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August 3 - 7 Lincoln-Douglas Debate Online for MS and HS Students

at Speech and Debate Academy Online

Internationally recognized, Speech and Debate Academy is inviting your 6th -8th and/or 9th -12th grade student(s) to register for weekly, Monday - Friday, 9 am to 12 pm (PDT) Lincoln -Douglas Debate Camp Online, August 3 - 7, 2020 1:00PM - 4:00pm (PDT).

Lincoln - Douglas debate is modeled on the original debate between Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln in 1858. The format is one student debating one student. Lincoln - Douglas debate is "value" debate which means that the debate focuses on the values explicit or implicit in the resolution being debated.
Lincoln - Douglas debate camps/classes focus on developing such skills as: research, persuasive speaking, active listening, critical thinking, accurate, extensive note taking, and cross examination.
Click HERE to See a video example of an Lincoln - Douglas debate round.
Click HERE to see the round of Lincoln - Douglas debate online on topic: Resolved: The intergenerational accumulation of wealth is antithetical to democracy.
You can see full Speech Debate Academy's summer 2020 camp schedule at
REGISTRATION for Bay Area Speech Debate Academy's camps online is at
In the current pandemic situation, students may not be able to spend time with their distant families and friends, but they can definitely learn with them in an online classroom.
Join Speech and Debate Academy's camps/classes online from any part of the world!
If you have any questions, please call at (833) 943 -6487 or Contact Us.

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