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Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, I know that there is someone watching who has been with me for 12 years. We work together in my office. It is Heather Kuntz' birthday today. I am not sure which one, but I want to say “happy birthday” to her in Regina. I will ask my colleague from across the way a question.

November 29th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, some senators are elected. Alberta has elections for senators already, but the Prime Minister will not appoint the senators that have already been elected by the people of Alberta. This is another way he thumbs his nose at democracy. To the member's point, I agree that 3% of Canadians are farmers.

November 28th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, as a member of the NDP-Liberal coalition, I am sure we would not want to cast the sins of the father onto the son. The NDP leader would not want that to happen. I was not around when this supposedly took place, but I appreciate the member's support for this motion.

November 28th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, that is a very interesting question from a person who supports a Prime Minister who wore blackface, a person who supports the Prime Minister who elbowed a female MP on the floor of the House of Commons because he was not getting his way in a vote, a person who divided Canadians, called them undesirables and people who do not deserve to be in the same country when they just wanted to talk to the Prime Minister, and supports someone who will not ever talk to people if they do not agree with the Liberals and the Prime Minister.

November 28th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to join the debate today on Bill C-234, the carbon tax exemption for heating buildings, grain drying and irrigation on farms. We are also talking about the role of the Senate in the parliamentary democracy of a two-house system. My civics is a little rusty, but I do remember that the Senate does not have any ability for taxation because they are unelected.

November 28th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I believe my colleague did not hear me. I said “Liberal-appointed senators”, because the Prime Minister is a Liberal and he did appoint these senators. Therefore, there are Liberal-appointed senators.

November 28th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I listened to my hon. colleague's whole speech. He did not mention Bill C-234 or the Senate at all. Very simply, over the last week, how many Liberal-appointed senators did the environment minister call to try to bully them and convince them to vote against this bill?

November 28th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to the Canada Child Benefit, during the most recent round of payments: (a) how many and what percentage of families who received payments got (i) the maximum payment amount for each child, (ii) a decreased payment amount due to the adjusted family net income level; and (b) of the families in (a) who received a decreased amount, what was the number and percentage of recipients that had their payments reduced by (i) less than 25 percent, (ii) 25 to 50 percent, (iii) more than 50 percent to 75 percent, (iv) more than 75 percent?

November 20th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Petitions  Madam Speaker, it is my pleasure to present a petition on behalf of the constituents of Regina—Lewvan and folks across Saskatchewan, which asks this House and the government to butt out, as my friend said, of natural health products. The petition draws the attention of the House to the fact that freedom of choice in health care is becoming increasingly curtailed and further threatened by legislation and statutory regulations of the Government of Canada, with regard to this fundamental right for individuals to be able to choose how to prevent illness or how to address illness or injury in their own bodies.

November 9th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, I am glad that the member brought up the rebate. I talk about our climate policies all the time because in Saskatchewan, we have lowered our per capita emissions more than any other province in Canada has over the last five years, with carbon capture and sequestration and new technologies.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, I apologize for saying that he cannot figure out math or for being unable to square the circle of the carbon tax—

November 7th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Carbon Pricing  I apologize for the comments I made, Madam Speaker.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Carbon Pricing  Madam Speaker, it is a pleasure to join in and try to get some answers for the question I asked the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources last week. I am happy that the parliamentary secretary is here because he has said a few things tonight that I would really like to delve into.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I am happy to take to my feet today to ask this random Liberal from Whitby a question. I will give him credit. He is one of the only Liberals who told the truth recently, when he looked in the camera and said that Canadians are going to feel pain because of the Liberals' costly carbon tax.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, the member actually mentioned Regina and home heating oil, and there are not a lot of people who heat their homes with heating oil. They do not get any of the divisive carbon tax exemption that was brought forward.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Warren SteinleyConservative