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Neighbor News

Turn Back the Hands of Time Through Yin Yoga and Face Yoga

MyYogaTeacher Announces May Workshop Addressing How These Practices Can Help With Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation for the Face and Body

Face yoga exercise featuring instructor Kanika Sud
Face yoga exercise featuring instructor Kanika Sud (Photo courtesy of MyYogaTeacher.)

Let’s face it – the pandemic aged many people – and it’s time to do something about it! For those who want to maximize youthfulness through all-natural, non-invasive techniques, yin yoga and face yoga are excellent practices which help to reduce wrinkles and expression lines, tighten skin, increase radiance, boost collagen and lymphatic drainage, and more.

MyYogaTeacher announces a two-weekend workshop Reverse Pandemic Aging ( taking place between May 20 and 28 taught by leading instructors Annelise Piers and Kanika Sud, which will address how yoga can help turn back the hands of time and facilitate a more youthful appearance, as well as increase flexibility, fluidity, and mobility in the body.

Piers, who leads the yin yoga sessions, explains that yin works through the practice of stimulating acupressure points and holding long poses that gently stress layers of fascia, which improves energy flow in the meridians (pathways) that support the body’s vital organs. While yin generally does not engage muscles, the passive action of the practice causes fibroblasts – cells in the body’s connective tissue – to boost the production of: hyaluronic acid, which helps to hydrate the body’s fascia; elastin, which is important for hydration and flexibility; and collagen, which gives skin its incredible elasticity and strength and is also present in bones, ligaments and tendons. Since collagen naturally dissipates with age, it contributes to wrinkles and sagging in the face, neck, hands, and other areas.

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Piers will work on the heart and spleen energy meridians and teach how yin yoga supports the lymphatic and circulatory systems by improving digestion, blood flow, skin hydration, waste elimination, and reducing sluggishness and fatigue. She will address how to improve bone and joint health, and overall mobility, by targeting the kidney and lung meridians, and focusing on key acupressure points.

According to Sud, who teaches face yoga, “Practicing a handful of face yoga exercises twice daily for 15 minutes, or once for 30 minutes, can help firm and tone specific muscles which lead to wrinkle reduction around the eyes, forehead, lips and neck, and tighter and more radiant skin. And, face yoga stimulates areas of the face that can help improve the tone of the vagus nerve, which benefits physical and emotional health.” In the workshop, she will go over how to strengthen facial muscles, boost collagen, promote lymphatic drainage, which plays a key role in immunity, and increase blood circulation, demonstrating exercises like “brow raiser,” “cheekbone lift,” “scoop the jaw,” and more, along with targeted massage techniques.

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Reverse Pandemic Aging ( includes four sessions (90 minutes each) taking place on May 20, 21, 27 and 28 at 5 pm Pacific Time. The workshop costs $50 for members and $75 for non-members.

MyYogaTeacher offers a 14-day, free trial period for non-members, which includes unlimited group classes, two 60-minute private sessions, plus access to recordings of the group classes in case they are unable to attend the live classes. Interested parties can sign up for the free trial at the MyYogaTeacher home page.

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