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Veterans Affairs committee  I've had four case managers since I started at VAC in 2020. It was a battle with one case manager. It was like butting heads on just about everything that was awarded or overturned. It started with the critical injury benefit and then with SISIP. It was like a fight, a personal fight.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  It would be like a goose chase, because I would have to figure out the names of these people and their ranks. I don't even know if it would endanger my life. To be honest, because of the high rank of the individuals who were involved, it would put my life at risk. I fear talking about it now, because I know I'm not the only one.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  If they had flown me to a different hospital or a completely different treatment centre with someone who was a third party and not biased, I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been treated the same way as I was, and at least I would have had a case. I should have had a rape kit.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  It was a group of eight.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  I wouldn't change what they wanted me to say. They wanted me to say that it was a hazing and that I would heal. They wanted me to say that it was a misunderstanding and it wasn't a criminal act. At that point, I looked back on my life and realized that I should have just shut up.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  I was threatened every day. They were sitting outside my room at the hospital. They were on guard to make sure I didn't talk to the RCMP and to make sure I didn't take off and talk to somebody else. They escorted me home on the plane. However, they didn't say, “Hey, let's give her some mental health support and get her an appropriate doctor.”

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  No, because the evidence was destroyed, and I was contained, so I didn't get a rape kit. There was no way of proving who was involved; there was no way of proving anything. They contained the information and removed me from service, so it was easy for them to get away with it.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  I'm sorry. What was the question?

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  I can't hear the interpreters.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  I just did it now. I apologize.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  I lost hope for a long time, because I was at the bottom. I was in poverty. I was forced to live in conditions that were not suitable. I have lived in fear for most of my life and I still do. At the same time, I see the changes that are happening at National Defence and VAC. I think it takes voices like mine for them to understand there's a human perspective behind what we need to be changing, because it's not just affecting my life; there's a ripple effect.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  Yes, I am, especially with the women's study on the table that you are going to be presenting to Parliament. I believe that if it's followed through on, our stories aren't going to be for nothing. It's going to protect the veterans who are standing behind us, and the current serving members who are standing behind us as well.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward

Veterans Affairs committee  Well, the problem with my situation was that because it happened in the military, I wasn't able to access any victims' services in civil life. I couldn't access anything. I was basically told to go to the military to ask for help, and then I did. There were multiple times over the span of 11 years that I asked for help.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Stephanie Hayward