
Read Today's Newsletter

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 7 Mar 22

Read today's newsletter here:
It's filled with great information including a Town Council meeting recap, information about upcoming Ride & Drive Clean events, Little League opening day, classes and more!

If you do not already receive the newsletter in your inbox, subscribe here:

7 Mar 22 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

Read the February 28th Town Newsletter

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 1 Mar 22
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

Read this week's Town Newsletter here:

It's filled with helpful information about this week's Town Council meeting, a warm welcome for our new Town Manager, Heather Abrams as well as two new staff members, our Climate Action Coordinator and Administrative Analyst, upcoming events, classes and more!

If you don't already receive the newsletter in your inbox, sign up here:

1 Mar 22 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

Update on SFD Road Work from our Interim Public Works Director, Jonathon Goldman:

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 10 Jan 22
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

Work continues on the emergency repairs resulting from the December 13th sinkhole discovery.

Work remaining to be completed includes:
• A second layer of structural connection between the failed unreinforced concrete wall and the steel sheet pile wall,
• backfilling of the excavation,
• forming and pouring of a replacement pedestrian sidewalk (owing to its importance as a route serving Oak Manor and White Hill schools),
• thrie-beam guardrail re-installation, and
• fencing reinstallation.

Maggiora & Ghilotti will grind and place finish grade asphalt and restore pavement markings once the last of the work necessitating lane closures has been completed. The weather forecast is good. Subcontractor availability is becoming an issue but we are continuing to emphasize the need to get work completed quickly. I now anticipate that all work will be completed by January 19th. I recognize that having the lane closed and the traffic signals flashing red remains an inconvenience but every hour of work that can be completed during the workday is an hour sooner that all of the traffic restrictions can be removed and traffic flow for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists can return to normal.

Edited 10 Jan 22 · Posted Jan 10, 2022 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

SFD Road Work Update

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 5 Jan 22
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

A brief status update from our Interim Public Works Director, Jonathon Goldman, on our sinkhole repair project. Curb and gutter were poured yesterday. Asphalt is being laid and compacted today but will not be the finished surface – BUMP AHEAD signage will be placed. The plastic K-rail traffic barriers will be moved from the center line to the lip of gutter and filled with reclaimed water later today. The plan is for the robotic one-lane traffic flagger lights to be turned off and the Creekside eastbound lane of SFD temporarily re-opened to traffic at the end of the workday today. The traffic signal at Oak Manor will remain on three-way flash to continue to calm traffic and prevent conflict with the flagger signals when they are operating. One-lane traffic will be reestablished during the work day tomorrow and for several more days while additional work is completed including:

• Completing the structural connections between the failed unreinforced concrete wall and the steel sheet pile wall,
• Backfilling of that excavation,
• Forming and pouring of a replacement pedestrian sidewalk (owing to its importance as a route serving Oak Manor and White Hill schools),
• Thrie-beam guardrail re-installation, and
• Fencing reinstallation.

Maggiora & Ghilotti will grind and place finish grade asphalt and restore pavement markings once the last of the work necessitating lane closures has been completed. Weather and subcontractor availability permitting, we anticipate that all work will be completed by January 15th.

Photo Credit: Restoration Design Group

5 Jan 22 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

Sir Francis Drake Lane Closure Update

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 30 Dec 21
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

Update as of this morning, from our Interim Public Works Director, Jonathon Goldman:

The helical anchors have been installed, steel sheets are being welded over the gaps in the new sheet pile wall and the steel walers are expected to be installed by the end of day tomorrow (Friday). Paving and curb and gutter construction are somewhat weather-dependent but planned for early next week. The closed lane will be open (once paved) when work is not being performed but the lane will be closed when the connection between the new wall and the old one is being made and for construction of sidewalk and the necessary fencing.

30 Dec 21 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

Update on Sir Francis Drake Lane Closure

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 22 Dec 21
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

Update as of this morning, from our Interim Public Works Director, Jonathon Goldman:

Sheet pile installation was completed yesterday before any significant rainfall.  The site was prepared for today’s activity which is primarily the installation of helical anchors that will be drilled under the roadway to tie back the sheet piles.  The helical anchors will pass above the fiber optic cable under the work site, and well below the gas and water mains located on the easterly side of SFD.  Those lines have been marked and will be exposed by vacuum excavation to ensure that they are not so deep as to potentially conflict with the easterly ends of the drilled anchors.  The anchors will not extend past the limits of the public right-of-way. 

The steel walers (“C-channel”) delivered for the tie-backs to pull against, and to bolt onto the failed concrete wall, were not what was ordered.  The correct material is being picked up in Stockton and delivered later today or first thing tomorrow (Thursday).  It is anticipated that the sheet pile wall will be tied back and steel plates welded to prevent backfill from being eroded away at the end of the day Thursday or Monday morning.  Because the roadway cannot be open by Christmas, I have asked that no work take place Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or Sunday the 26th (Kwanzaa).  This will allow the construction workers, who have worked every day since the 13,th some time for their families, make their work safer when they return, allow our supply chain to catch up, and hopefully allow weather conditions to warm up enough for hot mix asphalt paving to take place during the week of December 27th through the 31st.

22 Dec 21 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

Update on Sir Francis Drake Sinkhole

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 19 Dec 21
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

At the December 15th Town Council meeting the Council adopted a resolution declaring a local emergency at or near 2378 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, Fairfax, and authorized the Emergency Procurement of Materials and Labor without Competitive Bidding.

Crews from Maggiora & Ghilotti have been working on securing the retaining wall through the weekend. They are attempting to finish the work before our next weather system comes through this week. Traffic will be limited to one lane as the crews work on the site.

Read the staff report declaring the local state of emergency here:

Check the Town's website for updates on Monday December 20th. In the meantime, please avoid the area if possible or take alternate routes.

19 Dec 21 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General

Storm Update – Avoid the 2300 block of Sir Francis Drake – Failed Retaining Wall.

Communications Specialist Camille Esposito from Town of Fairfax · 13 Dec 21
Photo from Communications Specialist Camille E.

Avoid This Area If Possible
We have a failed retaining wall at the 2300 block of Sir Francis Drake that requires an emergency repair.

There is a massive void under the sidewalk and at least a part of the eastbound lane, that appears to be at least 15-feet deep. The roadway could collapse literally at any time as the creek flow continues to wash out dirt from behind the wall and under the road.

Based on our Public Works Director, Jonathon Goldman, and our Town Engineer Mike Jewett, of Miller Pacific, the retaining wall is an imminent threat to life and property, requiring the Town the close down one lane of traffic on Sir Francise Drake BLVD. Construction equipment is staged and ready to start work tomorrow morning at 8 AM. The project may take up to 2 days to complete but depends on what the engineers find once they open up the roadway.

Please plan to avoid the area, if possible, over the next few days.

Read more in today's newsletter:

Edited 13 Dec 21 · Posted Dec 14, 2021 Subscribers of Town of Fairfax in General
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