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Neighbor News

Chester Moore-lester Elections December 12

Alabama is poised to elect an accused child Moore-lester to a Putin-Trump Russian Puppet. Trump said he loves the poorly educated. Go Bama!

Alabama is poised to elect another moore-ron and accused child Moore-lester. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Trump was a moron and if Trump is a moron, then what does that make Trump/Moore supporters? The kind of people that can only understand 3 syllables at a time like: “Build that wall” or “Lock her up” or “Drain the Swamp”? When Moore is elected, Trump and Moore will be dumb and dumber.

Trump lied that he would drain the swamp, but now Trump has 6 Goldman Sachs executives in his cabinet. Trump said he loved the poorly educated. Especially the poorly educated, unskilled, white conservative christians in Alabama who were foolish enough to believe him when he said he would stop those greedy corporations and get those workers their jobs back. But then Trump also said that he doesn’t like losers, and if you lost your job- well that makes you both a loser in Trump’s world and also poorly educated enough to elect him.

You know the people Trump was talking about when he said “poorly educated”, because it was no accident that Trump put his slogan “Make America Great Again” on a baseball cap and then wore it religiously. This baseball cap is a signature poorly educated style choice; the hat virtually never comes off. You may have even had the awkward experience of visiting someone in the Alabama and seeing their family portrait photo on the shelf in their home. The entire family is there, but your eye is immediately fixed on the husband who is wearing… a baseball cap?! and your first thought is “This is a joke photo right?” And just as quickly you stop your face from registering humorous shock and realize- “no, this is not a joke. This is real”.

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The baseball cap has either a sports team or possibly NASCAR on it. Your mind races to make sense of it and you have that unsettling realization that neither the husband, the wife, or even the photographer had the sense to tell him to take that stupid hat off for a family portrait.

These are the poorly educated that actually believed Trump was against greedy corporations and elected a pathological liar for president only to have him repeatedly appoint Goldman Sachs to his cabinet and break his campaign promises. As these corporations prepare to rob the working class more than ever before, you have to wonder if these people will ever even realize how they were duped. And your answer is looking back at you from that family photo; nope.

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(Use this National Lie Month link to leave a comment. Use the link at my name ‘Scott Adams’ to read other amazing posts. Thanks!)

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