and infrastructure to make them AI-ready and appropriate for use in evaluating the impact and effect of AI tools and systems on users.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Supplemental Funding Requests to Conduct Experimental Research on the NSF-funded Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) | NSF 24-100

Encourages supplemental funding requests from active NSF-funded wireless researchers to conduct experiments on NSF’s Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research.

See letter for details

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) | NSF 24-591

Supports fellowships for outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time, research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering or math or STEM education.

Posted March 30, 2005
Full Proposal Deadline:
October 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP) | NSF 24-588

Supports institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions by providing funding for graduate fellowships for new or continuing students who received the distinction of NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention within the last three years.

Full Proposal Deadline:
October 2, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Cooperative Agreement

NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory - Quantum Testbeds (NQVL) | NSF 24-586

Supports the design and implementation of Quantum Science and Technology Demonstration projects as part of the National Quantum Virtual Laboratory program.

Full Proposal Target Date
April 1, 2025
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Practice (PDaSP) | NSF 24-585

Supports the advancement of privacy-enhancing technologies and their use to solve real-world problems. Aligned with a recent executive order on AI, PDaSP will enhance the ability to privately share and analyze data for a range of use cases and applications.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 27, 2024

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Fast-Track Pilot Programs (SBIR-STTR Fast-Track) | NSF 24-582

Supports startups and small businesses in developing products and services with commercial and societal impact based on research funded by NSF within the last five years.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 18, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

SBIR/STTR Phase IIB Supplemental Funding Requests | NSF 24-095

Encourages supplemental funding requests from small businesses with an active SBIR/STTR Phase II award to build on Phase II development achievements and accelerate technology commercialization.

See letter for details

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Phase II Programs (SBIR/STTR Phase II) | NSF 24-580

Supports startups and small businesses to transform scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. Phase II funding goes to further the development of a proof-of-concept or prototype created with Phase I funding.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 18, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I Programs (SBIR/STTR Phase I) | NSF 24-579

Supports startups and small businesses to transform scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. Phase I funding goes to build a proof-of-concept.

Full Proposal Deadline:
September 18, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (Hydrogen INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity | NSF 24-087

Encourages supplemental funding requests to provide graduate student internship and training opportunities focused on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies to foster the growth of a competitive and diverse research workforce.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Graduate Research Internships at National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NSF-NIBIB/BETA INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity | NSF 24-083

Invites supplemental funding requests from active NSF recipients to provide graduate students with research internships and professional development opportunities in biomedical engineering.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics (MFS-SPEED) | NSF 24-567

Supports cross-disciplinary, collaborative research focused on the discovery and ultimate manufacturing of new sustainable polymers or sustainable pathways to existing polymers using state-of-the-art data science.

Letter of Intent Deadline:
December 5, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

IUCRC Proposals for Research and Thought Leadership on Insurance Risk Modeling and Underwriting Related to Terrorism and Catastrophic Cyber Risks: A Joint NSF and U.S. Department of the Treasury Federal Insurance Office Call | NSF 24-082

Supports the formation of Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers that focus on pre-competitive, use-inspired research and thought leadership on terrorism and catastrophic cyber insurance modeling to strengthen the U.S. financial system and economy.

See letter for details
Continuing Grant

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Institutional Partnership Pilot Program | NSF 24-566

Supports graduate student research and education projects with high industry relevance through partnerships between non-R1 institutions, institutions with existing or completed NRT projects, and industry partners.

Cooperative Agreement

NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) | NSF 24-565

Supports multi-sector coalitions focused on accelerating technology, workforce development and economic growth within a particular region of service.

Full Proposal Deadline:
February 11, 2025
  • Preliminary proposal required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Catalyzing human-centered solutions through research and innovation in science, the environment and society | NSF 24-074

Invites planning proposals for interdisciplinary research to create evidence-based solutions that strengthen human resilience, security, and quality of life by addressing seemingly intractable challenges that confront society.

See letter for details
Standard Grant

Data Science Corps (DSC) | NSF 24-560

Supports data science education and training by engaging students in real-world implementation projects in partnership with organizations and communities — helping to build a strong national data science infrastructure and workforce.

Posted April 21, 2014
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Funding Opportunities for Science and Engineering Research with Impact on Women's Health | NSF 24-068

Encourages research and education proposals related to women's health topics, from the molecular to the ecosystem level, including input from the full range of science, engineering and education that NSF supports.

See letter for details