Pizza Review
My new favorite pie on SI!!! The name says it all, the dough on this 12x12 focaccia traditional square is one of if not the best I’ve come across to date. It may not look it but each slice is soooo light for a pie this thick, the interior is super airy and pillowy on another level while the exterior crust and undercarriage are intensely crisp and buttery from the oil in the trays with nice pocketing. I’m not sure if they’re prepared like before but I’ve read that the fermentation takes 3 days. A blanket of whole milk fresh mozzarella covers the square dough and is super tasty and so melty good making every bite need a napkin but the sauce!!!!! Rich, vibrant and super tangy this is the perfect sauce for this pie, extremely fresh and it’s topped with grated pecorino, need I say more. If I’m being honest I was a touch skeptical after the owners passing in 2019 as he was part of an illustrious family in the art of dough and pizza, rumor had it that he was the only one that new the recipes. But talk about being blown away this place has every right to hang the banner of best on Staten Island, Licastri would be proud!!!

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