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Neighbor News

A prescription for death:

The results of medication abuse. How the widespread problem of pharmaceuticals is plaguing our nation.

Drug Free World
Drug Free World

Abuse of prescription drugs is a serious problem. An estimated 48 million people in the U.S. have used medications for nonmedical reasons in their lifetime.

Studies also show that almost 50 percent of teens mistakenly believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs—60 percent to 70 percent say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs. Yet depressants, opioids and antidepressants are responsible for more overdose deaths (45 percent) than cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and amphetamines combined (39 percent). Furthermore, of the 4.6 million drug-related emergency room admissions in 2009, almost 50 percent were attributed to adverse reactions to pharmaceuticals taken as prescribed.

Pharmaceuticals and their harmful effects

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The following is a very brief description of the major categories of prescriptions that are abused and some of their dangerous, even fatal, effects:


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Sometimes called “downers” these drugs affect the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and slow brain function. They include sedatives (used to make a person calm or drowsy such as sleeping pills) and tranquilizers (intended to reduce tension or anxiety). Depressants known as “antipsychotics” are supposed to reduce the symptoms of mental illness.

Negative effects include depression, addiction, suicide or death. In one study conducted over a four-year period, antipsychotics were the prime suspects in 45 deaths caused by heart problems, choking, liver failure and suicide. Unlike most drugs, withdrawal from depressants can be life-threatening.

Opioids and Morphine derivatives

Generally referred to as painkillers, these drugs act on the nervous system to mask pain. Their negative effects include physical dependence, respiratory depression, coma or death.


Sometimes called “uppers,” these are a class of drugs intended to increase energy and alertness but which also increase blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. Other negative effects include feelings of hostility and a dangerously high body temperature.


These are psychiatric drugs that are supposed to handle depression. Studies show that they can induce violent behavior, suicide, hallucinations and psychosis.

Over-the-Counter Drugs

Many cold, cough and similar medicines contain a dangerous drug called Dextromethorphan (DXM) whose adverse effects include visual hallucinations, hyper-excitability as well as liver and brain damage. Combined with alcohol, it can result in death.

One woman, a former user, relates: “My experience with DXM: I started peeing blood. I felt sick … My body felt weak … I gave up everything because I was obsessed with using… All I cared about was getting high … I thought I could just use Coricidin for fun, that it didn’t matter. I never expected to get hooked … I’ll never be able to get that time back. If I could erase it and make it go away, I would.”—Crystal

Re-defining “safe:” The deceit of prescriptions

The slippery slope of abuse often begins with the misguided idea that pharmaceuticals are “safe” because they are prescribed by doctors. But the reality is they can be highly potent and have very serious physical and mental health effects, which is why they are taken only under the care of a doctor. And even then, they have to be closely monitored.

Many prescription drugs have even been placed by the DEA in the same category as drugs such as cocaine. In fact, several illegal drugs (such as heroin, cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine and Ecstasy) were once used or prescribed by doctors or psychiatrists, but later banned because of their blatantly harmful effects.

It is extremely dangerous to take any pill which was not prescribed specifically for you or of which you are uncertain. A drug that might be okay for one person could have a different physical reaction that is hazardous, even fatal, for another. The unauthorized distribution or selling of prescription drugs is also illegal, with costly fines and jail time—including life-imprisonment where any fatalities occur.


The real answer is to get the facts and safeguard yourself and your future by not taking drugs in the first place. Consult a doctor or look for alternative solutions to handle any condition you may be suffering from.

In the final analysis, drugs do more damage than good. They destroy the body, impair the mind and can take everything from you. Help educate others and end their destructive grip on our society.

For more information on pharmaceuticals, visit

Drug Free World is the largest and most comprehensive international nongovernmental drug educational and prevention program. Its videos, booklets and teaching aids and free online courses are available in 20 languages. Visit the Drug-Free World website at

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