Evidence of meeting #67 for Indigenous and Northern Affairs in the 44th Parliament, 1st Session. (The original version is on Parliament’s site, as are the minutes.) The winning word was services.

A video is available from Parliament.

On the agenda

MPs speaking

Also speaking

Paula Isaak  Associate Deputy Minister, Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Clerk of the Committee  Ms. Audrée Dallaire
Valerie Gideon  Associate Deputy Minister, Department of Indigenous Services
Gina Wilson  Deputy Minister, Department of Indigenous Services

4:15 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

I have to move on.

4:15 p.m.


Dan Vandal Liberal Saint Boniface—Saint Vital, MB

Can you let me answer, please?

4:15 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

My time is just about over here.

We talked about the cost of living, too. I'm going to move on to carbon tax. We talked about affordability, and it's really all the same topic. Again, the interviewer asked you these questions previously, so you should have the answers.

As we talk about the cost of living and some of the measures, your government is imposing a carbon tax that literally every territory's MLA says makes no sense given the inability of anyone in this territory to move off carbon-based fuels.

Last night we had the nearest thing in the Northwest Territories to a constitutional crisis over a government bill regarding the carbon tax, which nearly became the first government bill to be voted down in goodness knows how long.

Why is the federal government not listening to the Northwest Territories on this? Why is it that Ottawa knows best once again?

For the public that is watching, the Northwest Territories actually tried to stop and stem the effects of the Liberal carbon tax, but guess what the federal government said. They said that Northwest Territories cannot rebate its citizens the equivalent amount that it really is costing them. It's going to stop it from doing that.

I guess the question I'll ask is simply, why would you do that?

4:15 p.m.


Dan Vandal Liberal Saint Boniface—Saint Vital, MB

Your previous question was about affordability, and I was telling you what we were doing with affordability.

4:15 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

If you can make that in—

4:15 p.m.


Dan Vandal Liberal Saint Boniface—Saint Vital, MB

It's $163 million in new funds not only for increased subsidy rates for nutritious food, but also for the harvesters support grant, which helps offset the expenses with traditional harvesting and hunting for people who live in the north and our indigenous partners.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

Minister, I'm going to go back—

4:20 p.m.


Dan Vandal Liberal Saint Boniface—Saint Vital, MB

The first year, there were 550 harvesters—

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

Again, I have very little time left—

4:20 p.m.


The Chair Liberal Jenica Atwin

I'm going to stop us right there. We're going to pause.

May 29th, 2023 / 4:20 p.m.


Marcus Powlowski Liberal Thunder Bay—Rainy River, ON

I have a point of order.

I believe the rule is that the minister, in responding, gets at least the same amount of time as the questioner. This clearly is not what is happening here.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

It's my time, Mr. Powlowski.

4:20 p.m.


The Chair Liberal Jenica Atwin

I'll just direct your attention to the chair.

I will remind members that we want to hear the answers, of course. We want to respect our guests as well, so let's try not to interrupt. I know your time is limited. I'll give you an additional 20 seconds, so you have 40 seconds now.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

No, that's time you're taking for yourself, because this is my—

4:20 p.m.


The Chair Liberal Jenica Atwin

I've paused your clock.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC


4:20 p.m.


Dan Vandal Liberal Saint Boniface—Saint Vital, MB

The $163 million in new money for the harvesters support program aided 150 harvesters in the north in one year alone, 150 hunts, as well as 120 food sharing initiatives.

That would be the answer to your question on what we are doing to address affordability and food security issues in the north.

The price on pollution is exactly that. There's an environmental crisis going on all over the world. I know the Conservatives don't recognize it. I know in your annual general meeting you voted to not recognize the climate crisis.

We are actively engaged with territories and indigenous partners to not only address affordability issues, but also to fight climate change.

4:20 p.m.


The Chair Liberal Jenica Atwin

Thank you, Mr. Zimmer. That's your time.

We're going to move on to Mr. McLeod for six minutes.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

I thought I had time. You said that was going to be 20 seconds and my clock was stopped.

4:20 p.m.


The Chair Liberal Jenica Atwin

I gave you an additional 40 seconds. You had six minutes and 40 seconds.

Mr. McLeod.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

This is really unusual.

4:20 p.m.


Michael McLeod Liberal Northwest Territories, NT

Thank you, Madam Chair.

Welcome to the minister—

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

I have a point of order, Chair.

You just made it very clear that...in committees, members should have control of their own time. The minister clearly was not answering my questions. I tried to ask other questions. You said he could have the floor to answer my question. He still did not answer the question, and then you said I had no time left.

What is it, Madam Chair? Do I not have time left? You just allowed the minister to run the clock, and I wasn't able to ask some simple finishing questions.

4:20 p.m.


The Chair Liberal Jenica Atwin

We very clearly have an allotment of time per round. I did give you an additional 40 seconds after pausing the clock as well. You had more than enough time to ask questions.

4:20 p.m.


Bob Zimmer Conservative Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, BC

You said he was going to have 20 seconds to answer the question and then I would still have time. You were going to hold my clock. You said my clock was stopped; we would wait for the minister to answer, and I would have some time afterwards. It's clearly the impression you gave me.