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Neighbor News

A Family's Trauma Trying to Get An IEP

This article gives an example of how school lie to families about IEPs

The story of Tara and her daughter Payton is a common story I have heard many times from families who have children who need an IEP. Prior to the age of 4 years old Payton was diagnosed with a speech and auditory processing difficulties. Payton was behind in her speech developmental milestones and attending preschool to address these issues. However, no one explained to Tara, Payton's mother, what this diagnosis meant or the prognosis. Neither did anyone explain to Tara about the special education services she was entitled to.Payton started kindergarten and do to her difficulties she needed to repeat kindergarten. Again, no one explained to Tara, Payton's mother, how this may impact Payton and they also did not explain any other options, Tara agreed. She was not alarmed because Tara had to repeat kindergarten herself.
However, this started a never ending cycle, where Payton was not meeting the standards for her grade level even when she was receiving Resource Assistance. Tara stated some Resource Teachers were great and others knew very little about auditory processing issues so her daughter received no help.
Tara, watching her daughter struggle, decided to do her own research. She found out more about her daughter's learning disability and that there was a private school which specialized in this learning disability. Mount Diablo School District continued to lie to Tara as she asked more questions. Also the District went to Payton's father and lied to him. They told him if Payton's mother was successfully in getting Payton into the private school, he would have to pay upfront. The District said they would reimburse him later. This is a lie. Also it is not uncommon for the school district to take advantage of a divorce situation and play the parents against each other.
This resulted in a long fight with the school district and in the family court. Payton is in 6th grade and after many years and a great deal of time and money, the fight continues. Mount Diablo School District never looked at the price Payton was paying not receiving the education she is entitled to and having to endure her parents fighting each other in the courts.
This could have been handled very easily if someone was honest with Tara and told her what her daughter was entitled to and if the District followed the legal guidelines. However, they lie to parents all the time hoping parents will give up. If they do, then the District doesn't need to pay anything and can use the money how they want. Tara was a prime target. A single parent who does not have a lot of time or money. Mount Diablo misjudged Tara, she would not give up on her daughter.
Tara also found out something else parents need to be aware of when dealing with the IEP process. The parent liaisons provided by the district are not there to help the parent or the student. They serve as another way to confuse parents by providing incorrect information to parents. Most parents trust these people believing they are on the student's side, but they really are there to support the District.
As I said, Tara and Payton's story is not uncommon. I have worked with many other families who have very similar stories. Parents believe school districts have the students best interest at heart. However, I have worked with families across the United States and what I have seen is that school districts have their best interest at heart not the students. Tara had a very good way of stating the problem, "the child is the one who struggles for not having their needs met academically. How many more parents are out there with struggling students who have been given the same bad information? I don't know. But we need to help them help their child, or these children will be at risk of drop out and struggling the rest of their life. The school district is actually helping create children who are unable to get jobs and will be homelessness in our youth, when they become adults. And that is a very very scary reality, no one wants to talk about because it's not their child who is at risk, it's ours!"
Dr. Michael Rubino has over 20 years experience treating children and teenagers and assisting families with IEPs. For more information visit or

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