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My husband talked me into having kids — now I miss my old life

She admitted that she had never planned to have kids, but after meeting her husband, his desire for children and societal expectations "talked her into it."

Elon Musk's 12 kids and counting: What to know about the Tesla billionaire's big brood

Elon Musk, worth $207 billion, has fathered six kids in the past five years — including three with Neuralink exec Shivon Zilis.

I told my friend to take her son to the doctor for his horrible behavior -- here was her reaction

Parenting is a tough gig, and while we might have differing views and opinions on how to do the ‘hardest job in the world’ is it ever okay to openly judge a friend’s...

I felt a pop in my leg at 34 weeks pregnant — now I'm lucky to be alive

The mom-to-be had experienced on-and-off pain in her left leg throughout her pregnancy, but a seemingly harmless movement on the couch led to a medical emergency that would almost take...

The top Disney-inspired baby names revealed — see which states are the most obsessed

New Yorkers with newborns want to be part of that world.

Broke women prefer more feminine facial features over manly men: study

If dude looks like a lady he might be Mr. Right.

Frugal mom breaks down hidden daily costs that adds up to thousands

A recent post in the Moms on a Budget Facebook group has sparked a heated discussion about everyday spending habits. 

Former paramedic reveals the child's bruise no parent should ever ignore

Bruising, cuts and scrapes all form part of a normal kids’ life, and if you have active little ones who love to run, jump or climb, you will have seen plenty of...

I refused to do housework just days after I gave birth—my husband can’t cope

The original poster then says her husband "begged her" to help out with the son and also help with some light cleaning after she recently gave birth.

Mom reveals 'magic' cleaning hack for stained clothing: 'How do I not know this?'

"Am I seriously just finding this out after I've had 4 kids & thrown out so many clothes over the years," sighed one mom.

My best friend had a shocking reaction when I told her I was becoming a grandmother

Sharing good news with a best friend should be a happy occasion and something you can both celebrate. But for one upset woman and soon-to-be grandmother, her joyful announcement caused friction with her...

'I'm OK being the bad guy': I refuse to let my wife's family feed my child

When it comes to your kids, your family is always the one who loves to push your boundaries and limits, especially around food.

I confronted a mother after hearing what she said to her daughter

A woman has proudly shared how she confronted a mother who was fat-shaming her own daughter.

Dad slammed after refusing to take daughter to birthday party: 'Been to plenty already'

In any parenting couple, sometimes tasks are based on people’s strengths, and sometimes they’re based on the other person’s downright refusal to do it.

'Entitled' people are 'claiming' baby names before they're even expecting — and parents-to-be are pissed: 'It's really weird'

"These women are not pregnant, they may never have a son, and yet they're telling us what we can and can't name our child," an unnamed future dad complained.

Pilot shares hacks to stop babies crying on planes — and one is 'out there'

Traveling with babies can be quite a hassle -- especially at 30,000 feet. The change in pressure during takeoff is uncomfortable for a majority of passengers, but while older children...