Politics & Government

City Of Monrovia: City Manager's Update | February 18, 2022

This week, I would like to highlight the amazing teachers of Monrovia. They are doing amazing work in our schools. Can you imagine being ...

(City of Monrovia)

02/18/2022 11:31 AM

Hello Monrovians, 

Find out what's happening in Monroviawith free, real-time updates from Patch.

This week, I would like to highlight the amazing teachers of Monrovia. They are doing amazing work in our schools. Can you imagine being a teacher during this pandemic...what an incredible challenge and they excelling despite the constant challenges they face. And there are so many other groups and organizations helping teach and educate the youth of our community. On Wednesday evening, I was privileged to sit on a panel to meet our Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills "Youth of the Year" candidates. These 3 young Monrovians are excelling in their own unique ways and are all deserving of such an award. They strive to make a difference in Monrovia and I felt so honored to meet them and learn how they are making Monrovia better. 

And today, I'm happy to share the City of Monrovia received the 2021 California Park & Recreation Society Award of Excellence for the YES Intern Program. This prestigious, statewide award represents community collaboration and partnership where the City and many community partners come together to provide a great educational work program for our youth. Our partners include Monrovia Unified School District, Monrovia Chamber of Commerce, Oak Crest Institute of Science, the Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills, Centre Stage, and several Monrovia businesses. They are all very deserving of this recognition. 

Find out what's happening in Monroviawith free, real-time updates from Patch.

This update includes more information about the award, as well as a City financial update, more info on the upcoming drought billing measures, the annual homeless point-in-time count and much more.

Thank you,

Email: [email protected] 
Phone: (626) 932-5585

Highlights in this Update

  • Youth Employment Program Receives 2021 California Park & Recreation Society Award of Excellence
  • Annual Financial Report, CIP and Budget Update
  • Annual Homeless Count 
  • Water Conservation Plan, Water Usage Penalty
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Survey 
  • 48th Assembly District's Canned Food Drive
  • Apply for a Position on the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board
  • Almera Romney Neighborhood Treasure Block Party
  • Monrovia Canyon Park, Aftermath of December 2021 Rainstorm

Youth Employment Program Receives 2021 California Park & Recreation Society Award of Excellence

The California Park & Recreation Society has awarded the City of Monrovia with the 2021 Creating Community Award of Excellence for the Youth Employment Services (YES) Program. Since its inception in 2007, this eight-week summer internship program is aimed at providing meaningful experiences for the youth while also investing in tomorrow’s workforce.

To prepare the youth for the rigors of a modern business environment, interns are provided with unique, but relevant work experience. Through the City of Monrovia’s partnership with the Monrovia Unified School District, Monrovia Chamber of Commerce, Oak Crest Institute of Science, the Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills and Centre Stage, interns receive the benefits of real-world work experience in administrative offices, a science and technology lab, afterschool club for youth and a performing arts studio.

The YES Program is set apart from the typical summer internship because it connects participants with caring mentors to support their transition into adulthood. These important relationships serve as a safety net for teens who may be struggling to find their way, or feeling overwhelmed with academic challenges and pressure for college admission.

In an effort to diminish the achievement gap, the program provides interns with access to relevant training topics that includes computer skills, public speaking, interview skills, resume development, customer service expectations and personal financial responsibility. The exposure to workforce development opportunities, coupled with real-life skills, increases the likelihood of post-secondary education. 

The YES Program not only serves just the youth, but the community has seen substantial benefits over the past 13 years. Over 200 interns have graduated from the YES Program with many returning to become recreation leaders with the City of Monrovia, college interns with community organizations or as mentors to others in the program. Overall, the YES Program provides youth with vision for a better personal future and discovery of new pathways for academic and professional success. 

Annual Financial Report, CIP and Budget Update

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
At the February 15 Council Meeting, staff reported a clean audit for Fiscal Year 20-21. This means that the financial statements conform with generally accepted account principles and Governmental Accounting Standards Board reporting requirements. Additionally, the financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects. For the past 27 years, the City's ACFR has met the highest standards of financial reporting. 

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Planning Tool 
This five-year CIP is a planning tool that provides direction and organization to ensure the City’s financial resources are focused on the projects with the most beneficial outcome to the community.

FY21-22 Mid-Year Budget Update
The City's general fund comes from three key revenue sources: property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax. At this time, all revenue sources continue to be strong and demonstrate growth. The recent surge due to the Omicron variant and December rainstorm that caused significant damage to Monrovia Canyon Park did cause a decrease in other revenue sources including Monrovia Canyon Park's admission fees. To offset this lost, the City did file an insurance claim for $200,000. For the remainder of the year, staff will continue to monitor the budget closely to make any needed adjustments. 

Annual Homeless Count 

We are pleased to share that the City of Monrovia will once again participate in the 2022 Point-In-Time Homeless Count, which is an annual event coordinated by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA).  This year, the homeless count is now scheduled to take place on Tuesday, February 22, 8 p.m. - 12 midnight.  On that evening, volunteers will be covering Monrovia, along with other areas of the San Gabriel Valley, to determine how many people in the area are experiencing homelessness.  Ultimately, the data collected is used to better design programs and deploy resources to serve those who are homeless.

For those interested in volunteering to assist with the homeless count, we would love to have your help!  On the evening of February 22, those interested in volunteering are being asked to arrive at the Monrovia Community Center (119 West Palm Avenue) at 8 p.m. This year, volunteers will be using their own smart phones via a mobile app to conduct the count. A volunteer training and orientation session will be given, and representatives from LAHSA and the City’s Community Services Department and Police Department will be on hand to address any questions / concerns.  For more information, please email Heather Gibson at [email protected]

Monrovia Conserves 

Southern western United States has unfortunately hit a new milestone. We are now in the driest years ever recorded! This is the driest the area has been in at least 1,200 years. According to the Journal of Nature Climate Change, the last time Southern California saw conditions as dry as these was in 2002. This drought is now 5% drier than the old record from the 1500s. With no signs of easing in the near future, it’s important we continue to conserve water as much as possible. The image above demonstrates the decrease in water level at Lake Mead.

Water Usage Penalty

Excess water usage penalties will now go into effect starting the first billing cycle in March 2022. We will be expanding our educational outreach for an additional month to ensure that all Monrovians are aware of Phase II of the Water Conservation Plan and what that means for their water consumption. 

As a recap, Phase II of the Water Conservation Plan stipulates a 10% mandatory reduction in water consumption from each households same month billing period in 2020. For example, the first billing period in March will compare your usage from February of 2022 to your usage in February of 2020. 

Tools to Help You Conserve

  • Water Rebates - Save $$ when you save H2O! Check the latest rebates offered by the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. You may qualify for rebates for indoor and outdoor water-saving equipment for your home or business including turf removal or financial incentives for water efficient equipment or improvements!
  • Upper District’s Water Smart Home Program offers qualifying residents an opportunity to choose a variety of water conservation items to be installed at their home, free of charge, by EcoTech Services. 
  • The Water Conservation Kit is filled with tools, at no charge, to help make conserving water that much easier. 
  • The Water Conservation Planner, designed in collaboration with Smitten on Paper and BeWaterWise.com, is filled with native plants and water conservation tips.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) wants to know what you think about electric vehicles! 

Do you think Monrovia needs more charging stations, and if so, where? Would more incentives encourage use of EVs? Do you plan to purchase one, or are you still on the fence? What would help you make the switch to an EV? Please take this quick survey to help us obtain a better understanding of Southern California’s EV knowledge. 

Your responses will help SCAG better understand how they can help residents select an electric vehicle as their next vehicle purchase or lease. The results of this survey will also be used to help identify priority locations for future EV charging stations.

48th Assembly District's Canned Food Drive

In honor of February being #NationalCannedFoodMonth, the Office of Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio is hosting a Canned Food Drive in partnership with Shepherd’s Pantry.

National Canned Food Month is celebrated each year to dispel myths surrounding the nutritional value of canned food and to help combat food insecurity in our most vulnerable populations. From February 14 - 28, residents will have the opportunity to drop off canned goods and other non-perishable items at various locations throughout the 48th Assembly District. 

Apply for a Position on the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board

The City of Monrovia encourages merchants to apply for a position on the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB) to fill an unscheduled vacancy due to the resignation of a Boardmember. Applications will be accepted through March 1, 2022, at 6 p.m.

Those who are eager to get involved in the community and have a bona fide business in Old Town can apply for the position at the following link: Application for Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB) Vacancy

The seven member Board is comprised of Old Town merchants and is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on programs and projects to advance the downtown area. Must have a bona fide business in Old Town subject to the Business Improvement District (BID) assessment, and must be current on their BID assessment. MOTAB meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.

To find out more about becoming a Board Member or Commissioner, contact the City Clerk's Office at 626-932-5505.

Almera Romney Neighborhood Treasure Block Party

The Monrovia Area Partnership team is hosting an event in partnership with the City of Monrovia’s Art in Public Places Committee, and we’d love to see you there! Join us for the Almera Romney Neighborhood Treasure Block Party, taking place on Saturday, March 19, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., in front of Canyon Early Learning Center on Canyon Boulevard. There will be FREE food, fun, and a new Neighborhood Treasure art piece unveiling in honor of our very own Huntington School teacher and principal, and Civil Rights Activist, Almera Romney.

Monrovia Canyon Park, Aftermath of December 2021 Rainstorm

In December 2021, a large storm caused significant damage to Monrovia Canyon Park. Rocks of all sizes are scattered throughout the park. There are sections of roadway that are gone and culverts that are filled in. The stream has cut new paths throughout the park and there are areas where six to 12 feet of earth has been washed away.

In true Monrovia fashion, we are already preparing our work to clear out debris; remove silt, sediment and rocks from the park; and, begin to repair the damaged infrastructure. When Monrovia Canyon Park is fully repaired, the infrastructure will be new and ready to host Monrovians again for many, many years to come!


Celebrating Black History Month

The Monrovia City Council is honored to proclaim February 2022 as Black History Month! To celebrate, the Monrovia Duarte Black Alumni Association has planned a few programs for the community.

  • Music and Movement with Rhythms of the Village in Monrovia Library Park | February 19, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Conversation with Chris Loos Monrovia Alum, Leader and Mentor for youth and popular broadcasting personality and Brian Richie Alum from Duarte and Loos’ former student at the Duarte Historical Museum | February 20, 2:30 p.m - 3:30 p.m.

The Monrovia Public Library will also host weekly, virtual Black History Month storytimes introduced by a MDBAA member that we'll be posted on the Monrovia Public Library's YouTube Channel every Monday in February.

Biking for Bucks Program EXTENDED to February 28!  

Due to popular demand, the Biking for Bucks rebate program will be accepting applications for bicycle rebates up to $350! Those who live or work in Monrovia can purchase a bike, submit an application with the appropriate documentation and receive their rebate in a few weeks. With spring just around the corner and the weather warming up, it’s the perfect time to get active and bike to your favorite Monrovia spot. Please note that those who participated in the reimbursement in 2021 are not eligible to apply.

View the program guidelines and application. Questions regarding this rebate program can be sent to [email protected].

COVID-19 Testing at Second Baptist Church

Second Baptist Church of Monrovia is hosting free COVID-19 testing for the Monrovia community, at 925 S. Shamrock Ave. Testing is available Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No appointment is necessary, but those who would like to be tested must bring a valid I.D.

Work around Town 

Gas Service Pipeline Replacement - SoCal Gas will be replacing gas service pipelines on the 300 block of West Walnut, on February 22. Crews will be conducting work in the area and residents should be cautious of the construction areas. 
Contact: SoCal Gas, (877) 238-0092

Striping on Myrtle Avenue - The Los Angeles County Public Works Department will be conducting striping along Myrtle Avenue between Huntington Drive and Duarte Road, February 19 - 20. Please expect lane closures during this time. 
Contact: LA County Public Works, (626) 458-5100

COVID-19 At a Glance 

Latest Facts & Figures 

Residential / Non-Residential Settings in Monrovia 

Residential / Non-Residential Settings in Monrovia 

Facilities that have no reported positive COVID-19 cases for 14 days are considered to no longer have an outbreak and removed from the list. Confirmed cases of employees from residential/non-residential settings get counted under their home city.

Additional details on cases and deaths were not provided by the County of Los Angeles. View the Public Health Statement Regarding COVID-19 and Patient Privacy.

Development Spotlight

Several significant projects are working their way through the review process and stages of construction here at the City. Among these are the Adaptive Reuse of the Monrovia Market Building (approved on Oct. 1), the Overton Moore Pacific Self Storage Project in the former Verizon Building in Old Town (approved on Nov. 19), 127 Pomona Multi-Family Development with 310 units at Station Square (approved on Jan. 21), the Alexan Multi-Family Development with 436 units at Station Square (approved on Feb. 4), and the Arroyo at Monrovia Station Multi-Family Development with 302 units (Planning Commission approved on Feb. 12). For more details, visit the Development Spotlight webpage.

Key Dates, Programs & Virtual Events 

Jobs with the City of Monrovia 

The City of Monrovia is now recruiting for the following position:

  • Director of Public Works
  • Library Supervisor

The City of Monrovia offers interested individuals a chance to keep themselves notified on our job openings through the job interest card. This card will help interested individuals receive notifications about positions that open within the city without having to continuously log on to view our employment opportunities page.

Neighborhood Watch Report 

This report lists the total number of calls for service received over the last seven-day period. View the Neighborhood Watch Report. 

This press release was produced by the City of Monrovia. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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