This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Arts & Entertainment

The AT&T Shape Con at Warner Brothers Studios

Nestled in the heart of Warner Brothers Studios, there was no doubt that we were in Hollywood.

There's no doubt I'm a geek. The geekier the better. I love exploring the geek scenes, be they LEGO(r), Comic Cons, Maker Faires, Game Developer Cons and Tech Cons. Old tech and new tech. Observing, chatting with exhibitors and random folks. The AT&T Shape Con was about Future Tech. And reeky of geeky! But there was also a very cool factor to it. Can Geeky and Cool coexist in the same con? YES!

AT&T Shape 2017

Last year, I attended the AT&T Shape Hack-A-Thon at Cross Campus in downtown Los Angeles. It was a bona fide hack-a-thon, with the campus being open for the full 48 hours. I didn't stay all 48 hours, but I did come and go. Perhaps you saw my Omu-Air for Geeky Gals video that I made.

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That video was not necessarily about the robotic makeup applicator. It was more about an engagement tool for girls and robotics. Someone said that Geeky Gals don't care about makeup and makeup wearing gals don't care about robotics. Maybe some day I'll get the chance to experiment with building that community. If you want to help me make that happen, talk to me.

Find out what's happening in Belmont Shore-Napleswith free, real-time updates from Patch.

AT&T Shape 2018

This year, I checked out just a few of the many displays, and have four videos to share with you. Some are longer than others, so I'll sort them in my personal order of preference, although the first two are a close tie for my faves. There's a lot that didn't make it into the videos. As always, the best way to experience a con is first person, but it's a little late for that now.

You might notice that I'm adding pre-rolls and the audio is much better on my mic recorded stuff. Thanks to Makersville maker and YouTuber Benjamin1121 who is much better at this stuff than I am, and who provided me with one of my own! Thanks, Benjamin1121! It's amazing what motivation a good mic will create! For those interested in this youth Maker, please check out his channel and subscribe!

Kira Filming Robot

Co-developed by German Robotics Company Kuka, with Motorized Precision software company which provides the interface for camera management. This is a discussion with a Kira representative while watching the robot.

Getting Goofy with the New York Film Academy

The day was hot, hot, hot! The New York Film Academy was cool, cool, cool! Squigglemom was extremely goofy.

Talking A Lot and Making Observations About AT&T Shape 2018, the Warner Brothers, Location and More.

Finally, the Long Version of the New York Film Academy Interaction

Just in case you care!

Hope you enjoyed the sharing, and to see you there in 2019!

Trish Tsoiasue blogs on the Belmont Shore Patch, celebrates and shares experiences on her YouTube channel Squigglemom, makes Makersville (a socially responsible community for first time youth entrepreneurs and their mentors), and makes things for Makersville.

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?

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