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Neighbor News

Empowering Woman

Proud to be an American

If I were to describe in one word, my mother. Alice Clarno The word that fit's her best ; Prodigious. She is a great woman , awesome mother. She is and alway's has been a hard working woman. She is my Super Hero Role Model. She Succeeding in Marriage, Education, Carreer. Exemplary in all her lifes accomplishments. She is a living legend in her field. She is held in the highest regards by all. She is the very best. She has many catch phrases and quotes. Which to this day resignate through my mind in all that I do. Here are a few , " If you are going to do something, Do it Right. Or not at all. ". Another important one. "If at first you don't succeed try, try, again. ". Which is to say " Never Give Up.". "To any problem, there will always be a solution." You can find it, you just have to look. ". Most importantly" Set your Standards and your goals High." There are no limits on how far you can go.". She has taught by example her entire life. She is not whom just talks the talk. She walks the walk. " Keep things simple, Never live beyond your means."

" Find what it it is you Love to do and Do it.." !!!!!!

She is a warrior in battle. Against the most fearsome enemy. She is a Breast Cancer Survivor. I am quite proud of my mother. I am honored that I am her daughter. She always help whenever she can wherever she goes. People put there trust in her all over the world. She is a strong American woman whom gives to her community and to her country. She is a perfect example of why this country , is the greatest place to live. I don't know where I would be without her in my life.

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I Love You Mom.

By : Susan A. Lilla

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