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Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of their failed carbon tax, food bank lineups are longer than they have ever been and Canadians are going hungry. Now they want to impose this Liberal carbon tax on Ukraine. The Prime Minister is not worth the cost. Conservative Bill C-234 would deliver lower food prices for Canadians by removing the carbon tax on our farmers.

November 23rd, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to the finding from the Privacy Commissioner that Canada Post's Smartmail Marketing Program contravenes section 5 of the Privacy Act: (a) has the minister responsible for Canada Post directed the corporation to amend the program to bring it into compliance with the Privacy Act, and, if so, what are the details, including the (i) date, (ii) summary of the direction given; and (b) what action has Canada Post taken to change the program to bring it into compliance with the Privacy Act?

November 9th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

World Egg Day  Madam Speaker, this past Friday was World Egg Day, a day to mark the importance of eggs as the critical protein that they are, while also celebrating the positive impact of our egg farming sector in Canada. For over 50 years, our local egg farmers have supported their rural communities and ensured that Canadians have consistent year-round access to fresh, local, affordable, and high-quality eggs from coast to coast.

October 16th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal-NDP government, Liberal insiders have never had it so good and Canadians are paying the price. We have learned that the RCMP is investigating allegations of misconduct involving three companies that worked on the ArriveCAN app. They paint a picture of cozy relationships between the government and questionable contractors, sweetheart deals for the Liberal insiders, while Canadians struggle to make ends meet.

October 5th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I think that is absolutely the responsibility of all of us here in this place. It is to ensure that individual rights are balanced with the overall public safety of Canadians. I suggest that this legislation, which is in response to a Supreme Court ruling, goes a long way, but I would also suggest that there should be amendments to this bill, as many of my colleagues have already pointed out.

October 4th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague for his work on this issue. I listened to the speech he gave recently on this very topic. I would simply say that the government has shown that it is not really taking this issue seriously. It waited six months to present this legislation.

October 4th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague for her question and simply say that I reject the premise of the question about partisanship. We demonstrated, back in 2011, that we were taking this issue seriously when we introduced legislation to ensure that mandatory registration was in place.

October 4th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have the opportunity to rise and speak to Bill S-12, an act to amend the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the International Transfer of Offenders Act. I will be splitting my time. This bill makes extensive changes to Canada's sexual assault legislation and the role of the national sex offender registry, or NSOR, particularly those sections of the Criminal Code that were struck down by the Supreme Court, which ruled that they were unconstitutional.

October 4th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Committees of the House  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present a supplementary report to the report from the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. This supplementary report is the result of an unwillingness by the Liberal-NDP coalition to take firm action to rein in the outrageous spending by the Office of the Governor General, which demonstrates a callous disrespect for Canadian taxpayers through lavish spending on catering and clothing.

October 4th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Strengthening the Port System and Railway Safety in Canada Act  Mr. Speaker, Conservatives understand that not only is an efficient transportation system key to ensuring reliable supply chains, but also a safe transportation system, including a safe rail transportation system, is key. We need reliable supply chains if we want to grow Canada's economy.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Strengthening the Port System and Railway Safety in Canada Act  Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the observations by my colleague in regard to the Ottawa-knows-best approach that the government tends to take. I agree with him that we see more of the same in this bill. I know that the final report of the national supply chain task force called for urgent action to immediately address supply chain congestion, and I am sure he would agree with me that the bill that has been tabled in the House does absolutely nothing to address the concerns of the task force.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Strengthening the Port System and Railway Safety in Canada Act  Mr. Speaker, I had the opportunity to listen in on the debate on this bill. I would suggest that another hallmark is that the current government is well known for appointing its friends and Liberal supporters, not only to benefit itself when it comes to decisions made by decision-making bodies but also to line the pockets of Liberal insiders and friends.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Strengthening the Port System and Railway Safety in Canada Act  Mr. Speaker, I am thankful for the opportunity to rise and speak to Bill C-33, an act to amend the Customs Act, the Railway Safety Act, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, the Marine Transportation Security Act, the Canada Transportation Act and the Canada Marine Act and to make a consequential amendment to another act.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada  Mr. Speaker, let me tell the House about the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. Many know him as the common-sense leader our country needs. His schoolteacher parents know him as the boy they adopted and raised in their modest home in the suburbs of Calgary. His dad knows him as the son he took to early morning hockey games.

September 20th, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, there are a number of things that we might decide not to spend Canadian taxpayers' money on. Let us talk about the carbon tax. We would cut the carbon tax. We would stop paying high-priced consultants. We would not allow the Prime Minister to consider exorbitant spending on vacations.

June 21st, 2023House debate

Kelly BlockConservative