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Human Resources committee  Mr. Chair, I want to start by making a clarification before I turn it over to Ryan Cowling for an explanation. There are dependent contractors and independent contractors, so there's a distinction in the code. I know we want to get into the amendments, but I just want to clarify, Mr.

May 2nd, 2024Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  I'll turn to my colleague Ryan Cowling, who can explain the impact of this amendment.

May 2nd, 2024Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  I can speak to that. There is no identified risk to flag at this time, but I would go back to December, when Bill C-3 was introduced and passed. Some employers raised the fact that they needed time to implement these changes in their systems and collective agreements. These amendments now bring the coming into effect date to December 1, 2022.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  You're talking about paid sick leave, I think. Is that the question?

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  What Quebec does is actually two days of paid leave per year. Ten days is a bit more generous than what the Province of Quebec is providing.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  Our minister reached out to his counterparts in different provinces in February, and he's going back to talk to them at the end of June. People are interested and are curious to know how these changes will unfold.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  This is Zia Proulx from the labour program. I'm not sure I understand the question related to division 29.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  I will turn it to my colleague Douglas Wolfe, who may have an answer to this one, because this is not in the proposed changes included in division 29.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  One change that we included in C-19 was to make sure that employees whose employers change as a result of a transfer of business or a contract retendering process would not lose their earned days of paid sick leave during the year if they're working in the same job. That was one of the changes proposed in BIA 1 that was not proposed in the original Bill C-3, which received royal assent in December.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Human Resources committee  If they're doing the same job and it's a result of a transfer or contract retendering process, then the new employer would be responsible for their paid sick leave.

May 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Finance committee  I will do that.

May 5th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx

Finance committee  Good afternoon. I'm Zia Proulx. I'd be happy to walk you through the key changes. Basically, there are five key things, including in BIA Number 1. I'll give you just a general overview. They're basically in response to some amendments that were made during the legislative process of Bill C-3, which happened in the fall of 2021, and also stakeholder feedback that we received in March.

May 5th, 2022Committee meeting

Zia Proulx