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April 16th, 2024Committee meeting

Dr. Anita Olsen Harper

Status of Women committee  For sure the police have to be involved in the red dress alert. I mean, there's no way that the police cannot be a part of it, but they should not be the final and sole authority on how it works, or be who gets to “push the button”, as we say. Yes, they definitely do have a role.

April 16th, 2024Committee meeting

Dr. Anita Olsen Harper

Status of Women committee  The first thing I would say is that culture is healing. I hear that so often when I speak to the indigenous male inmates. The teachings they receive from a program called Work 2 Give.... They grew up with little pieces of culture here and there, but they couldn't really live it out, really, because of poverty.

April 16th, 2024Committee meeting

Dr. Anita Olsen Harper

Status of Women committee  No, it's not. I did write a report on how the RCMP could do reconciliation with the first nations, the Métis and the Inuit in Canada. That report.... It resulted in a national strategy for reconciliation that I was not a part of, which says something, right? I don't know where that's at.

April 16th, 2024Committee meeting

Dr. Anita Olsen Harper

Status of Women committee  I think, first of all, we would have to know about the history of colonialism and also the history of pre-contact times when our families looked out for each other, when the gender roles were complementary between men and women. We should find a way to get back to that because reconciliation is everybody's effort.

April 16th, 2024Committee meeting

Dr. Anita Olsen Harper

Status of Women committee  Good morning. [Witness spoke in Anishinaawpemowin] [English] That means I'm very happy and deeply honoured to be here, and thankful to Sheila that I've been invited. I'm not going to speak as long as Sheila has, or Lori, but I am here as a support for Sheila. I would like to make a land acknowledgement.

April 16th, 2024Committee meeting

Dr. Anita Olsen Harper