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Natural Resources  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister's pipe dream is a nightmare for both the environment and the economy. With the Trans Mountain expansion, the Liberals gave the largest gift to an oil company in Canadian history, and the costs just keep going up. Now the finance minister will not even say how much is too much.

February 19th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Relations with Indigenous Peoples  Madam Speaker, last week I met with indigenous youth in my riding. They told me that they do not want their children to have to fight for basic human rights the way that they, their parents and their grandparents did. They have every reason to be concerned, because they see the government fighting indigenous kids in court.

February 18th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, the Liberal member who previously made comments spoke at length about gender equity. In Canada, one in eight women will experience breast cancer in her lifetime, and the average time for treatment and recovery is 25 to 36 weeks. However, this is not just about gender equity; it is about justice for all.

February 18th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, increasing the EI sickness benefit from 15 weeks to 50 weeks is essential if we want to ensure that hard-working Canadians have the protection and insurance they need when they face serious injury or illness. New Democrats put this forward in the past two Parliaments and are proud to support this motion.

February 18th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act  Mr. Speaker, in 2017, the Liberals promised an entire chapter on gender equality in this trade deal. According to sources, the renegotiated deal originally included provisions for improving conditions for working women, including provisions around workplace harassment, pay equity and gender equality.

February 6th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, we have more proof today that the Liberals' choices have left Canada lagging behind on its climate targets. I meet people every day who want to do their part, but while the Liberals are letting big polluters off the hook, they are making it harder and harder for families to make ends meet.

February 4th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I ask the hon. member to consider listening to the voices of sex workers. Sex workers are saying that sex work is work. I also ask the hon. member about the Harper government's decision to implement Bill C-36, which criminalized the establishments that sex workers go to in order to feel safe and criminalized their ability to hire security.

February 4th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, violence against women is a long-standing issue that has yet to be addressed by successive Liberal and Conservative governments. Will the current government commit to implement the calls for justice in the missing and murdered indigenous women and girls report, which provides many measures that seek to prevent violence against women?

February 4th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I would like to thank my colleague for standing up for women's rights and sex worker rights. Sex workers warned the government that the current sex work laws would result in more violence and put sex workers at risk. This tragic case could have been avoided if we did not allow discrimination and stigma to shape our policies.

February 4th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, my thoughts are with the victim and her family. This was a terrible event and we need to ensure that it never happens again. Violence against women is a problem that needs to be tackled seriously and it is a problem that was not tackled by the previous Conservative government and has not been tackled adequately by the current Liberal government.

February 4th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

The Environment  Madam Speaker, we still do not have an answer to why Environment Canada investigators that were responsible to the minister took so long in their investigation and why the matter was not referred to the RCMP to pursue criminal charges, despite legally admissible statements of fact and admission of criminal wrongdoing in the U.S.

February 3rd, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

The Environment  Madam Speaker, Volkswagen was caught lying about illegal levels of emissions. Volkswagen Canada has finally formally pleaded guilty to 60 offences under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and was ordered to pay a fine, a fine that is $70 million short of the maximum that could have been sought.

February 3rd, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act  Madam Speaker, the hon. member talked about drug prices and about fundamentally being on Canadians' side. However, when it comes to pharmaceutical prices and transparency in trade deals, the Liberals have consistently shown that they are on the side of big corporations. The Liberals promised an entire chapter to promote gender equality, but where is that?

January 30th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, Volkswagen was caught lying about illegal levels of emissions. It pleaded guilty in the U.S. and paid a $20-billion fine. Why did Canada wait years before laying charges? We do not know. What we do know is that Liberal ministers started meeting with Volkswagen lobbyists, and it looks like this corporation that was found guilty of committing environmental fraud got a backroom deal.

January 29th, 2020House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Climate Change  Mr. Speaker, young people have been taking to the streets calling for action on the climate crisis. They are worried about our future. They do not need more pretty words. They need action now. They want ambitious targets, a green new deal and the government to wake up. Instead, the Liberals are hitting the snooze button, kicking targets from 2030 to 2050.

December 6th, 2019House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP