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Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023  Madam Speaker, the member across talked about the government's investments in housing, and I am proud of the NDP's work to fight for significant investments in housing and, in particular, a focus on urban and northern housing for indigenous peoples. However, we know that the current Liberal government is failing first nations when it comes to housing, and I am talking about on-reserve housing.

January 31st, 2024House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to Indigenous Services Canada's monitoring of access to clean drinking water on reserve, broken down by province: (a) how many First Nations reserves do not have a community-based drinking water quality monitor; and (b) what percentage do not have a back-up or alternate?

January 29th, 2024House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to the utilization of the Canadian small business tax rate by oil and gas companies: (a) how many oil and gas companies, broken down by their primary line of business, such as upstream exploration and production, midstream transportation and storage, downstream refining and distribution, and others, have claimed the small business tax rate, in each of the last five fiscal years; (b) what percentage does this represent of all oil and gas companies operating within the country; (c) what is the total amount of tax revenue received from oil and gas companies that claimed the small business tax rate, in each of the last five fiscal years; (d) how does the amount of oil and gas companies claiming the small business tax rate compare to agriculture and forestry, both in number and as a percentage of total companies in the respective sector; (e) are there any mechanisms or audits in place to ensure that larger oil and gas entities are not creating smaller subsidiaries primarily to benefit from the small business tax rate, and, if so, how many audits or investigations related to this issue in the oil and gas sector have been initiated in the past five fiscal years; and (f) broken down by province, where are the oil and gas companies claiming the small business tax rate primarily operating?

January 29th, 2024House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to the surveillance infrastructure for tuberculosis (TB): (a) since 2015, broken down by province, what was the incidence of TB in Canada generally, and for First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada; (b) what date will the government publish the next Tuberculosis in Canada report; (c) how does Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, and Indigenous Services Canada collaborate with the recommendations outlined in the TB in Canada report; (d) what are the demographic criteria included in Canada’s TB surveillance system to appropriately disaggregate data to identify gaps in care and is this disaggregated data shared with provincial health departments; (e) how much funding is dedicated to Canada's TB surveillance system and dissemination strategy, including the launch of the TB in Canada report; (f) what is the average response time between when a TB outbreak is declared by a public health authority, and when that data is reflected in the national TB surveillance system; and (g) what steps is the Public Health Agency of Canada taking to ensure that the recommendations of the Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy are implemented for tuberculosis data?

January 29th, 2024House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to the effective tax rate paid by high-income individuals and businesses: (a) from 2015 to 2023, what was the effective tax rate paid by those making above (i) 1 million, (ii) 2 million, (ii) 5 million, CAD; (b) what was the average effective tax rate paid by the top (i) 1%, (ii) 0.1%, (iii) 0.01%, of income earners from 2015 to 2023; and (c) what was the effective capital gains tax rate of the top (i) 1%, (ii) 0.1%, (iii) 0.01%, of capital gains earners from 2015 to 2023?

January 29th, 2024House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, big tech companies, like Amazon, Twitter and Uber, make billions of dollars a year and do not pay what they owe to Canadians. The Liberals said they would put a plan in place for a digital services tax by the end of this year, but they are delaying it. Canadians do not trust the Liberals and Conservatives to make big tech corporations pay their fair share, and this at a time when so many Canadians are struggling.

December 14th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Canada Labour Code  Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for her clear message today that we need anti-scab legislation and for her reminder of how critical this legislation is for workers' rights and for fairness for workers and all of us. It is a historic moment, as we are seeing the NDP once again standing up for workers, standing up for Canadians and fighting back.

December 14th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Indigenous Services  Madam Chair, I will start off by saying that it is well known that the member has a real penchant for deflecting, talking about his time in the Manitoba legislature and pulling up stories from the past. If we were to talk about the diversion projects at the time, I would certainly expect an opportunity for a more fulsome discussion.

December 11th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Indigenous Services  Madam Chair, first off, I am proud of the gains that we have made through our agreement. Obviously, today is a very big day with the announcement of the dental care program. We have made previous announcements and are certainly hoping for a lot more. For us, it has been very important to see the government deliver for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

December 11th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Indigenous Services  Madam Chair, I am tremendously honoured to follow my colleague from Nunavut. Tonight, we have an obligation to speak out against the reduction in spending, the cuts, in Indigenous Services Canada, given the dire needs of indigenous communities. We in the NDP are clear. A reduction of $7.6 billion in Indigenous Services spending is unacceptable.

December 11th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Indigenous Affairs  Mr. Speaker, this past summer was the worst wildfire season in Canada's history. Indigenous communities are on the front lines of the climate crisis and are disproportionately paying the price, yet Liberals are investing less than a third of all emergency preparedness money in prevention, choosing to be reactive.

December 6th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, with the guns silenced, the bombs and missiles grounded, it was a ceasefire by any other name. For a few days, there was some sense of peace in Israel and Palestine, but now the killing has begun again in Gaza. Once again, innocent civilians, children and women are dying at a horrendous rate.

December 6th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Canada Revenue Agency  Madam Speaker, something is rotten in the CRA. Following a phone call from Deloitte to a senior official at CRA, it gave a company $63 million in tax rebates that are being referred to as “illegitimate”. The CRA was auditing the company in question, yet it took less than 24 hours after a phone call from a powerful accounting firm to not only make the problem go away but also give away millions of dollars of Canadians' money.

December 1st, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, we have certainly indicated that the NDP would support this motion, which recognizes that farmers in Canada need support these days, and indirectly recognizes that Canadians also need help. Can my colleague speak to how this motion might help farmers in western Canada?

November 28th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP

Canada Labour Code  Madam Speaker, that is a critical point. We know that the legislation is historic in many ways. It has been fought for over the course of many years, but it is also legislation that is very current, recognizing that many workers in particular sectors, and I am thinking of telecommunications and others, are increasingly engaged in remote work and deserve the protections and should have the rights that any other worker does.

November 27th, 2023House debate

Niki AshtonNDP