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Home & Garden

Hands-On Soap Making Classes

Registration for spring classes is now online at:

Classes start at 1 pm. and go to 5 pm. and then two to three days later we meet to cut the bars. (and if you can't come back to cut your bars, I can do it and email you photos and your finished soaps can be mailed)
The discussion will include the tools needed, chemistry of soap making, the environmental impacts and importance of fair trade, deforestation free ingredients that have not harmed wildlife habitat. (The palm oil Garimo uses has scored as the worlds most responsibly produced palm oil by Greenpeace) In Garimo's studio we do not use synthetic fragrances or colorants. After the soap making introduction, Garimo will make a batch of soap while students watch... and then everyone makes a batch of soap. When all is said and done, each student ends up with around 10 or 11 bars of soap made with organic oils and natural ingredients.Garimo will provide all the materials and supplies, you just need to wear something you won't mind getting a spot of oil on... not that you will, but you could.Soaps need to dry & cure for 3 to 4 weeks before use after cutting bars. You're welcome to attend more than one class. Class size limited to 6Choose from Saturday February 17 - Sunday March 18 - Saturday April 28 - Friday May [email protected] for questions

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