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Petitions  Mr. Speaker, I also rise to present a paper petition that constituents have signed on the mistreatment and discrimination facing people who are experiencing homelessness and the unhoused population. While government is funding NGOs, petitioners are calling for housing-first solutions and are concerned about the violence this population faces from police and other people with more power.

April 19th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, I rise to present a petition with well over 500 signatures. The right to bargain is a constitutional right. The petitioners are calling on the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority to cease interfering with industrial relations and all contractors, to meet their duties as an employer and to reverse the decision by CATSA to disqualify 27 screening officers at the Victoria airport.

April 19th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, I am rising to present a petition with nearly 2,000 signatories, who are calling on the government to uphold and protect abortion rights in Canada. Conservative members have presented anti-abortion legislation, and with the rise of anti-abortion legislation in the United States, Canadians must be vigilant in upholding this vital right.

April 19th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Oil and Gas Industry  Madam Speaker, the Liberals should never have bought the Trans Mountain pipeline. It threatens our climate and our coasts. Canadian taxpayers are now on the hook for the government's irresponsible spending to the tune of $35 billion. Liberals ignored the calls from environmentalists and coastal indigenous nations, instead choosing to be in the pocket of big oil and gas.

April 19th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Climate Change  Madam Speaker, it is interesting to me that the member initially answered my question about why the government is tripling its thermal coal exports by talking about carbon pricing and by accusing the NDP of not having strong climate action, when it is this government that continues to use carbon pricing as a political wedge and to hold it up as proof of its climate credibility.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Climate Change  I have a point of order.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Climate Change  Madam Speaker, burning coal for electricity is the dirtiest source of power generation. It produces the most greenhouse gases globally. The IPCC states that the world must dramatically reduce its consumption of coal by 2030 to avoid the worst outcomes of the climate crisis. When thermal coal is exported to be burned in other countries, it has a devastating impact on global emissions.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Oil and Gas Industry  Mr. Speaker, while Canadians are struggling and food bank use is at an all-time high, rich oil and gas CEOs are making record profits. Canadians are frustrated. Sources say that the finance minister backed out from an excess profits tax in this budget. Why? It was because oil and gas lobbyists asked her to.

April 16th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act  Mr. Speaker, in response to my question to the member's colleague, the colleague really said that we need to let industry regulate itself. When it comes to oil and gas CEOs, they are raking in record profits. The CEO of Suncor, Rich Kruger, said that he is no longer going to focus on emissions reduction and that he is just going to focus on profits.

April 11th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act  Mr. Speaker, I hear that the member and his party are opposed to the legislation, but there is a climate emergency happening. There is a climate crisis and it is impacting Canadians across the country. We need to invest in sustainable jobs. Putting the legislation aside, I am wondering if he can at least agree to those principles.

April 11th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Climate Change  Mr. Speaker, Canadians are experiencing the brunt of the climate crisis, with damage caused by flooding and the fear of wildfire evacuations, all while the Liberals are rewarding the very people who are getting rich off of it. The Liberals gave over $18 billion to rich oil and gas companies last year, and, today, we found out that they broke $15 billion in climate promises.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, it is lovely to hear people combatting the misinformation that comes out of the Conservative Party. We know that provinces have the option to present an alternative system, and provinces have done that. We see that in Quebec. We see that in British Columbia. We see these provinces also reducing their emissions and having incredible plans when it comes to electric vehicles, hydroelectricity and renewable energy.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, we absolutely need a strong industrial carbon price, and we need strong regulations to make sure that these big polluters cannot pollute for free. The Conservatives are clearly unwilling to stand up to their corporate donors. That said, the Liberals also have been giving out billions of dollars to the same companies.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, Canadians absolutely deserve affordable, low-carbon alternatives. It is unfortunate that the Conservative Party refuses to actually propose credible climate policy that would provide Canadians with those affordable, low-carbon alternatives. It is mind-boggling that the Leader of the Opposition continues to go out campaigning to scrap a policy without presenting how he would fill the emissions reduction gap, make life more affordable for Canadians and make a more climate-safe future for people now and future generations.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, the leader of the Conservatives just said that Canada does not have an industrial carbon price. He is either ignorant about carbon tax policy or intentionally misleading the public. He should know that Canada's industrial carbon pricing system exists. The federal carbon pricing benchmark exists, and it is critically important because it sets expectations for how provincial and territorial governments are covering fuels and large emitters, as well as how these programs must be designed to meet federal minimum standards.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Laurel CollinsNDP