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Science and Research committee  That is what the registry will give us. That will be there in the data.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  The granularity of the registry will be very useful in the context of understanding, from the life cycle of any product, the amount and types of plastic put on the market and what happens at the end of its life. In and of itself, that data will be extremely important for identifying gaps in measures, whether federally or provincially.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  It's innovation and research, and with innovation comes investment.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  Do you mean on the registry or—

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  Yes. One important opportunity for the provinces will be to look at the federal registry data and compare it with their own data to see if there are discrepancies. They can then perhaps look at additional measures on their end as well.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  In Nova Scotia, as in many Atlantic provinces, the issue is close to home, so it's an extremely collaborative and positive conversation. It already has a plastic bag ban, for example. I would say it's quite avant-gardist.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  There are actions across the waste hierarchy, which is what you outlined with reduction and so on, but the targets are set by provinces for those. The federal government invests in public awareness to incentivize reduction and reuse, with public media campaigns and public education.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  The targets for recycling are being set by the provinces. Anywhere there is EPR legislation, there will be targets for the collection and recycling of the materials covered. As I mentioned, we will need more measures across the country to get to zero plastic waste by 2030. That is a fact.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  The registry is being built currently. The IMIT platform is being built, so I don't have the cost of that registry currently.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  That's an excellent question. We have had discussions with the provinces that have registries in place. There are two ways we have looked into reducing potential duplication. One was to, as much as possible, follow the CCME guidance that we have collectively so we—

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  Another way we've reduced duplication is to allow for bulk uploading from a provincial registry to the federal registry. That reduces the administrative burden. The e-commerce marketplace is covered by the plastics registry, so they will need to report on the amount of plastic they put on the market.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  I would have to get back to you on that, but I would think that every province or territory's legislation on EPR does have consequences for non-compliance.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  The purpose of the federal plastics registry, which was launched recently, is to—

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin

Science and Research committee  It is for mandatory reporting that is meant to be transparent, and it's available to authorities and the public.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Dany Drouin