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Jamaal Bowman loses re-election: Letters to the Editor — June 28, 2024

NY Post readers discuss Jamaal Bowman’s defeat in the NY-16 Democratic primary election by George Latimer.

Nobel-winning hack attack, SCOTUS defies extremism tag and other commentary

For all the claims that the “conservative majority is both extreme and radical,” the truth is that “the justices agree a lot of the time.” I.e., “of the 18 rulings...

Mayorkas deserves the blame for murders, crime by illegal immigrants

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visited “the border” on Wednesday and absolved himself of all responsibility for the dangers presented by massive illegal immigration.

Here's who will win the first presidential debate

Every pundit across these United States is fielding the same question right now: Who is going to win Thursday night’s debate?

Judge Judy knew she made it big when she went from secondhand clothes to designer shoes

Judge Judy told The Post's Cindy Adams that she realized she was successful when she could afford Robert Clergerie shoes.

Is Janet Yellen a callous millionaire who feels no pain from inflation — or just a liar?

Janet Yellen might actually have been telling the truth Monday when she claimed she isn’t shocked by skyrocketing grocery prices.

Supreme Court censorship ruling lets Biden muzzle us online

On the eve of the first presidential debate of 2024, the Supreme Court preemptively gave President Biden and his minions an implicit license to meddle in the election — by...

Pride flag 'desecration'? Time to separate sex and state

As cities repaint crosswalks with the colors, stripes and chevrons of the LGBTQ flag, we have, in effect, a new kind of blasphemy law prohibiting insults against gay symbols instead...

Don't be fooled, New York, the far left is still rising AND setting Democrats' agenda

Moderate Democrats are crowing that the resounding 17-point defeat of Rep. Jamaal Bowman shows the center is holding and rising.

Amazon censoring the 'Full Metal Jacket' movie poster proves how screwed up our priorities are

Actor Matthew Modine is right to criticize Amazon for erasing the phrase "Born to Kill'' from the iconic "Full Metal Jacket" movie poster.

Biden's open border has infected America with 'femicide' plague

“Femicide” -- the wanton assault, rape and murder of girls and women due to their gender -- is a cultural epidemic in Latin America, according to the UN. Now it's...

Prepping for Trump vs. Biden debate: Letters to the Editor — June 27, 2024

Readers discuss the lead-up to the first debate between President Biden and Donald Trump on CNN.

Hunter Biden laptop liars sold out their country while working for the CIA

The Hunter Biden laptop letter was organized by an active CIA contractor and signed by others, all in an effort to run a disinfo op against the American people.

DA Bragg lets protesters off the hook: Letters to the Editor — June 26, 2024

NY Post readers discuss District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s decision to drop charges against 31 anti-Israel protesters and the MTA’s decision to stop an ADA accessibility project due to the congestion...

What to ask Biden and Trump at Thursday night's CNN debate: 'Let's try to be fair'

The debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump on CNN Thursday night ought to be more than rehearsed answers and soundbites we've heard before.

Hopefully Jamaal Bowman's defeat is the first against the radical left 'Squad'

One Squad member down, eight to go.

Biden is risking it all, including his nomination, just to debate Trump

The media are boosting their candidate because they hate Trump as much as Biden does.

Tom Selleck and 'Blue Bloods' crew to celebrate after filming series finale

Tom Selelck and his crew quietly marked the finale of his 15 TV years playing NYC police commish Frank Reagan on "Blue Bloods."

Trump could be his own worst debate enemy vs. flailing Biden

What should worry supporters of Biden and Trump as their first 2024 debate approaches is what they each can do to themselves. 

NY pols' 'cooling center' cold shoulder is shameful

Mayor Adams' office sent out an appeal to 225 local elected officials and staffers to offer their offices as "cooling centers" to the public, and only six responded.