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Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, the Liberals are hiding the truth from Canadians. The environment minister is refusing to release a secret government report that proves the carbon tax is costing Canadians more than they get back. In fact, the Liberals have placed a gag order on their own budget watchdog, blocking him from speaking about this damning report.

June 5th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, after nine years, Canadians are struggling because the Prime Minister's inflationary spending and tax hikes have increased the cost of everything. In fact, the average Canadian family will pay $700 more for groceries this year, and many Canadians will have no choice but to go to food banks.

June 4th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I am glad my colleague touched on data, as far as figuring out what Canadians need when it comes to carbon emissions, cost and affordability in Canada. I am wondering why the member and his government are concealing the results of the $8-billion net accelerator fund.

June 4th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Business of Supply  How many emissions does that reduce?

June 4th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, as far as the cost of living in northern communities, while aviation fuel might be exempt from the carbon tax, what about the cost of fuel for transportation from the stores back to people's homes? I imagine people in northern communities live further away from grocery stores.

June 4th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to Parks Canada’s most recent update to their logo: (a) what were the expenses incurred, in total and broken down by type of expense; (b) what are the details of all contracts with external suppliers, consultants, and professional services related to the updated logo, including, for each, the (i) vendor, (ii) description of the goods and services provided, (iii) value or amount of the contract; (c) when did Parks Canada initially begin the process to update their logo; (d) on what date did Parks Canada submit their new logo to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office; and (e) what are all costs incurred by Parks Canada to replace previous logos, including a breakdown of the costs incurred at each location where the logo has been replaced?

June 3rd, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, it is an honour to present a petition on behalf of constituents. I rise for the 40th time on behalf of the people of Swan River, Manitoba, to present a petition on the rising rate of crime. The community members of Swan River are demanding that their voices be heard.

June 3rd, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Filipino Heritage Month  Mr. Speaker, this June, communities across Canada are celebrating Filipino Heritage Month. Canada is proud to be the home of nearly one million Filipinos who enrich our social, cultural and economic fabric throughout our nation. Canadians have welcomed the shared Filipino values of family, faith and freedom for many generations and will do so for generations to come.

June 3rd, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order on relevance. The member is supposed to be talking about Canadian politics. He referred to the Speaker—

May 30th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I have a quick question. Why will the government not tell Canadians whether it is going to increase the carbon tax beyond $170 a tonne beyond 2030?

May 30th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, it is always an honour to present a petition on behalf of constituents. I rise for the 39th time on behalf of the people of Swan River, Manitoba, to present a petition on the rising rate of crime. The NDP-Liberal government is failing to protect the people of Swan River amidst a crime wave that has swept through a rural town of 4,000.

May 30th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, it is always an honour to present a petition on behalf of constituents. I rise for the 38th time on behalf of the people of Swan River, Manitoba, to present a petition on the rising rate of crime. The people of Swan River are upset that jail is a revolving door for repeat offenders, as Bill C-75 allows violent offenders to be in jail in the morning and back on the street the same day.

May 24th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, I am rising on a point of order regarding the government's response to my written Question No. 2485, which was published on the Order Paper on March 20, 2024. In my written question, I asked the government about its consultation process for Parks Canada’s detailed impact assessment of the “Management of Zebra Mussels in Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park”, which was opened for public comment in February 2024.

May 24th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Petitions  Madam Speaker, it is always an honour to present a petition on behalf of constituents. I rise for the 37th time on behalf of the people of Swan River, Manitoba, to present a petition on the rising rate of crime. The community of Swan River is demanding their voices be heard. They are living with the crime and chaos caused by the Liberal government's soft-on-crime laws, such as Bill C-5, which allows criminals to serve their sentences from home.

May 23rd, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, it is always an honour to rise to present a petition on behalf of constituents. I rise for the 36th time on behalf of the people of Swan River, Manitoba, to present a petition on the rising rate of crime. The community of Swan River is demanding that their voices be heard.

May 8th, 2024House debate

Dan MazierConservative