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Arts & Entertainment

'Sign of the Times' Gallery show Call for Entries

Calling artists of all media to submit to the September Gallery show at O'Hanlon Center.

O’Hanlon Center invites you to submit work for our September 2016 show, “Sign of the Times.”
We are living in extraordinary times. As an artist, how do YOU respond to the larger world? Which specific social, political or environmental issue are YOU most passionate about? How can art speak to and inspire dialogue about the state of the world we live in? Paint, sculpt, draw or assemble your feelings and responses to these dynamic times in whatever style or approach speaks to you.
Contemporary, abstract, exploratory, and/or experimental entries encouraged. O’Hanlon Center for the Arts emphasizes the creative process and the continued pursuit of meaning and authenticity through observation, exploration, and experimentation.

MEDIA: Any Media.

  • Open to all artists age 16 and over.
  • Submission limit: 3 works per artist.
  • Please do not submit works previously displayed in the O’Hanlon Gallery.


  • All work must be ready for display.
  • Wall hung pieces must be securely wired.
  • Label all work with Artist’s name, Telephone, Medium, Size & Price, if for sale.
  • Bring resume and/or artist statement, if desired. (2 pages max.)

On Entry Dates shown below… please hand-deliver (no slides or photos) up to three pieces of work to:
O’Hanlon Center for the Arts • 616 Throckmorton Avenue, Mill Valley CA 94941

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“Sign of the Times”

O’Hanlon Center Gallery, September 2016
Exhibition Dates: September 1–22, 2016
Entry Dates (in-person): Aug 26 & 27 (see below)
Exhibit Curation: O’Hanlon Exhibition Committee
Entry Fee: $30 OHCA members, $40 non-members, for up to three pieces. Become a new OHCA member at the time of delivery and get your entry fee waived! Call or visit for more details.

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