Community Corner

Mill Valley 11th Grader Is Star Student, Beloved Coach

We all know students who excel in academic, fine arts or volunteer service. Here's one local who is having an impact in Mill Valley.

(Courtesy of Apryl Uncapher)

MILL VALLEY, CA — Star Students are found in classrooms, on concert and theater stages and at debate lecterns, and out in the community doing good things to make life better for all of us.

Here at Patch, we've launched an initiative to help recognize Star Students, and we’re working to tell the stories of these outstanding kids to their neighbors.

This submission comes from Apryl Uncapher who nominated Nara Uncapher of Mill Valley, California.

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Star local student’s name

Nara Uncapher

Find out what's happening in Mill Valleywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

What grade is your star local student in?


How do you know the star local student?

She is my daughter

Why do you believe the star local student should be recognized?

Nara is amazing! She has a deeply caring heart with a strong, confident mind. Not only does she work very hard to maintain a high gpa, follow through with personal passions like volleyball, art, and friends, Nara also makes time for over 100 hours of volunteer service each year, and this year 200 service hours due to a very special project. Last year, her 6th grade sister came home and said her middle school volleyball team would not be happening because they could find no volunteer coach and she asked if her sister would do it. When we received an email from the school confirming this, Nara wrote the school coach and offered her time. They gratefully accepted and she put her heart into the program and the girls came out undefeated! THIS YEAR, she was so inspired from last year, she became the head coach for 6th-8th grade girls teams, personally coaching 7th & 8th grades as well as leading tryouts where she organized each level to have game teams and practice teams so that no one would be cut and every girl had an opportunity to try the sport. At first, adults discouraged her saying it would be too many girls to run practices, but she did it! It was amazing! So many girls got their hands on the ball and increased skills! She is charismatic and the girls responded with amazing listening and cooperation. She then dreamed starting up the first boy’s middle school team at the same school because she found a few boys popping into the gym while she practiced and they wanted to try. Unfortunately, the school must offer the coach position to a teacher first, and after Nara got the school to announce a boy’s team, a male teacher wanted to run it and did not want my daughter’s help. She was disappointed but she still feels so happy with what she has accomplished and inspired at this school where volleyball was dwindling two years ago! I’ve also been in awe of another favorite project she has been instrumental for the past 6 years in planning, organizing, and facilitating with a small group of teens a 3-day/2-night purpose-driven leadership event for over 100+ youth in our county. This year, the teens decided curiosity and imagination were the things that could empower greater kindness and compassion in the world and created a unique and empowering weekend full of activities that allowed youth to embody these qualities. It’s amazing! This is only a highlight of her awesomeness because she simply has a giant heart of love and service, and her creative projects, musical abilities, academic successes, and dedication to empowering youth are seemingly just the tip of the iceberg. I hope you will see all the awesomeness I do and acknowledge and celebrate her with me!

What's one thing you want everyone to know about the star local student?

Nara is a unique, creative, caring teenager, and one to watch as she continues to share her generous heart!

Congratulations on your achievements, and all of our best wishes to you in the future, Nara Uncapher!

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