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Neighbor News

There were Hidden Cameras in Trump Tower

Will Mueller ask Trump if he watched the Russian collusion meeting via hidden camera in the conference room on 25th floor of Trump Tower?

On the eve of Trump’s State of the Union address, it is silly to think that just because Trump was not physically in his own conference room on the 25th floor of Trump Tower that he was not completely aware of what was going on one floor below him on June 9, 2016 when Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya under the premise that she had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

This is the 21st century and - to borrow language from Steve Bannon- the chance there weren’t cameras in the 25th floor conference room is zero. Trump was probably watching the whole thing live from one floor above. Why else would they even choose to have this meeting in the same building, Trump’s own building, where Trump is one floor above them? Answer: so that Trump can watch it live in real time and everyone else can say that Trump was not there.

In fact we have proof that there have been candid cameras in Trump Tower because in 2004 an episode of Candid Camera was filmed there with Trump. You can check it out at Huffington Post (link). Despite the fact that Trump was inept in the shoot, this may have been the moment when it hit Trump that he could also have candid cameras in his Conference room. Afterward the King of Candid Camera Allen Funt noted that they could not even use the material, stating “The entire day was a mess because Trump couldn’t get his part right. In fact he really struggled”.

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Regardless, taping people surreptitiously is probably a regular technique for Trump. Remember his comment before FBI Director Comey testified? Trump: “James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” Hmmm, wonder where he got that idea from?

Any reasonable Special Council like Mueller knows this. The sad reality is that Mueller and the FBI arguably already have an iron clad case against Trump, they just have to go through the slow process of lining up plea agreements from the bottom up to make it to Trump and make it stick.

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One of the biggest ironies in all of this is that, at this point, Trump is no longer even interested in being president and would like to resign, but he has to remain president in order to pardon all of his family, friends and fellow conspirators. Thus we are stuck with Trump because of the Mueller investigation.

About National Lie Month:

National Lie Month was created to celebrate the tradition, institutionalization and long history of lying in America going all the way back to the Pilgrims and then some. And it could not be more in keeping with our long tradition of lying that we now have a president that personifies pathological lying and an enabling complicit Republican Senate that passed a tax plan veiled in lies.

National Lie Month is especially significant this year as lying has become an institution at our highest office.

Happy National Lie Month! Hope you enjoy the looming Thanks-taking Republican tax plan!

(Use this National Lie Month link to leave a comment. Use the link at my name ‘Scott Adams’ to read other amazing posts. Thanks!)

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