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CODE: 81008
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TITLE: First-Line Supervisors and Manager/Supervisors- Production and Operating Workers

DEFINITION: Directly supervise and coordinate activities of production and operating workers, such as testers, precision workers, machine setters and operators, assemblers, fabricators, or plant and system operators. Manager/Supervisors are generally found in smaller establishments where they perform both supervisory and management functions, such as accounting, marketing, and personnel work, and may also engage in the same production work as the workers they supervise. Exclude work leaders who spend 20 percent or more of their time at tasks similar to those of employees under their supervision and include them in the occupations which are most closely related to their specific work duties.



    1. Direct and coordinate the activities of employees engaged in production or processing of goods.

    2. Plans and establishes work schedules, assignments, and production sequences, to meet production goals.

    3. Calculates labor and equipment requirements and production specifications, using standard formulas.

    4. Determines standards, production and rates based on company policy, equipment and labor availability, and workload.

    5. Reviews operations and accounting records or reports to determine the feasibility of production estimates and evaluate current production.

    6. Confers with management or subordinates to resolve worker problems, complaints, or grievances.

    7. Confers with other supervisors to coordinate operations and activities within departments or between departments.

    8. Reads and analyzes charts, work orders, or production schedules to determine production requirements.

    9. Maintains operations data, such as time, production, and cost records and prepares management reports.

    10. Recommends or implements measures to motivate employees and improve production methods, equipment performance, product quality, or efficiency.

    11. Requisitions materials, supplies, equipment parts, or repair services.

    12. Interprets specifications, blueprints, job orders, and company policies and procedures for workers.

    13. Inspects materials, products, or equipment to detect defects or malfunctions.

    14. Demonstrates equipment operations or work procedures to new employees or assigns employees to experienced workers for training.

    15. Monitors or patrols work area and enforces safety or sanitation regulations.

    16. Monitor gauges, dials, and other indicators to ensure operators conform to production or processing standards.

    17. Sets up and adjusts machines and equipment.

    Knowledge elements are ranked by importance.

    96 Production and Processing
    Knowledge of inputs, outputs, raw materials, waste, quality control, costs, and techniques for maximizing the manufacture and distribution of goods

    88 Administration and Management
    Knowledge of principles and processes involved in business and organizational planning, coordination, and execution. This includes strategic planning, resource allocation, manpower modeling, leadership techniques, and production methods

    71 Personnel and Human Resources
    Knowledge of policies and practices involved in personnel/human resource functions. This includes recruitment, selection, training, and promotion regulations and procedures; compensation and benefits packages; labor relations and negotiation strategies; and personnel information systems

    67 Education and Training
    Knowledge of instructional methods and training techniques including curriculum design principles, learning theory, group and individual teaching techniques, design of individual development plans, and test design principles

    67 Mathematics
    Knowledge of numbers, their operations, and interrelationships including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications

    58 Economics and Accounting
    Knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices, the financial markets, banking, and the analysis and reporting of financial data

    50 English Language
    Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar

    46 Public Safety and Security
    Knowledge of weaponry, public safety, and security operations, rules, regulations, precautions, prevention, and the protection of people, data, and property

    46 Psychology
    Knowledge of human behavior and performance, mental processes, psychological research methods, and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders

    46 Engineering and Technology
    Knowledge of equipment, tools, mechanical devices, and their uses to produce motion, light, power, technology, and other applications

    42 Sales and Marketing
    Knowledge of principles and methods involved in showing, promoting, and selling products or services. This includes marketing strategies and tactics, product demonstration and sales techniques, and sales control systems

    38 Mechanical
    Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, benefits, repair, and maintenance

    38 Communications and Media
    Knowledge of media production, communication, and dissemination techniques and methods including alternative ways to inform and entertain via written, oral, and visual media

    33 Clerical
    Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing systems, filing and records management systems, stenography and transcription, forms design principles, and other office procedures and terminology

    29 Law, Government and Jurisprudence
    Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process

    29 Design
    Knowledge of design techniques, principles, tools and instruments involved in the production and use of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models

    29 Physics
    Knowledge and prediction of physical principles, laws, and applications including air, water, material dynamics, light, atomic principles, heat, electric theory, earth formations, and meteorological and related natural phenomena

    21 Computers and Electronics
    Knowledge of electric circuit boards, processors, chips, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming

    21 Sociology and Anthropology
    Knowledge of group behavior and dynamics, societal trends and influences, cultures, their history, migrations, ethnicity, and origins

    17 Building and Construction
    Knowledge of materials, methods, and the appropriate tools to construct objects, structures, and buildings

    17 Therapy and Counseling
    Knowledge of information and techniques needed to rehabilitate physical and mental ailments and to provide career guidance including alternative treatments, rehabilitation equipment and its proper use, and methods to evaluate treatment effects

    13 Chemistry
    Knowledge of the composition, structure, and properties of substances and of the chemical processes and transformations that they undergo. This includes uses of chemicals and their interactions, danger signs, production techniques, and disposal methods

    13 Telecommunications
    Knowledge of transmission, broadcasting, switching, control, and operation of telecommunications systems

    8 Transportation
    Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including their relative costs, advantages, and limitations

    8 Customer and Personal Service
    Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services including needs assessment techniques, quality service standards, alternative delivery systems, and customer satisfaction evaluation techniques

    4 Philosophy and Theology
    Knowledge of different philosophical systems and religions, including their basic principles, values, ethics, ways of thinking, customs, and practices, and their impact on human culture

    Skills elements are ranked by importance.

    75 Coordination
    Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions

    71 Product Inspection
    Inspecting and evaluating the quality of products

    71 Critical Thinking
    Using logic and analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches

    71 Information Gathering
    Knowing how to find information and identifying essential information

    71 Speaking
    Talking to others to effectively convey information

    71 Reading Comprehension
    Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents

    71 Time Management
    Managing one's own time and the time of others

    67 Mathematics
    Using mathematics to solve problems

    63 Writing
    Communicating effectively with others in writing as indicated by the needs of the audience

    63 Management of Personnel Resources
    Motivating, developing, and directing people as they work, identifying the best people for the job

    63 Judgment and Decision Making
    Weighing the relative costs and benefits of a potential action

    63 Implementation Planning
    Developing approaches for implementing an idea

    58 Management of Material Resources
    Obtaining and seeing to the appropriate use of equipment, facilities, and materials needed to do certain work

    58 Solution Appraisal
    Observing and evaluating the outcomes of a problem solution to identify lessons learned or redirect efforts

    58 Problem Identification
    Identifying the nature of problems

    58 Idea Evaluation
    Evaluating the likely success of an idea in relation to the demands of the situation

    58 Identifying Downstream Consequences
    Determining the long-term outcomes of a change in operations

    58 Systems Perception
    Determining when important changes have occurred in a system or are likely to occur

    58 Operation and Control
    Controlling operations of equipment or systems

    54 Monitoring
    Assessing how well one is doing when learning or doing something

    54 Active Listening
    Listening to what other people are saying and asking questions as appropriate

    54 Information Organization
    Finding ways to structure or classify multiple pieces of information

    50 Social Perceptiveness
    Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react the way they do

    50 Operation Monitoring
    Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly

    50 Instructing
    Teaching others how to do something

    50 Systems Evaluation
    Looking at many indicators of system performance, taking into account their accuracy

    50 Learning Strategies
    Using multiple approaches when learning or teaching new things

    46 Operations Analysis
    Analyzing needs and product requirements to create a design

    46 Synthesis/Reorganization
    Reorganizing information to get a better approach to problems or tasks

    46 Active Learning
    Working with new material or information to grasp its implications

    46 Visioning
    Developing an image of how a system should work under ideal conditions

    42 Idea Generation
    Generating a number of different approaches to problems

    42 Negotiation
    Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences

    42 Persuasion
    Persuading others to approach things differently

    38 Identification of Key Causes
    Identifying the things that must be changed to achieve a goal

    38 Management of Financial Resources
    Determining how money will be spent to get the work done, and accounting for these expenditures

    38 Equipment Selection
    Determining the kind of tools and equipment needed to do a job

    33 Science
    Using scientific methods to solve problems

    25 Troubleshooting
    Determining what is causing an operating error and deciding what to do about it

    21 Technology Design
    Generating or adapting equipment and technology to serve user needs

    21 Testing
    Conducting tests to determine whether equipment, software, or procedures are operating as expected

    17 Repairing
    Repairing machines or systems using the needed tools

    17 Installation
    Installing equipment, machines, wiring, or programs to meet specifications

    17 Equipment Maintenance
    Performing routine maintenance and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed

    4 Service Orientation
    Actively looking for ways to help people .

    Abilities elements are ranked by importance.

    85 Oral Expression
    The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand

    75 Written Comprehension
    The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing

    75 Oral Comprehension
    The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences

    70 Problem Sensitivity
    The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.

    70 Deductive Reasoning
    The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to come up with logical answers. It involves deciding if an answer makes sense.

    70 Mathematical Reasoning
    The ability to understand and organize a problem and then to select a mathematical method or formula to solve the problem

    70 Speech Clarity
    The ability to speak clearly so that it is understandable to a listener

    65 Written Expression
    The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand

    65 Number Facility
    The ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly and correctly

    60 Inductive Reasoning
    The ability to combine separate pieces of information, or specific answers to problems, to form general rules or conclusions. It includes coming up with a logical explanation for why a series of seemingly unrelated events occur together.

    60 Near Vision
    The ability to see details of objects at a close range (within a few feet of the observer)

    55 Auditory Attention
    The ability to focus on a single source of auditory (hearing) information in the presence of other distracting sounds

    50 Speed of Closure
    The ability to quickly make sense of information that seems to be without meaning or organization. It involves quickly combining and organizing different pieces of information into a meaningful pattern

    50 Information Ordering
    The ability to correctly follow a given rule or set of rules in order to arrange things or actions in a certain order. The things or actions can include numbers, letters, words, pictures, procedures, sentences, and mathematical or logical operations.

    50 Fluency of Ideas
    The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a given topic. It concerns the number of ideas produced and not the quality, correctness, or creativity of the ideas.

    45 Response Orientation
    The ability to choose quickly and correctly between two or more movements in response to two or more signals (lights, sounds, pictures, etc.). It includes the speed with which the correct response is started with the hand, foot, or other body parts

    45 Visualization
    The ability to imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts are moved or rearranged

    45 Selective Attention
    The ability to concentrate and not be distracted while performing a task over a period of time

    45 Time Sharing
    The ability to efficiently shift back and forth between two or more activities or sources of information (such as speech, sounds, touch, or other sources)

    40 Originality
    The ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem

    40 Sound Localization
    The ability to tell the direction from which a sound originated

    40 Category Flexibility
    The ability to produce many rules so that each rule tells how to group (or combine) a set of things in a different way.

    35 Far Vision
    The ability to see details at a distance

    35 Memorization
    The ability to remember information such as words, numbers, pictures, and procedures

    30 Flexibility of Closure
    The ability to identify or detect a known pattern (a figure, object, word, or sound) that is hidden in other distracting material

    30 Multilimb Coordination
    The ability to coordinate movements of two or more limbs together (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down. It does not involve performing the activities while the body is in motion

    30 Static Strength
    The ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull, or carry objects

    30 Speech Recognition
    The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person

    30 Explosive Strength
    The ability to use short bursts of muscle force to propel oneself (as in jumping or sprinting), or to throw an object

    30 Trunk Strength
    The ability to use one's abdominal and lower back muscles to support part of the body repeatedly or continuously over time without "giving out" or fatiguing

    25 Spatial Orientation
    The ability to know one's location in relation to the environment, or to know where other objects are in relation to one's self

    25 Manual Dexterity
    The ability to quickly make coordinated movements of one hand, a hand together with its arm, or two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects

    25 Finger Dexterity
    The ability to make precisely coordinated movements of the fingers of one or both hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble very small objects

    25 Perceptual Speed
    The ability to quickly and accurately compare letters, numbers, objects, pictures, or patterns. The things to be compared may be presented at the same time or one after the other. This ability also includes comparing a presented object with a remembered object

    20 Wrist-Finger Speed
    The ability to make fast, simple, repeated movements of the fingers, hands, and wrists

    20 Hearing Sensitivity
    The ability to detect or tell the difference between sounds that vary over broad ranges of pitch and loudness

    20 Arm-Hand Steadiness
    The ability to keep the hand and arm steady while making an arm movement or while holding the arm and hand in one position

    20 Gross Body Coordination
    The ability to coordinate the movement of the arms, legs, and torso together in activities where the whole body is in motion

    20 Dynamic Strength
    The ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over time. This involves muscular endurance and resistance to muscle fatigue

    20 Control Precision
    The ability to quickly and repeatedly make precise adjustments in moving the controls of a machine or vehicle to exact positions

    15 Depth Perception
    The ability to judge which of several objects is closer or farther away from the observer, or to judge the distance between an object and the observer

    15 Visual Color Discrimination
    The ability to match or detect differences between colors, including shades of color and brightness

    15 Stamina
    The ability to exert one's self physically over long periods of time without getting winded or out of breath

    15 Rate Control
    The ability to time the adjustments of a movement or equipment control in anticipation of changes in the speed and/or direction of a continuously moving object or scene

    15 Reaction Time
    The ability to quickly respond (with the hand, finger, or foot) to one signal (sound, light, picture, etc.) when it appears

    15 Extent Flexibility
    The ability to bend, stretch, twist, or reach out with the body, arms, and/or legs

    10 Dynamic Flexibility
    The ability to quickly and repeatedly bend, stretch, twist, or reach out with the body, arms, and/or legs

    10 Gross Body Equilibrium
    The ability to keep or regain one's body balance or stay upright when in an unstable position

    10 Speed of Limb Movement
    The ability to quickly move the arms or legs

    5 Night Vision
    The ability to see under low light conditions

    5 Peripheral Vision
    The ability to see objects or movement of objects to one's side when the eyes are focused forward

    5 Glare Sensitivity
    The ability to see objects in the presence of glare or bright lighting

    Work activities elements are ranked by importance.

    95 Communicating With Other Workers
    Providing information to supervisors, fellow workers, and subordinates. This information can be exchanged face-to-face, in writing, or via telephone/electronic transfer.

    85 Monitor Processes, Material, or Surroundings
    Monitoring and reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, often to detect problems or to find out when things are finished.

    75 Getting Information Needed to Do the Job
    Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.

    75 Guiding, Directing and Motivating Subordinates
    Providing guidance and direction to subordinates, including setting performance standards and monitoring subordinates.

    75 Coordinating Work and Activities of Others
    Coordinating members of a work group to accomplish tasks.

    70 Establishing and Maintaining Relationships
    Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others.

    65 Scheduling Work and Activities
    Scheduling events, programs, activities, as well as the work of others.

    65 Documenting or Recording Information
    Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in either written form or by electronic/magnetic recording.

    60 Performing Administrative Activities
    Approving requests, handling paperwork, and performing day-to-day administrative tasks.

    60 Estimating Needed Characteristics
    Estimating the Characteristics of Materials, Products, Events, or Information: Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities, or determining time, costs, resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity.

    60 Coaching and Developing Others
    Identifying developmental needs of others and coaching or otherwise helping others to improve their knowledge or skills.

    55 Monitoring and Controlling Resources
    Monitoring and controlling resources and overseeing the spending of money.

    55 Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing
    Developing plans to accomplish work, and prioritizing and organizing one's own work.

    55 Controlling Machines and Processes
    Using either control mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines or processes (not including computers or vehicles).

    55 Analyzing Data or Information
    Identifying underlying principles, reasons, or facts by breaking down information or data into separate parts.

    55 Making Decisions and Solving Problems
    Combining, evaluating, and reasoning with information and data to make decisions and solve problems. These processes involve making decisions about the relative importance of information and choosing the best solution.

    55 Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material
    Inspecting or diagnosing equipment, structures, or materials to identify the causes of errors or other problems or defects.

    50 Resolving Conflict or Negotiating with Others
    Handling complaints, arbitrating disputes, and resolving grievances, or otherwise negotiating with others.

    50 Updating and Using Job-Relevant Knowledge
    Keeping up-to-date technically and knowing one's own jobs' and related jobs' functions.

    50 Evaluating Information Against Standards
    Evaluating information against a set of standards and verifying that it is correct.

    50 Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events
    Identifying information received by making estimates or categorizations, recognizing differences or similarities, or sensing changes in circumstances or events.

    50 Interpreting Meaning of Information to Others
    Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be understood or used to support responses or feedback to others.

    50 Processing Information
    Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, verifying, or processing information or data.

    45 Developing and Building Teams
    Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among team members.

    45 Teaching Others
    Identifying educational needs, developing formal training programs or classes, and teaching or instructing others.

    45 Performing General Physical Activities
    Performing physical activities that require moving one's whole body, such as in climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, where the activities often also require considerable use of the arms and legs, such as in the physical handling of materials.

    40 Handling and Moving Objects
    Using one's own hands and arms in handling, installing, forming, positioning, and moving materials, or in manipulating things, including the use of keyboards.

    40 Judging Qualities of Things, Services, or People
    Making judgments about or assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people.

    35 Providing Consultation and Advice to Others
    Providing consultation and expert advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-related, or process related topics.

    35 Developing Objectives and Strategies
    Establishing long range objectives and specifying the strategies and actions to achieve these objectives.

    35 Implementing Ideas or Programs
    Conducting or carrying out work procedures and activities in accord with one's own ideas or information provided through directions/instructions for purposes of installing, modifying, preparing, delivering, constructing, integrating, finishing, or completing programs, systems, structures, or products.

    35 Interacting With Computers
    Controlling computer functions by using programs, setting up functions, writing software, or otherwise communicating with computer systems.

    30 Drafting and Specifying Technical Devices
    Providing documentation, detailed instructions, drawings, or specifications to inform others about how devices, parts, equipment, or structures are to be fabricated, constructed, assembled, modified, maintained, or used.

    25 Thinking Creatively
    Originating, inventing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.

    25 Assisting and Caring for Others
    Providing assistance or personal care to others.

    25 Selling or Influencing Others
    Convincing others to buy merchandise/goods, or otherwise changing their minds or actions.

    25 Staffing Organizational Units
    Recruiting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and promoting persons for the organization.

    20 Repairing and Maintaining Mechanical Equipment
    Fixing, servicing, aligning, setting up, adjusting, and testing machines, devices, moving parts, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of mechanical (not electronic) principles.

    15 Repairing and Maintaining Electrical Equipment
    Fixing, servicing, adjusting, regulating, calibrating, fine-tuning, or testing machines, devices, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of electrical or electronic (not mechanical) principles.

    15 Communicating With Persons Outside Organization
    Communicating with persons outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources. This information can be exchanged face-to-face, in writing, or via telephone/electronic transfer.

    15 Operating Vehicles or Equipment
    Running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment, such as forklifts, passenger vehicles, aircraft, or water craft.

    5 Performing For or Working With Public
    Performing for people or dealing directly with the public, including serving persons in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests.

    Work context elements are ranked by frequency (F), importance (I), responsibility (R), amount of contact (C), how serious (S), objective vs. subjective (O), automation (A), extent of frustration (E), responsible for health and safety (H), likelihood of injury (L), degree of injury (D) .

    96 (I) Supervise, Coach, Train Others
    How important are interactions requiring the worker to: Supervise, coach, train, or develop other employees?

    95 (F) Indoors
    How frequently does this job require the worker to work: Indoors

    77 (C) Job-Required Social Interaction
    How much does this job require the worker to be in contact (face-to-face, by telephone, or otherwise) with others in order to perform it?

    77 (R) Responsibility for Outcomes and Results
    How responsible is the worker for work outcomes and results of other workers?

    76 (I) Coordinate or Lead Others
    How important are interactions requiring the worker to: Coordinate or lead others in accomplishing work activities (not supervision)?

    68 (I) Importance of Being Sure All Is Done
    How important is it to be sure that all the details of this job are performed and everything is done completely?

    68 (I) Persuade Someone to a Course of Action
    How important are interactions requiring the worker to: Persuade someone to a course of action (informally) or influence others to buy something (to sell)?

    65 (F) Sitting
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Sitting?

    64 (I) Importance of Being Exact or Accurate
    How important is being very exact or highly accurate in performing this job?

    60 (F) Frequency in Conflict Situations
    How frequently do the job requirements place the worker in conflict situations?

    60 (H) Responsible for Health and Safety of Others
    How responsible is the worker for others' health and safety on this job?

    60 (S) Consequence of Error
    How serious would the result usually be if the worker made a mistake that was not readily correctable?

    55 (F) Standing
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Standing?

    55 (F) Walking or Running
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Walking or running?

    53 (O) Objective or Subjective Information
    How objective or subjective is the information communicated in this job?

    52 (I) Take a Position Opposed to Others
    How important are interactions requiring the worker to: Take a position opposed to coworkers or others?

    50 (F) Deal With Unpleasant or Angry People
    How frequently does the worker have to deal with unpleasant, angry, or discourteous individuals as part of the job requirements?

    48 (I) Importance of Being Aware of New Events
    How important is being constantly aware of either frequently changing events (e.g. security guard watching for shoplifters) or infrequent events (e.g. radar operator watching for tornadoes) to performing this job?

    45 (F) Common Protective or Safety Attire
    How often does the worker wear: Common protective or safety attire, such as safety shoes, glasses, gloves, hearing protection, hard-hat, or personal flotation device?

    40 (F) Sounds or Noise Levels Are Distracting
    How often during a usual work period is the worker exposed to the following conditions: Sounds and noise levels that are distracting and uncomfortable?

    40 (E) Frustrating Circumstances
    To what extent do frustrating circumstances ("road blocks" to work that are beyond the worker's control) hinder the accomplishment of this job?

    40 (F) Hazardous Equipment
    How often does this job require the worker to be exposed to harardous equipment? Hazardous Equipment (e.g., saws, machinery/mechanical parts include exposure to vehicular traffic, but not driving a vehicle)

    37 (A) Degree of Automation
    Indicate the level of automation of this job.

    36 (I) Deal With External Customers
    How important are interactions requiring the worker to: Deal with external customers (e.g., retail sales) or the public in general (e.g., police work)?

    35 (F) Using Hands on Objects, Tools, Controls
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Using hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools or controls?

    32 (D) Hazardous Equipment
    If injury, due to exposure to hazardous equipment, were to occur while performing this job, how serious would be the likely outcome? Hazardous Equipment (e.g., saws, machinery/mechanical parts include exposure to vehicular traffic, but not driving a vehicle)

    28 (I) Provide a Service to Others
    How important are interactions requiring the worker to: Provide a service to others (e.g., customers)?

    26 (L) Hazardous Equipment
    What is the likelihood that the worker would be injured as a result of being exposed to hazardous equipment while performing this job? Hazardous Equipment (e.g., saws, machinery/mechanical parts include exposure to vehicular traffic, but not driving a vehicle)

    25 (F) Deal With Physically Aggressive People
    How frequently does this job require the worker to deal with physical aggression of violent individuals?

    25 (F) Kneeling, Crouching or Crawling
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Kneeling, stooping, crouching or crawling?

    25 (F) Making Repetitive Motions
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Making repetitive motions?

    25 (F) Contaminants
    How often during a usual work period is the worker exposed to the following conditions: Contaminants (pollutants, gases, dust, odors, etc.)?

    25 (F) Bending or Twisting the Body
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Bending or twisting the body?

    25 (F) Hazardous Situations
    How often does this job require the worker to be exposed to harardous situations? Hazardous Situations involving likely cuts, bites, stings, or minor burns

    20 (I) Pace Determined by Speed of Equipment
    How important is it to this job that the pace is determined by the speed of equipment or machinery? (This does not refer to keeping busy at all times on this job.)

    20 (F) Very Hot
    How often during a usual work period is the worker exposed to the following conditions: Very hot (above 90 F) or very cold (under 32 F) temperatures?

    17 (L) Hazardous Situations
    What is the likelihood that the worker would be injured as a result of being exposed to hazardous situations while performing this job? Hazardous Situations involving likely cuts, bites, stings, or minor burns

    16 (D) Hazardous Situations
    If injury, due to exposure to hazardous situations, were to occur while performing this job, how serious would be the likely outcome? Hazardous Situations involving likely cuts, bites, stings, or minor burns

    15 (F) Climbing Ladders, Scaffolds, Poles, etc.
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Climbing ladders, scaffolds, poles, etc?

    15 (F) Extremely Bright or Inadequate Lighting
    How often during a usual work period is the worker exposed to the following conditions: Extremely bright or inadequate lighting conditions?

    15 (F) Hazardous Conditions
    How often does this job require the worker to be exposed to hazardous conditions? Hazardous Conditions (e.g., high voltage electricity, combustibles, explosives, chemicals; do not include hazardous equipment or situations)

    12 (I) Importance of Repeating Same Tasks
    How important is repeating the same physical activities (e.g., key entry) or mental activities (e.g., checking entries in a ledger) over and over, without stopping, to performing this job?

    12 (D) Hazardous Conditions
    If injury, due to exposure to hazardous conditions, were to occur while performing this job, how serious would be the likely outcome? Hazardous Conditions (e.g., high voltage electricity, combustibles, explosives, chemicals; do not include hazardous equipment or situations)

    11 (L) Hazardous Conditions
    What is the likelihood that the worker would be injured as a result of being exposed to hazardous conditions while performing this job? Hazardous Conditions (e.g., high voltage electricity, combustibles, explosives, chemicals; do not include hazardous equipment or situations)

    10 (F) Special Uniform
    How often does the worker wear: A special uniform, such as that of a commercial pilot, nurse, police officer, or military personnel?

    10 (F) Outdoors
    How frequently does this job require the worker to work: Outdoors

    10 (F) Cramped Work Space, Awkward Positions
    How often during a usual work period is the worker exposed to the following conditions: Cramped work space that requires getting into awkward positions?

    8 (D) High Places
    If injury, due to exposure to high places, were to occur while performing this job, how serious would be the likely outcome? High Places (e.g., heights above 8 feet on ladders, poles, scaffolding, catwalks, etc.)

    6 (L) High Places
    What is the likelihood that the worker would be injured as a result of being exposed to high places while performing this job? High Places (e.g., heights above 8 feet on ladders, poles, scaffolding, catwalks, etc.)

    5 (F) Keeping or Regaining Balance
    How much time in a usual work period does the worker spend: Keeping or regaining balance?

    5 (F) Whole Body Vibration
    How often during a usual work period is the worker exposed to the following conditions: Whole body vibration (e.g., operating a jackhammer or earthmoving equipment)?

    5 (F) High Places
    How often does this job require the worker to be exposed to high places? High Places (e.g., heights above 8 feet on ladders, poles, scaffolding, catwalks, etc.)

    Interest elements are ranked by occupational interest.

    89 Enterprising
    Enterprising occupations frequently involve starting up and carrying out projects. These occupations can involve leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business.

    78 Realistic
    Realistic occupations frequently involve work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.

    72 Conventional
    Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.

    39 Social
    Social occupations frequently involve working with, communicating with, and teaching people. These occupations often involve helping or providing service to others.

    22 Investigative
    Investigative occupations frequently involve working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking. These occupations can involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.

    17 Artistic
    Artistic occupations frequently involve working with forms, designs and patterns. They often require self-expression and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.

    Work values elements are ranked by extent.

    69 Independence-Mean Extent
    Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employs to work on their own and make decisions. Corresponding needs are Creativity, Responsibility and Autonomy.

    67 Achievement-Mean Extent
    Occupations that satisfy this work value are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest abilities, giving them a feeling of accomplishment. Corresponding needs are Ability Utilization and Achievement.

    66 Recognition-Mean Extent
    Occupations that satisfy this work value offer advancement, potential for leadership, and are often considered prestigious. Corresponding needs are Advancement, Authority, Recognition and Social Status.

    60 Relationships-Mean Extent
    Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive environment. Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.

    57 Working Conditions-Mean Extent
    Occupations that satisfy this work value offer job security and good working conditions. Corresponding needs are Activity, Compensation, Independence, Security, Variety and Working Conditions.

    55 Support-Mean Extent
    Occupations that satisfy this work value offer supportive management that stands behind employees. Corresponding needs are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical.

    84 Authority
    Workers on this job give directions and instructions to others

    78 Responsibility
    Workers on this job make decisions on their own

    72 Autonomy
    Workers on this job plan their work with little supervision

    72 Co-workers
    Workers on this job have co-workers who are easy to get along with

    69 Variety
    Workers on this job have something different to do every day

    69 Achievement
    Workers on this job get a feeling of accomplishment

    69 Activity
    Workers on this job are busy all the time

    66 Ability Utilization
    Workers on this job make use of their individual abilities

    66 Moral Values
    Workers on this job are never pressured to do things that go against their sense of right and wrong

    63 Social Status
    Workers on this job are looked up to by others in their company and their community

    63 Company Policies and Practices
    Workers on this job are treated fairly by the company

    59 Compensation
    Workers on this job are paid well in comparison with other workers

    59 Recognition
    Workers on this job receive recognition for the work they do

    59 Security
    Workers on this job have steady employment

    56 Creativity
    Workers on this job try out their own ideas

    56 Advancement
    Workers on this job have opportunities for advancement

    53 Supervision, Human Relations
    Workers on this job have supervisors who back up their workers with management

    53 Working Conditions
    Workers on this job have good working conditions

    50 Supervision, Technical
    Workers on this job have supervisors who train their workers well

    44 Social Service
    Workers on this job have work where they do things for other people

    31 Independence
    Workers on this job do their work alone

    DOT91 (Dictionary of Occupational Titles): 920132014 Supervisor, Carton and Can Supply
    920137022 Supervisor, Filling-and-Packing
    787132014 Supervisor, Sewing Room
    787132010 Sewing Supervisor
    786132010 Supervisor, Garment Manufacturing
    785131010 Supervisor, Alteration Workroom
    920137010 Packing-House Supervisor
    784132010 Supervisor
    806130010 Supervisor, Engine Assembly
    939131014 Supervisor, Production
    784130010 Supervisor, Cap-and-Hat Production
    920137014 Sorting Supervisor
    920137018 Supervisor
    716130010 Supervisor
    783132010 Supervisor
    775131010 Supervisor, Concrete-Stone Finishing
    775130010 Supervisor, Finishing
    952131010 Substation Operator, Chief
    921137010 Coal-Yard Supervisor
    952132010 Operations Supervisor, Nuclear Power Plant
    724130010 Supervisor, Electronic Coils
    952137014 Hydroelectric-Station Operator, Chief
    777131010 Supervisor, Mold Shop
    952137022 Turbine Operator, Head
    952137026 Supervisor, Operations
    826131014 Supervisor, Electrical Assemblies
    774130010 Supervisor, Clay Shop
    773131010 Paster Supervisor
    771137010 Supervisor, Slate Splitting
    724131010 Supervisor, Coil Winding
    952137010 Chief Load Dispatcher
    780137010 Supervisor, Mattress and Boxsprings
    920132010 Packaging Supervisor
    920130010 Supervisor, Packing
    783131010 Supervisor, Furrier Shop
    789134010 Supervisor II
    723131010 Supervisor, Small Appliance Assembly
    723132010 Supervisor, Fabrication Department
    775134010 Cutting Supervisor
    781131010 Supervisor, Pattern Marking
    939167010 Controller, Coal or Ore
    780134014 Supervisor, Spring-Up
    780134010 Supervisor, Covering and Lining
    780131014 Supervisor, Upholstery Department
    950131010 Refrigerating Engineer, Head
    950131014 Stationary-Engineer Supervisor
    780131010 Supervisor, Cutting-and-Sewing Department
    779131010 Supervisor I
    781134010 Supervisor, Cutting Department
    922137022 Supervisor, Open-Hearth Stockyard
    789132022 Supervisor, Net Making
    801137010 Supervisor, Assembly
    801137014 Supervisor, Inspection
    862132010 Well-Point Pumping Supervisor
    809130010 Supervisor, Assembly Department
    929137026 Yard Supervisor
    929137022 Warehouse Supervisor
    929137018 Warehouse Supervisor
    929137014 Poleyard Supervisor
    929137010 General-Handling Supervisor
    806131010 Supervisor, Aluminum Boat Assembly
    922137014 Supervisor, Hide House
    801131018 Supervisor, Ride Assembly
    806131018 Supervisor, Boat Outfitting
    801131014 Supervisor, Fitting
    806131022 Supervisor, Erection Shop
    922137030 Yard Supervisor
    806131026 Supervisor, Inspection and Testing
    806137022 Quality Assurance Supervisor
    806131034 Supervisor, Shipfitters
    806137018 Supervisor, Shipping Track
    806131038 Supervisor, Inspection
    806131042 Supervisor, Production Department
    806134010 Supervisor, Motor Vehicle Assembly
    806134014 Supervisor, Fiberglass Boat Assembly
    806137010 Supervisor, Car Installations
    806137014 Supervisor, Ordnance Truck Installation
    806131014 Supervisor, Assembly
    869131026 Steel-Pan-Form-Placing Supervisor
    788131010 Supervisor
    788137010 Supervisor, Packing
    920137026 Supervisor, Packing and Wrapping
    789132010 Supervisor IV
    789132014 Supervisor I
    789132018 Supervisor III
    789132026 Supervisor, Parachute Manufacturing
    789134014 Supervisor II
    789137014 Supervisor, Webbing
    869137014 Wrecking Supervisor
    721131014 Supervisor, Inspection and Testing
    869137010 Traffic-Maintenance Supervisor
    809130014 Supervisor, Metal Fabricating
    869131030 Supervisor, Manufactured Buildings
    787132018 Supervisor, Stitching Department
    724131014 Transformer Shop Supervisor
    819132010 Supervisor, Flame Cutting
    819131014 Welding Supervisor
    820137010 Transformer Assembly Supervisor
    819131010 Lead-Burner Supervisor
    827131014 Supervisor, Major Appliance Assembly
    809134014 Supervisor, Metal Hanging
    862137018 Water-and-Sewer-Systems Supervisor
    809134010 Supervisor, Grinding and Spraying
    790134010 Supervisor, Cigar Making, Hand
    809131010 Supervisor, Fabrication and Assembly
    862134010 Suction-Dredge-Pipeline-Placing Supervisor
    849137010 Dispatcher
    726131014 Supervisor, Hearing-Aid Assembly
    742134010 Supervisor, Finishing
    979130014 Supervisor, Printing-Shop
    979130010 Supervisor, Blueprinting-and-Photocopy
    962134010 Recordist, Chief
    962137018 Supervisor, Costuming
    962137022 Supervisor, Prop-Making
    962137026 Supervisor, Properties
    739131014 Supervisor II
    979131014 Supervisor, Roller Shop
    731131010 Supervisor, Toy Assembly
    979131018 Supervisor, Silk-Screen Cutting and Printing
    726130010 Supervisor, Electronics Production
    732130010 Supervisor
    750132010 Retread Supervisor
    750130010 Supervisor
    749137010 Chest-Painting and Sealing Supervisor
    749134010 Supervisor, Finishing
    749131014 Supervisor, Paint Department
    763134014 Supervisor, Furniture Assembly
    726131018 Supervisor, Printed Circuit Board Testing
    759137010 Supervisor I
    763134010 Supervisor, Quality Control
    762134010 Supervisor, Component Assembler
    761131010 Supervisor, Last-Model Department
    761130010 Supervisor, Briar Shop
    729130010 Supervisor, Electrical Assembly
    729131010 Inspector, Chief
    729131014 Relay-Shop Supervisor
    979137026 Supervisor, Type-Disk Quality Control
    979131010 Supervisor, Publications Production
    979137018 Supervisor, Production
    969137010 Supervisor, Circus
    959131010 Heating-Plant Superintendent
    759135010 Supervisor, Scouring Pads
    754137010 Supervisor, Sample
    754130010 Decorating-and-Assembly Supervisor
    979137014 Supervisor, Inspecting
    960132010 Chief Projectionist
    979137010 Supervisor, Finishing Room
    979132010 Shift Supervisor, Film Processing
    979137022 Supervisor, Sample Preparation
    737137022 Supervisor, Belt-and-Link Assembly
    749131010 Supervisor, Decorating
    976131026 Supervisor, Type Photography
    976131022 Supervisor, Quality Control
    976131018 Supervisor, Microfilm Duplicating Unit
    976131014 Supervisor, Film Processing
    976131010 Laboratory Chief
    974131010 Supervisor, Electrotyping and Stereotyping
    972137010 Supervisor, Prepress
    739131010 Supervisor I
    973137010 Supervisor, Composing-Room
    971131014 Supervisor, Screen Making
    737137018 Supervisor
    737137014 Powder-and-Primer-Canning Leader
    737137010 Inspector, Chief
    737134010 Inspection Supervisor II
    737132010 Primer Supervisor
    737131010 Supervisor, Fireworks Assembly
    736131014 Firearms-Assembly Supervisor
    736131018 Inspection Supervisor I
    736131010 Automotive-Tire-Testing Supervisor
    739134014 Supervisor, Display Fabrication
    970137010 Supervisor, Sign Shop
    733130010 Supervisor, Plating and Point Assembly
    733131010 Supervisor, Rubber Stamps and Dies
    733137010 Supervisor, Assembly
    733137014 Supervisor, Finishing Department
    733137018 Supervisor, Inspection
    739137022 Supervisor, Wall Mirror Department
    739137018 Supervisor, Pipe Manufacture
    739130010 Supervisor, Bit and Shank Department
    739137010 Assembly Supervisor
    726134010 Supervisor, Printed Circuit Board Assembly
    739134010 Supervisor, Assembly Room
    739132010 Supervisor, Corncob Pipe Manufacturing
    734131010 Supervisor II
    976137014 Supervisor, Finishing Department
    976134010 Supervisor, Cutting and Splicing
    939130010 Supervisor, Pond
    976132010 Supervisor, Film Processing
    971131010 Supervisor, Photoengraving
    739137014 Supervisor, Lamp Shades
    769130010 Supervisor, Fabrication
    769137010 Stocking-and-Box-Shop Supervisor
    955130010 Supervisor, Wastewater-Treatment Plant
    764134010 Supervisor, Cooperage Shop
    953137014 Pressure Supervisor
    953132010 Supervisor, Liquefaction-and-Regasification
    769137014 Supervisor, Assembly
    955131010 Supervisor, Incinerator Plant
    769134010 Supervisor, Dimension Warehouse
    954132010 Supervisor, Water Treatment Plant
    727130010 Supervisor, Burning, Forming, and Assembly
    727137010 Supervisor, Dry-Cell Assembly
    770131010 Jewel Supervisor
    770131014 Supervisor, Diamond Finishing
    954130010 Supervisor, Pumping Station
    730131010 Supervisor
    529137034 Supervisor, Cigar Tobacco Processing
    529137026 Supervisor
    529135014 Supervisor, Cured-Meat Packing
    519132018 Supervisor, Cell Operation
    529137010 Preparation Supervisor
    519132014 Supervisor, Blast-Furnace-Auxiliaries
    519132010 Supervisor, Blast Furnace
    529137014 Sanitarian
    529132046 Supervisor, Dry-Starch
    529137022 Superintendent, Grain Elevator
    529132110 Supervisor
    519131014 Mill-Labor Supervisor
    529137038 Supervisor, Curing Room
    529137042 Supervisor, Egg Processing
    529137046 Supervisor, Fruit Grading
    504131010 Heat-Treat Supervisor
    361137010 Supervisor, Laundry
    519131010 Foundry Supervisor
    529137018 Sugar-Reprocess Operator, Head
    529132082 Supervisor, Soakers
    529132050 Supervisor, Feed House
    529132054 Supervisor, Feed Mill
    529132058 Supervisor, Fermenting Cellars
    519134010 Pot-Lining Supervisor
    529132062 Supervisor, Grain and Yeast Plants
    184167046 Incinerator-Plant-General Supervisor
    529132070 Supervisor, Malted Milk
    529135010 Cooking, Casing, and Drying Supervisor
    529132078 Supervisor, Nutritional Yeast
    519132022 Supervisor, Solder Making
    529132086 Supervisor, Steffen House
    529132090 Supervisor, Sugar House
    529132094 Supervisor, Sugar Refinery
    529132098 Supervisor, Tank Storage
    529132102 Supervisor, Tea and Spice
    529132106 Supervisor, Wash House
    529137058 Supervisor, Syrup Shed
    529137030 Supervisor
    512135010 Pot-Room Supervisor
    529137050 Supervisor, Maple Products
    514137014 Supervisor, Pit-and-Auxiliaries
    514137010 Supervisor, Pig-Machine
    514134010 Tapper Supervisor
    514131010 Inspector, Chief
    514130014 Supervisor, Die Casting
    514130010 Permanent-Mold Supervisor
    509130014 Supervisor, Power-Reactor
    513132010 Converter Supervisor
    509130010 Supervisor, Powdered Metal
    512132022 Supervisor, Blast Furnace
    512132018 Remelt-Furnace Expediter
    512132014 Reclamation Supervisor
    512132010 Melter Supervisor
    512130010 Reduction-Plant Supervisor
    511135010 Filter-Plant Supervisor
    511132010 Precipitator Supervisor
    299137018 Sample-Room Supervisor
    519130022 Supervisor, Reverberatory Furnace
    529132066 Supervisor, Liquid Yeast
    529137062 Supervisor, Specialty Food Products
    529137066 Supervisor, Whipped Topping
    529137070 Supervisor, Yard
    529137074 Supervisor, Inspection
    529137078 Supervisor, Instant Potato Processing
    529137082 Supervisor, Processing
    509132010 Supervisor, Soaking Pits
    519130026 Supervisor, Sintering Plant
    529137054 Supervisor, Ready-Mixed Food Preparation
    519130018 Supervisor, Lead Refinery
    519130014 Sampler, Head
    519130010 Cell-Feed-Department Supervisor
    515132010 Crusher Supervisor
    505130010 Supervisor, Metalizing
    505130014 Supervisor, Vacuum Metalizing
    515130010 Mill Supervisor
    519130030 Supervisor, Uranium Processing
    521130014 Supervisor, Powdered Sugar
    525134010 Supervisor, Fish Processing
    525134014 Supervisor, Poultry Processing
    501137010 Supervisor, Hot-Dip Plating
    529132074 Supervisor, Mill House
    521131010 Supervisor, Rice Milling
    526137010 Potato-Chip-Processing Supervisor
    502130010 Supervisor, Casting-and-Pasting
    521132014 Supervisor, Threshing Department
    520137010 Supervisor, Lump Room
    520136010 Blending Supervisor
    500131010 Supervisor
    520132010 Blending Supervisor
    511130010 Alumina-Plant Supervisor
    526134010 Cook, Mexican Food
    529132042 Supervisor, Dried Yeast
    523137010 Supervisor, Ice House
    500132010 Supervisor, Sheet Manufacturing
    500134010 Supervisor, Matrix
    522130010 Supervisor, Melt House
    522131010 Distilling-Department Supervisor
    522132010 Supervisor, Malt House
    522134010 Supervisor, Brineyard
    521132010 Mill Platform Supervisor
    523132010 Supervisor, Char House
    525132014 Supervisor, Tank House
    521137010 Supervisor, Picking
    501130010 Supervisor, Hot-Dip-Tinning
    525131010 Supervisor, Abattoir
    525131014 Supervisor, Cutting and Boning
    525132010 Supervisor, Cured Meats
    526131010 Bakery Supervisor
    523131010 Testing and Analysis Department Supervisor
    521130010 Miller Supervisor
    529131010 Cellar Supervisor
    519137010 Supervisor, Mold Yard
    529131014 Supervisor, Dairy Processing
    529130038 Supervisor, Soft Sugar
    520132014 Supervisor, Compressed Yeast
    529132010 Custom-Feed-Mill Operator
    529132014 Plant Supervisor
    529130030 Supervisor, Pulp House
    529130026 Supervisor, Nut Processing
    529130022 Supervisor, Filtration
    529132018 Supervisor, Beet End
    529130042 Supervisor, White Sugar
    184167142 Superintendent, Cold Storage
    529130034 Supervisor, Refining
    529130018 Supervisor, Coffee
    529132026 Supervisor, Brew House
    369137010 Supervisor, Dry Cleaning
    369137014 Supervisor, Rug Cleaning
    369167010 Manager, Laundromat
    529130014 Supervisor, Chocolate-and-Cocoa Processing
    529130010 Supervisor, Candy
    529132030 Supervisor, Cereal
    529132034 Supervisor, Cigar-Making Machine
    529132038 Supervisor, Cook Room
    503137010 Supervisor, Sandblaster
    529132022 Supervisor, Bottle-House Cleaners
    667137010 Supervisor, Stave Cutting
    613130010 Supervisor, Blooming Mill
    669130014 Supervisor, Cutting Department
    559132050 Production Supervisor, Defluorinated Phosphate
    706131010 Laboratory Supervisor
    612131010 Forge-Shop Supervisor
    669130010 Supervisor, Assembly Room
    613130014 Supervisor, Merchant-Mill Rolling and Finishing
    559132054 Supervisor I
    612130010 Spikemaking Supervisor
    706130010 Supervisor, Coin-Machine
    706131014 Supervisor
    706131018 Chief Inspector
    630134010 Anode-Crew Supervisor
    680135010 Supervisor, Mixing
    559132058 Supervisor
    613132010 Supervisor, Hot-Strip Mill
    615132010 Supervisor, Shearing
    613130018 Supervisor, Structural Rolling-and-Finishing
    609131010 Inspection Supervisor
    559132042 Process-Area Supervisor
    609130010 Machine-Shop Supervisor, Production
    609130014 Screw Supervisor
    609130018 Supervisor
    569135010 Supervisor, Veneer
    569132010 Supervisor, Particle Board
    569130010 Gasket Supervisor
    609130022 Supervisor, Automatic Machines
    564132010 Wood-Crew Supervisor
    663132010 Supervisor, Green End Department
    609130026 Watch Manufacturing Supervisor
    677131010 Glass-Cut-Off Supervisor
    609131014 Supervisor, Mold Making
    563137010 Supervisor, Beehive Kiln
    563135010 Supervisor, Drying
    559132046 Production Supervisor, Anhydrous Ammonia
    609131018 Supervisor, Mold Shop
    609132010 Slab-Conditioner Supervisor
    679130014 Supervisor, Asbestos Pipe
    662132010 Supervisor, Sanding
    559132062 Supervisor, Alum Plant
    561131010 Treating-Plant Supervisor
    638131014 Machine-Assembler Supervisor
    559132126 Supervisor, Refining
    559134014 Supervisor, Drying and Winding
    559134010 Quality-Control Supervisor
    559132138 Transfer-and-Pumphouse Operator, Chief
    690130014 Supervisor, Slitting-and-Shipping
    559132074 Supervisor, Cook House
    690130018 Supervisor
    559132134 Supervisor, Varnish
    690130022 Supervisor, Foam Cutting
    559132130 Supervisor, Toilet-and-Laundry Soap
    679130010 Supervisor
    559132082 Supervisor, Dry Paste
    559137014 Supervisor II
    559132122 Supervisor, Pigment Making
    559132118 Supervisor, Phosphorus Processing
    559132114 Supervisor, Paint
    559132110 Supervisor, Litharge
    559132106 Supervisor, Liquefaction
    559132102 Supervisor, Insecticide
    559132086 Supervisor, Esters-and-Emulsifiers
    559132098 Supervisor, Glycerin
    559132094 Supervisor, Furnace Process
    559132090 Supervisor, Fertilizer
    559132078 Supervisor, Dehydrogenation
    559137042 Supervisor, Putty and Caulking
    559137018 Supervisor, Bleach
    615130014 Supervisor
    679130018 Supervisor, Asbestos-Cement Sheet
    600130010 Machine-Shop Supervisor, Tool
    679137010 Supervisor, Finishing Department
    679137014 Supervisor, Mirror Fabrication
    614132010 Supervisor, Drawing
    614132014 Supervisor, Extrusion
    559132070 Supervisor, Cd-Area
    693130010 Supervisor, Model Making
    559137010 Salvage Supervisor
    559137046 Supervisor, Rocket Propellant Plant
    709134010 Supervisor, Metal Furniture Assembly
    559137038 Supervisor, Inspection
    559137034 Supervisor, Glue Specialty
    559137030 Supervisor, Gelatin Plant
    559137026 Supervisor, Evaporator
    559137022 Supervisor, Channel Process
    680130010 Supervisor, Carding
    690130010 Supervisor III
    709137010 Inspection Supervisor
    652130018 Supervisor, Roller Printing
    559132066 Supervisor, Bone Plant
    559167010 Cd-Storage-and-Materials-Make-Up Operator, Head
    579137026 Supervisor, Receiving and Processing
    582131010 Dye-House Supervisor
    582130010 Supervisor, Glazing Department
    699130010 Production Supervisor
    699131010 Supervisor, Lubrication
    590132010 Supervisor, Candle Making
    660130010 Cabinetmaker, Supervisor
    590134010 Supervisor, Pipe Joints
    599132010 Supervisor, Tumblers
    599137010 Superintendent, Seed Mill
    600131014 Salvage Engineer
    601130010 Tool-and-Die Supervisor
    692132014 Supervisor V
    603137010 Filing-and-Polishing Supervisor
    582132014 Soaping-Department Supervisor
    661131010 Loft Worker, Head
    579137022 Supervisor, Mold-Making Plastics Sheets
    579137018 Supervisor, Mold Cleaning and Storage
    579137014 Supervisor, Asbestos Textile
    579137010 Supervisor
    700130010 Supervisor
    700131010 Supervisor
    700131014 Supervisor
    700131018 Supervisor, Jewelry Department
    692137014 Supervisor I
    692137010 Supervisor, Painting Department
    652130014 Supervisor, Printing and Stamping
    603130010 Supervisor, Grinding
    589137014 Supervisor, Bonding
    693131010 Pattern-Shop Supervisor
    693132010 Pattern-Grader Supervisor
    586130010 Supervisor V
    589130010 Cloth Finisher
    589130014 Fabric-Coating Supervisor
    589130018 Supervisor, Finishing Room
    589130022 Supervisor, Fur Dressing
    589130026 Supervisor, Mill
    589130030 Supervisor, Split Leather Department
    589132010 Supervisor VI
    589132014 Supervisor, Split and Drum Room
    589134010 Supervisor, Beam Department
    582131014 Dyer, Supervisor
    589137010 Supervisor, Packing Room
    582132010 Aging-Department Supervisor
    694131010 Tracer-Bullet-Section Supervisor
    694132010 Explosive-Operator Supervisor
    585130010 Supervisor, Corduroy Cutting
    583137010 Supervisor, Pleating
    583132010 Supervisor, Pressing Department
    590130010 Supervisor, Electronics Processing
    590130014 Supervisor, Insulation
    590130018 Supervisor, Roofing Plant
    590131010 Porcelain-Enameling Supervisor
    582132022 Supervisor, Vat House
    582132018 Supervisor, Tan Room
    692132010 Supervisor IV
    589135010 Supervisor, Production
    570137010 Supervisor
    574134010 Supervisor, Hand Silvering
    574132014 Supervisor, Silvering Department
    574132010 Glaze Supervisor
    574130010 Glaze Supervisor
    691130014 Supervisor, Wire-Rope Fabrication
    573132010 Burning Supervisor
    691130010 Supervisor
    701137010 Supervisor, Assembly-and-Packing
    652137014 Supervisor, Screen Printing
    652137010 Production Manager, Reproduction
    652132010 Supervisor, Print Line
    692132018 Supervisor, Ski Production
    615130010 Press-Hand Supervisor
    575130018 Supervisor, Forming Department I
    559132038 Nitroglycerin Supervisor
    652130010 Supervisor, Decorating
    570132018 Washing-and-Screening Plant Supervisor
    651130010 Supervisor, Press Room
    570132014 Milling Supervisor
    570132010 Concrete-Batching and Mixing-Plant Supervisor
    703132010 Supervisor, Metal Cans
    650132010 Supervisor, Typesetting
    570130010 Supervisor, Clay Preparation
    649130010 Supervisor, Paper Products
    704131010 Engraving Supervisor
    704131014 Supervisor, Engraving
    604130010 Supervisor, Roll Shop
    579132010 Supervisor II
    692130042 Supervisor, Shop
    692130038 Supervisor, Keymodule Assembly
    692130034 Supervisor, Toy Parts Former
    692130030 Supervisor, Paint Roller Covers
    692130026 Supervisor, Broommaking
    692130022 Supervisor VI
    692130018 Supervisor I
    692130014 Finishing Supervisor
    692130010 Brush-Fabrication Supervisor
    579134018 Supervisor, Refractory Products
    661137010 Supervisor, Frame Sample and Pattern
    579134014 Supervisor, Epoxy Fabrication
    575130010 Press Supervisor
    579132014 Supervisor, Lime
    575130014 Supervisor III
    579131010 Supervisor, Mirror Manufacturing Department
    579130022 Supervisor, Forming Department II
    579130018 Supervisor, Concrete Pipe Plant
    579130014 Supervisor, Concrete Block Plant
    579130010 Supervisor, Board Mill
    653131010 Supervisor, Bindery
    673130010 Supervisor, Edging
    575137014 Supervisor, Wet Pour
    575137010 Drawing-Kiln Supervisor
    575131014 Supervisor, Precast and Prestressed Concrete
    575131010 Supervisor, Concrete-Stone Fabricating
    640132010 Supervisor, Coremaker
    579134010 Supervisor, Inspection
    711137010 Supervisor, Optical Instruments
    539137010 Supervisor, Rag Room
    539137014 Production Supervisor
    619132030 Supervisor, Plate Heating, Rolling, and Finishing
    550137018 Supervisor, Shipping
    550137014 Supervisor, Paste Mixing
    619134010 Supervisor, Conditioning Yard
    550137010 Supervisor, Compounding-and-Finishing
    539134010 Supervisor, Paper Testing
    550135014 Mixing Supervisor
    619132022 Structural-Mill Supervisor
    684137010 Supervisor
    685130010 Supervisor, Knitting II
    714131010 Supervisor, Motion-Picture Equipment
    542130010 Supervisor, Natural-Gas Plant
    550135010 Supervisor, Color-Paste Mixing
    550132014 Supervisor, Fish Bait Processing
    712131010 Supervisor, Dental Laboratory
    619137010 Machine-Adjuster Leader
    553132010 Supervisor, Grease Refining
    549132030 Supervisor, Purification
    621137010 Supervisor, Reclamation
    554137010 Finishing Supervisor, Plastic Sheets
    715131030 Supervisor, Tumbling and Rolling
    619131010 Machining-and-Assembly Supervisor
    715131026 Supervisor, Mainspring Fabrication
    619131014 Shop Supervisor
    715131010 Supervisor
    619132010 Lead-Section Supervisor
    619132026 Supervisor, Finishing-and-Shipping
    552132010 Shift Superintendent, Caustic Cresylate
    715131022 Supervisor, Inspection
    551130010 Supervisor, Processing
    619132014 Sheet-Mill Supervisor
    715131018 Supervisor, Hairspring Fabrication
    715131014 Supervisor, Dials
    619132018 Shell-Shop Supervisor
    712137010 Supervisor, Facepiece Line
    619131018 Shrink-Pit Supervisor
    559132034 Mill Supervisor
    712132010 Supervisor, Surgical Garment Assembly
    689134014 Supervisor, Lace Tearing
    549132022 Supervisor, Coke Handling
    550131010 Cosmetics Supervisor
    689134010 Cloth-Grader Supervisor
    689132014 Supervisor, Fiber-Locking
    689132010 Supervisor, Burling and Joining
    689130018 Knitting-Machine Fixer, Head
    689130022 Supervisor, Cloth Winding
    689130014 Felt-Goods Supervisor, Needle Process
    689130026 Supervisor, Roving Department
    680130014 Supervisor, Mixing
    549137018 Supervisor, Specialty Plant
    549137014 Supervisor, Preparation Plant
    549137010 Supervisor, Carbon Electrodes
    549132026 Supervisor, Paste Plant
    689130030 Supervisor, Weaving
    549132034 Supervisor, Treating and Pumping
    689130038 Supervisor, Spinning and Winding
    689137014 Supervisor, Tubing
    619130046 Supervisor
    712137014 Supervisor, Final Assembly and Packing
    542130014 Supervisor, Tar Distillation
    669130026 Supervisor, Sawmill
    542132010 Supervisor, Byproducts
    542132014 Supervisor, Ovens
    681130014 Supervisor, Winding and Twisting Department
    549132018 Supervisor, Coal Handling
    549130010 Supervisor, Tower
    550132010 Supervisor II
    689137010 Supervisor, Sewing Department
    549131010 Supervisor, Natural-Gas-Field Processing
    689134026 Supervisor, Laboratory
    689134022 Supervisor, Quilting
    549132010 Grease Maker, Head
    689134018 Supervisor, Product Inspection
    549132014 Supervisor III
    689130010 Embroidery Supervisor
    687132010 Supervisor, Tufting
    558134010 Supervisor, Brine
    683132010 Pattern-Chain Maker Supervisor
    623131010 Machinist Supervisor, Outside
    669130018 Supervisor, Framing Mill
    559130014 Supervisor, Fertilizer Processing
    559130010 Chemical-Processing Supervisor
    669137010 Supervisor, Wood-Crew
    558134022 Supervisor, Hydrochloric Area
    554137014 Supervisor, Coating
    558134014 Supervisor, Cell Room
    683130022 Weaving Supervisor
    558132018 Supervisor, Sulfuric-Acid Plant
    558132014 Supervisor, Phosphoric Acid
    558132010 Supervisor, Chemical
    558130010 Supervisor, Phosphatic Fertilizer
    669132010 Supervisor, Sawing and Assembly
    669130038 Supervisor, Shuttle Veneering
    617130010 Supervisor
    558134018 Supervisor, Cell-Efficiency
    683130014 Loom-Fixer Supervisor
    616130010 Supervisor
    559132030 Heating-and-Blending Supervisor
    559132026 Head Operator, Sulfide
    682130010 Supervisor, Spinning
    559132022 Finishing-Area Supervisor
    616130014 Supervisor, Specialty Manufacturing
    559132018 Catalyst Operator, Chief
    559130018 Supervisor, Record Press
    683130010 Floor Supervisor, Endless-Belt-Weaving Department
    559130022 Supervisor, Tile-and-Mottle
    616130018 Supervisor, Spring Production
    559132010 Acid Supervisor
    559131018 Tnt-Line Supervisor
    559131014 Quality-Control Supervisor
    616130022 Supervisor, Steel Division
    683130018 Weave-Room Supervisor
    559131010 Pharmaceutical-Compounding Supervisor
    530132010 Coating-Mixer Supervisor
    559132014 Calender Supervisor
    539130010 Supervisor, Hardboard
    617130014 Supervisor, Fence Manufacture
    619130026 Supervisor, Hot-Wound Spring Production
    619130030 Supervisor, Line
    534130010 Supervisor, Coating
    534132010 Supervisor, Calendering
    619130034 Supervisor, Machine Setter
    534132014 Supervisor, Paper Coating
    669130034 Supervisor, Shuttle Preparation
    619130038 Supervisor, Pipe Finishing
    619130022 Supervisor, Continuous-Weld-Pipe Mill
    669130030 Supervisor, Shuttle Fitting
    539130014 Supervisor, Wet Room
    539131010 Supervisor, Wet End
    539132010 Supervisor, Paper Machine
    539132014 Supervisor, Pulp Plant
    539132018 Supervisor, Repulping
    619130042 Supervisor, Punch-and-Assembly Department
    534137010 Supervisor, Carbon-Paper-Coating
    710137010 Supervisor, Assembly I
    689130034 Supervisor, Yarn Preparation
    530132014 Supervisor, Beater Room
    557130014 Supervisor, Plastic Sheets
    557130010 Supervisor, Extruding Department
    556130018 Molding Supervisor
    710131014 Supervisor, Instrument Maintenance
    710131034 Supervisor, Shop
    710131038 Supervisor, Instrument Assembly
    710131042 Supervisor, Thermostatic Controls
    669130022 Supervisor, Machining
    530132018 Supervisor, Wood Room
    556130014 Supervisor, Plastics
    556130010 Supervisor, Plastics Fabrication
    530132022 Wood Grinder, Head
    681130010 Supervisor, Preparation Department
    619130010 Hydraulic-Pressure-Auto-Frettage-Machine-Operator Supervisor
    619130014 Supervisor, Aluminum Fabrication
    619130018 Supervisor, Cold Rolling

    AIM97 (Apprenticeship Information Management): No crosswalks

    CEN90 (1990 Census Occupations): 864 Supervisors, Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, and Laborers, N.E
    628 Supervisors, Production Occupations
    796 Production Inspectors, Checkers, and Examiners

    CIP90 (Classification of Instructional Programs): 010401 Agricultural and Food Products Processing Operations and Mgm
    470101 Electrical and Electronics Equipment Installer and Repairer,
    200301 Clothing, Apparel and Textile Workers and Managers, General
    020301 Food Sciences and Tech.
    470102 Business Machine Repairer
    200305 Custom Tailor
    520205 Operations Management and Supervision
    520201 Business Administration and Management, General
    150702 Quality Control Tech./Technician
    480501 Machinist/Machine Technologist
    520203 Logistics and Materials Management
    200309 Drycleaner and Launderer (Commercial)

    GOE93 (Guide for Occupational Exploration): 060210 Production Work: Equipment Operation, Metal Processing
    050506 Craft Technology: Metal Fabrication and Repair
    051215 Elemental Work: Mechanical: Mechanical Work
    060401 Elemental Work: Industrial: Supervision
    051002 Crafts: Mechanical
    050501 Craft Technology: Masonry, Stone, and Brick Work
    050207 Managerial Work: Mechanical: Materials Handling
    051001 Crafts: Structural
    051201 Elemental Work: Mechanical: Supervision
    050902 Material Control: Estimating, Scheduling, and Record Keeping
    050510 Craft Technology: Electrical-Electronic Equipment Repair
    050901 Material Control: Shipping, Receiving, and Stock Checking
    010601 Craft Arts: Graphics Arts and Related Crafts
    010203 Visual Arts: Commercial Art
    060101 Production Technology: Supervision and Instruction
    050511 Craft Technology: Scientific, Medical, & Technical Equip. Fabric. & Re
    050508 Craft Technology: Woodworking
    030202 General Supervision: Plants and Animals: Forestry and Logging
    010603 Craft Arts: Hand Lettering, Painting and Decorating
    050509 Craft Technology: Mechanical Work
    051101 Equipment Operation: Construction
    050201 Managerial Work: Mechanical: Systems
    060209 Production Work: Machine Work, Assorted Materials
    050202 Managerial Work: Mechanical: Maintenance and Construction
    060211 Production Work: Equipment Operation, Chemical Processing
    051005 Crafts: Reproduction
    010602 Craft Arts: Arts and Crafts
    051004 Crafts: Structural-Mechanical-Electrical-Electronic
    050507 Craft Technology: Machining
    050503 Craft Technology: Plumbing and Pipefitting
    051007 Crafts: Painting, Dyeing, and Coating
    060203 Production Work: Machine Work, Wood
    060215 Production Work: Equipment Operation, Food Processing
    060204 Production Work: Machine Work, Paper
    050515 Craft Technology: Custom Sewing, Tailoring, and Upholstering
    050302 Engineering Technology: Drafting
    060202 Production Work: Machine Work, Metal and Plastics
    070602 Clerical Machine Operation: Keyboard Machine Operation
    060201 Production Work: Supervision
    050603 Systems Operation: Oil, Gas, and Water Distribution
    060302 Quality Control: Inspecting, Grading, Sorting, Weighing, and Recording
    050514 Craft Technology: Gem Cutting and Finishing
    050601 Systems Operation: Electricity Generation and Transmission
    050602 Systems Operation: Stationary Engineering
    050604 Systems Operation: Processing
    050513 Craft Technology: Printing
    111003 Regulations Enforcement: Health and Safety
    111104 Business Management: Services

    MOC97 (Military Occupational Codes): 8853 Photographic Officer
    SW Steelworkers
    TM Torpedoman's Mates
    UT Utilitiesmen
    UC Master Chief Utilitiesman
    8853 Photographic Officer
    2E800 Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems Manager
    3E471 Utilities Systems
    2E190 Communications Systems
    3R091 Printing Management
    92A Automated Logistical Specialist
    51H Construction Engineering Supervisor
    3R071 Printing Management
    35Y Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE) Operator and Maintainer
    35F Special Electronic Devices Repairer
    914A Allied Trades Technician
    2W000 Munitions Maintenance Manager
    44E Machinist
    2E571 Imagery Systems Maintenance
    DC Damage Controlman
    35H Test, Measurement, And Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Maintenance Support Specialist
    3R000 Printing Management Manager
    25Z Visual Information Operations Chief
    4Y072 Dental Laboratory
    3E490 Utilities Systems
    2T271 Air Transportation
    2A171 Avionic Sensors Maintenance
    35W Electronic Maintenance Chief
    2A771 Aircraft Metals Technology
    3E271 Pavements And Construction Equipment
    62H Concrete And Asphalt Equipment Operator
    91S Preventive Medicine Specialist
    2P071 Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory
    2P091 Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory
    2P000 Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory Manager
    2E871 Instrumentation And Telemetry Systems
    57E Laundry and Shower Specialist
    2A773 Aircraft Structural Maintenance
    2E172 Metrological And Navigation Systems
    42E Optical Laboratory Specialist
    52E Prime Power Production Specialist
    918A TMDE Maintenance Support Technician
    81L Lithographer
    77W Water Treatment Specialist
    43M Fabric Repair Specialist
    2W091 Munitions Systems
    2E891 Instrumentation And Telemetry Systems
    3E072 Electrical Power Production
    MK 71 Machinery Technician
    35Z Senior Electronics Maintenance Chief
    PM Patternmakers
    2874 Metrology Technician
    2877 Radiac Instrument Technician
    4691 Visual Information Chief
    1316 Metal Worker
    2125 Electro-Optic Instrument Repair Officer
    ML Molders
    32E3H Civil Engineer
    4653 Combat Visual Information Equipment Technician
    8463 Optician
    4615 Combat Lithographer
    Equipment Operators
    8432 Preventive Medicine Technician
    1310 Engineer Equipment Officer
    9509 2M Instructor/Master Inspector
    4641 Combat Photographic Specialist
    BT Boiler Technicians
    6075 Cryogenics Equipment Operator
    8753 Dental Laboratory Technician, Advanced
    32E3K Civil Engineer
    IM Instrumentmen
    DT Dental Technicians
    BM Boatswain's Mates
    8126 Photographic Quality Controlman
    2161 Machinist
    HT Hull Maintenance Technicians
    2171 Electro-Optical Ordnance Repairer
    DC Damage Controlmen
    1169 Utilities Chief
    4204 Steam Propulsion Maintenance Supervisor
    9503 Miniature/Microminiature Electronic Repair Inspector
    LI Lithographers
    3051 Warehouse Clerk
    OM Opticalman
    6043 Aircraft Welder
    4283 High and Low Pressure Cryogenic Technician
    6492 Aviation Precision Measurement Equipment/Calibration And Repair Technician, Ima
    3052 Packaging Specialist
    4206 Shipboard Engineering Plant Program Manager
    4201 Cryogenics Technician, Overseas Shore Based Equipment Operator/Maintainer
    MR Machinery Repairmen

    OES98 (Occupational Employment Statistics): 81008 First-Line Supervisors and Managers/Supervisors - Production and Opera

    OPM97 (Office of Personnel Management Occupations): 0664 Restoration Technician
    5419 Stationary-Engine Operating
    4616 Patternmaking
    5433 Gas Generating Plant Operating
    5221 Lofting
    5485 Aircraft Weight and Balance Operating
    5484 Counting Machine Operating
    1060 Photography
    5435 Carton/Bag Making Machine Operating
    5427 Chemical Plant Operating
    4816 Protective and Safety Equipment Fabricating and Repairing
    5205 Gas and Radiation Detecting
    5454 Solvent Still Operating
    5407 Electric Power Controlling
    5401 Misc Industrial Equipment Operation
    5402 Boiler Plant Operating
    6501 Misc Ammun, Explosives, & Toxic Mater Wor
    6502 Explosives Operating
    6505 Munitions Destroying
    0667 Orthotist and Prosthetist
    5408 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating
    5477 Concrete/mortar Mixer Operating
    5716 Engineering Equipment Operating
    4715 Exhibits Making/Modeling
    4618 Woodworking Machine Operating
    5409 Water Treatment Plant Operating
    0688 Sanitarian
    4714 Model Making
    5446 Textile Equipment Operating
    5444 Food/Feed Processing Equipment Operating
    5440 Packaging Machine Operating
    4654 Form Block Making
    0683 Dental Laboratory Aid and Technician
    4845 Orthopedic Appliance Repairing
    5406 Utility Systems Operating
    5455 Paper Pulping Machine Operating
    4010 Prescription Eyeglass Making
    7306 Pressing
    3414 Machining
    3401 Miscellaneous Machine Tool Work
    3832 Medal Making
    3364 Projection Equipment Repairing
    5403 Incinerator Operating
    2030 Distribution Facilities and Storage Management
    8201 Misc Fluid Systems Maintenance
    3869 Metal Forming Machine Operating
    3872 Metal Tube Making, Installing, and Repairing
    2032 Packaging
    3910 Motion Picture Projection
    3417 Tool Grinding
    4005 Optical Element Working
    3422 Power Saw Operating
    3314 Instrument Making
    3306 Optical Instrument Repairing
    3119 Broom and Brush Making
    4015 Quartz Crystal Working
    4104 Sign Painting
    4157 Instrument Dial Painting
    4301 Miscellaneous Pliable Materials Work
    4351 Plastic Molding Equipment Operating
    3708 Metal Process Working
    4352 Plastic Fabricating
    3711 Electroplating
    4373 Molding
    7307 Dry Cleaning
    3911 Sound Recording Equipment Operating
    3741 Furnace Operating
    3707 Metalizing
    3712 Heat Treating
    3705 Nondestructive Testing
    9004 Motion Picture Developing/Printing Machine Operating
    9003 Film Assembling and Repairing
    3720 Brazing and Soldering
    3722 Cold Working
    3727 Buffing and Polishing
    3703 Welding
    3702 Flame/Arc Cutting
    3735 Metal Phototransferring
    3701 Miscellaneous Metal Processing
    3416 Toolmaking
    1654 Printing Management
    4360 Rubber Products Molding
    3744 Refining Equipment Operating
    3769 Shot Peening Machine Operating
    3515 Laboratory Support Working
    3801 Miscellaneous Metal Work
    3802 Metal Forging
    3806 Sheet Metal Mechanic
    3455 Machine Tool Work Family
    3807 Structural/Ornamental Iron Working
    3431 Machine Tool Operating
    3808 Boilermaking
    3428 Die Sinking
    8675 Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine Mechanic
    3820 Shipfitting
    3736 Circuit Board Making
    4441 Bookbinding
    3105 Fabric Working
    7004 Preservation Packaging
    3103 Shoe Repairing
    3101 Misc Fabric and Leather Work
    4401 Miscellaneous Printing and Reproduction
    4416 Platemaking
    7002 Packing
    4417 Offset Press Operating
    4419 Silk Screen Making and Printing
    4413 Negative Engraving
    4431 Photo Composition Machine Operating
    4414 Offset Photography
    4446 Bank Note Engraving
    4449 Electrolytic Intaglio Platemaking
    4454 Intaglio Press Operating
    4601 Miscellaneous Woodwork
    0062 Clothing Design
    2602 Electronic Measurement Equipment Mechanic
    4604 Wood Working
    2610 Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic
    4605 Wood Crafting
    4425 Photoengraving
    4405 Film Assembly-Stripping
    4403 Hand Composing
    7301 Misc Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Pressing
    7304 Laundry Working
    4402 Bindery Working
    7305 Laundry Machine Operating
    4406 Letterpress Operating
    3111 Sewing Machine Operating
    7006 Preservation Servicing
    7010 Parachute Packing
    3114 Mattress Making and Repairing
    3106 Upholstering
    4407 Linotype Machine Operating

    SOC98 (Standard Occupational Classification): 51-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Production and Operating Workers

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    Revised 20-Aug-15