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Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, in response to the ruling you just made, I would invite the Chair to possibly consider the fact that using unparliamentary language about members in general is no less harmful than using it about one member in particular, in my opinion. I would like to hear the Chair on that because even if the comments were not directed at one specified member, they are no less harmful.

February 15th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I would like to come back to what I was saying, which is that the discussion on levels must be comprehensive and must also take place outside the provinces, because there is something called interprovincial migration. All of that has to be taken into account. The housing problem is critical, regardless of immigration categories.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, the provinces certainly do have a role to play in immigration, especially Quebec, because of the language issue. The problem is that despite the role Quebec already has, the system is clearly not working, since Quebec's minister of immigration, francization and integration is so fed up that she is threatening to hold a referendum to repatriate all immigration powers.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I can confirm to my colleague that he is not the only one getting calls about immigration. All of our offices are being contacted, sometimes even by people who live in government members' ridings, if I may take a little shot at them, because they cannot get services from their own member and they know that the Bloc Québécois is good at its job.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, it is always a bit intimidating to speak after my leader. I will try not to disappoint him so that I can still come to his office when I want to filch some of his almonds. I was the first to speak last fall during a similar debate on the issue of immigration thresholds and the capacity of Quebec and the provinces to accept immigrants.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, in her speech, my colleague talked about the importance of being able to integrate newcomers. That is precisely the crux of our motion. It is to have consultations that will allow for a bit of predictability. What happens is that Canada sets targets, but then we have to try to meet those targets and we realize that we do not have that capacity.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from Lac-Saint-Jean for his speech. He spoke about the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship's very scathing tone towards the Bloc Québécois. He called us armchair quarterbacks. Politicians have a thick skin and are capable of handling such insults, but the problem is that if the minister is busy insulting us, it means he is not dealing with the situation.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the member for Beloeil—Chambly, who is the sponsor of this motion, we welcome this request for an amendment.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I would like to thank the minister for his speech. When the Bloc Québécois raised the issue of Quebec's intake and integration capacity, we were accused of being armchair quarterbacks. Even if we let that slide, there is still a recent survey that found that most Canadians and Quebeckers believe that Canada is unable to integrate newcomers properly and that its intake capacity is insufficient.

February 8th, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship  Mr. Speaker, the CMHC report confirms that the housing crisis is worse than ever. The vacancy rate is the lowest it has been in 20 years. Rents are up 8%, and finding a new home in Quebec is 17% more expensive. Why is this happening? It is because the population is growing too quickly.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship  Mr. Speaker, there is a shortfall of 3.5 million housing units according to the CMHC. Meanwhile, the Liberals are increasing immigration levels again in 2024 and 2025. They refuse to spread out asylum seekers among the provinces to alleviate the burden on Quebec. As a result, a heartbroken asylum seeker anonymously told the Journal de Montréal, “I'm scared because I am with my daughter.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, at the beginning of her speech, the member read the motion. I would like to do the same. The motion reads as follows: That, given that the carbon tax has proven to be a tax plan, not an environmental plan, the House call on the Liberal government to cancel the...carbon tax increase.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, it is funny that we are talking about the carbon tax today, because just this morning, the Parliamentary Budget Officer released the costing of the tax credit for carbon capture, utilization and storage. How much will this measure cost over the next five years? It will cost approximately $5.5 billion.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives make it sound like using tax policies to fight climate change is never a good idea. We disagree with some of the measures the Liberals have in place because we think they are unnecessary. I am talking about measures like the tax credit for carbon capture, utilization and storage, the clean tech tax credit and the hydrogen tax credit.

February 1st, 2024House debate

Christine NormandinBloc

Committees of the House  Mr. Speaker, I am speaking on behalf of the member for Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix, who would like to change her vote in order to vote against the motion. She experienced technical problems with the voting application.

December 15th, 2023House debate

Christine NormandinBloc