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Nowruz  Mr. Speaker, it is a great pleasure for me to rise today to join other colleagues to wish everyone who celebrated Nowruz a happy new year. Yesterday, thousands of residents in my riding of Willowdale and, indeed, hundreds of thousands of Canadians, joined 300 million individuals around the world, to usher in Nowruz.

March 21st, 2022House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Emergencies Act  Madam Speaker, I really think it is imperative that, rather than look at developments in New Zealand, we look at developments in our own country, we listen to what experts are saying and we listen to what all three levels of government in this city and in this province are saying.

February 19th, 2022House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Emergencies Act  Madam Speaker, I appreciate my colleague's considered question. On this particular note, it is imperative that as Canadians we thank the detachments that arrived in the city of Ottawa yesterday. They did a splendid job, several different detachments, so we are grateful for what the Province of Quebec has done.

February 19th, 2022House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Emergencies Act  My apologies, Madam Speaker. Allow me to assure the member that I truly believe that we are not supposed to look at the substance of what is going on when there is an occupation or a lengthy protest. It is imperative that we continue to stand up for all Canadians.

February 19th, 2022House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Emergencies Act  Absolutely, Madam Speaker, I agree wholeheartedly. The member can take comfort in the fact that the legislation, as it is currently drafted and as it was envisioned in 1988, requires that we do that review. In addition, the City of Ottawa has decided to do a review.

February 19th, 2022House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Emergencies Act  Madam Speaker, I am thankful for the opportunity to take part in today's significant debate. After what we all witnessed on the streets of our capital yesterday, I feel compelled to say we each have a solemn obligation and responsibility to steer clear of excessive partisanship and rhetoric today.

February 19th, 2022House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Indigenous Affairs  Mr. Speaker, our government is fully committed to reconciliation with indigenous peoples. Canadians surely appreciate that our efforts should start at home, and that the government must lead in ensuring that our indigenous peoples are represented in every sector of economic life.

December 13th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. For the last sitting of this session, it is most fitting for this Parliament to adopt a motion on the PS752 tragedy. There have been discussions among the parties and if you seek it, I think you will find unanimous consent for the following motion: That (a), the House: (i) express its unwavering support and continue its efforts to demonstrate full solidarity with the families and loved ones of the victims of flight PS752; (ii) express its profound disappointment that Iran's final report into flight PS752 made no effort to provide facts about the sequence of events on the day this tragedy transpired and deem the report fundamentally incomplete as it contains glaring omissions and completely fails to adhere to the prescribed standards and recommended practices set out in annex 13 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation; (iii) reiterate that the families and loved ones of the victims are entitled to full and comprehensive answers from Iran about all material facts concerning flight PS752; and (iv) request that the chair of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada table an independent assessment of Iran's draft final report; and (b) in the opinion of the House, the government must continue to: (i) hold Iran to account by insisting that it assume full responsibility and make full reparations for the harm it has caused the families and loved ones of the victims of flight PS752; (ii) demand that Iran produce a comprehensive and transparent investigation in accordance with international standards; and (iii) uphold our solemn obligation to exhaust all available options in bilateral and multilateral fora to ensure that Iran fully discharges its obligations to permit the families and loved ones of the victims of flight PS752 to obtain transparency, accountability and justice.

June 23rd, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Telecommunications  Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Kitchener South—Hespeler for his continued advocacy. I can assure this chamber that our government has been relentless in promoting competition and improving the quality and coverage of telecom services across our country. We are fully committed to ensuring that Canadians pay fair prices for mobile and wireless services, regardless of their postal code.

June 8th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Statistics Canada  Madam Speaker, we understand that the census is incredibly important. Canadians have come to appreciate how important it is as well. It is important for my friend to recognize that we are there to assist individual Canadians. The census provides valuable information, and Canadians can also use the telephone to complete the census.

May 28th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Statistics Canada  Madam Speaker, I would be very happy to reach out to the member and ensure we take down the information and do everything we possibly can.

May 14th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Statistics Canada  Madam Speaker, we understand full well how incredibly important it is to make informed decisions. We have made every effort to ensure that Canadians are aware and that this information is put to good use. However, I will undertake to reach out to my friend to ensure we do an incredible job in receiving information from our farmers.

May 14th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Automotive Industry  Mr. Speaker, as the member knows full well, we have partnered with various unions since the first day we were elected. We have had numerous consultations. We are very much focused on ensuring that the future of our auto sector is healthy and robust, and we are there for the workers.

April 29th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Public Safety  Madam Speaker, let me assure the member that we take national security very seriously. We take national security and the research environment, and we do the work required to ensure that Canadians have full confidence. We ensure that everything has protocols, that Canadians are safe and secure, and they do not have to worry about the types of concerns the member has identified.

April 16th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal

Public Safety  Madam Speaker, let me reiterate one more time that we are constantly on the lookout and do everything within our power to safeguard our research, our national security and our economic interests. These are valid concerns to have, but as the member is fully aware, the Minister of Public Safety and the Minister of Industry have taken numerous steps over the course of the past several months to ensure that Canadians have nothing to be concerned about.

April 16th, 2021House debate

Ali EhsassiLiberal