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Finance committee  That is correct. My farm is my retirement, and transferring the family farm to satisfy everyone's needs within the family is a very difficult job to do. My parents moved from Germany to Canada in 1980. We had a very small farm in Germany. We bought a smaller than average size farm here in Manitoba back in 1980.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  Yes, we do. There are certain segments that are exempt, but there is a lot of hidden carbon tax that's paid. About 75% to 85% of what I produce is exported, and it is transported on the Canadian rail system, by either CP or CN. They pay carbon tax on the fuel they use and they do pass it on to the farmer.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  Yes, I am.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  Yes, I am. However, it doesn't always work that way in a family farm transfer. That's what I'm really concerned about. Our daughter came back from working in the agriculture industry, and we're in the process of family farm transfer, and this new tax will add a lot of tax implications.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  That I'm not sure of. I would have to check that out with my accountant.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  We're working on that. I am a farmer, not a tax lawyer.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  I did call him before this meeting here today, and he said absolutely it would increase my tax burden going forward.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  No, we have four daughters, but it's only the one daughter who's interested in farming.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  I was not aware of that. However, spreading it out to non-farming family members, the other kids, is a pretty surefire way of destroying the family farm because—

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  I'm suggesting that this budget is not fair to multi-generational farms. My farm is my retirement. Just like Mr. Stefanec said, I don't have a fancy RRSP because I invested everything into my farm, and now I get penalized for doing that, versus you or some of my other kids who have very good jobs.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Finance committee  Thank you, Chair and committee members. I'm grateful for the opportunity to appear before this committee. My name is Günter Jochum. I farm about 20 minutes west of Winnipeg with my wife and daughter. I'm also president of the Wheat Growers Association. We are a volunteer-based farm advocacy organization dedicated to developing ag policy solutions that strengthen the profitability and sustainability of farming and the agricultural industry.

June 18th, 2024Committee meeting

Günter Jochum

Agriculture committee  All I heard was that, yes, the minister has said that it is a voluntary goal. At the same time, I have also heard the minister say that not achieving a 30% reduction in emissions is not an option.

November 2nd, 2022Committee meeting

Gunter Jochum

Agriculture committee  Agreed. I have heard it from a third party. I have not heard the minister herself say that. I have heard it from a journalist who asked the government what happens if we cannot reach 30% reduction. The minister or her office apparently had replied that it's not an option.

November 2nd, 2022Committee meeting

Gunter Jochum

Agriculture committee  Absolutely. This year, the carbon tax alone will add about $40,000 to my farm. My farm is a very viable family farm. There's no off-farm income to supplement us, and this will really hurt. As it increases up to the year 2030, it will put my farm's sustainability in question. The carbon tax is an unfair tax, and I would say a tax on basic food production is wrong on every level.

November 2nd, 2022Committee meeting

Gunter Jochum

Agriculture committee  I doubt it. Farmers are very efficient as it is. This year, we had a tremendous year. The biggest contributor to yield is, of course, rain and fertilizer.

November 2nd, 2022Committee meeting

Gunter Jochum