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Neighbor News

Audit ALL homeless agencies, including Union Station, LACADA !

Where did that $24 Billion that was to be used for housing homeless people really go ??

Regarding the Supreme Court's recent ruling on reversing Martin vs. Boise, and homeless encampments, here's a thought : the last 44 years were all about mostly pretending homeless people were invisible, like backround scenery. Only in the last few years or two, after rising rents have caused many people to lose their apartments, foreclosure their houses, did the media begin to slowly pay attention, in spite of Measure H, and HHH from Garcetti in 2017. So MUCH of the housing funds had been unaudited and accounted for, as it goes to six-figure salaries and perks for these agencies, committees, and yes, most of the shelters, too- they ALL make a king's ransom off the suffering of homeless seniors, disabled people, those who are homeless because of this housing shortage, but cause no problems otherwise. Only to be lumped in with thieves, addicts, gangsters(most gangsters ARE housed, by the way)simply because they live in vehicles or camp in the woods. Will this ruling force the government to open mental hospitals for the people who will never be cured ? And make certain that rehab places are legit, before sending addicts to these places ? It IS cheaper to house a person in an affordable apartment than is to incarcerate them( $132, 000 each, per year). Closing those mental hospitals instead of reforming them was a terrible idea ! Do they HAVE to be snake pits ?( like that old movie ). Is it so hard to send habitual criminals who won't stop acting out ,back to jail ? Apartments stopped getting built- those moderate and low income versions, about 1980, even as millions moved to the U.S. in a short time, without any plans to house everyone coming here and being born later, creating the housing shortage that we live with today. Instead of another mall or office building again, what about building regular apartments and duplexes like we USED to do ?? If you want growth, then you must have dwellings to house that growth. Few politicians talk of bringing back good jobs and manufacturing back to the States, which at one time, fueled the blue collar middle -class lifestyle, because their corporate allies in BOTH parties don't want that. America, or ' Murica, as it's often called now, is simply unrecognizable as a normal country, since we have Third World conditions all over the nation. Shouldn't other states create their own Marshall Plan to fix their own homeless crisis, instead of telling them to go to Cali ?? Washington has the money, people should demand this be done, no more crazy camps on sidewalks. Housing is a major issue, NOT only drugs or alcohol. It wasn't like this in the 60's or 70's, like when I was growing up !! This is something like Soylent Green and Running Man, those dystopian movies-anyone remember them ? Rent those movies if you haven't yet, because it is SO prophetic. " Soylent" especially, seemed impossible back when it debuted in 1972. I just could not imagine American leasers to allow this, after the Great Depression. It only took 10 years to start manifesting, and it accelerated over time, to our present. There's a small window to change course, before Project 2025, when things REALLY go to hell.

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