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Why Summer is an Ideal Time to Consider Adolescent or Family Counseling

Adolescents, teens, tweens, counseling, summer, depression, anxiety, counseling, psychotherapy, therapy, therapist

In my years of working with families and adolescents, I’ve seen drops in the “need” for counseling in the summer. This may be attributed to many things, including summer vacations and other activities. Below are a few reasons to consider seizing the opportunity to find help, if needed, during the summer.

Things are calm

Summer may be a time when things at home with your teen or tween may not seem as serious. Exacerbating factors such as school performance and peer relations are on hiatus. In reality, this makes it an ideal time to address any issues that may have gone on in the past year to work out a strategy for the upcoming year. Teens and families can learn coping and communication skills, develop household and school plans, and anything else that may be helpful for a smoother fall (which will be here before you know it). It’s also a good time to address any underlying issues such as anxiety or depression.
It may also be easier to add counseling sessions to busy schedules without school and activity conflicts. As a bonus, the days seem longer with more sunlight, so it feels like there is more time in the day!

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Changes in the midst

Kids and teens are constantly growing and changing in bodies, minds, and relationships. Helping them to get in touch with their values, goals, fears and hopes is a great role for a professional counselor in conjunction with the role of the parent(s). Equally helpful is helping the family to grow together during these changes, anticipate what may come, and develop some plans.
In addition to developmental changes, parent relational, financial or job concerns can create anxiety in adolescents. Any type of loss or change can spawn withdrawal or depression (death of someone close or a pet, change of home or school, divorce or separation). Adjustment is common reason for seeking therapy.

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Look behind look ahead

If you struggled last year with family relationships, school attendance, bullying, academic performance, battles over devices, self-harming behaviors, depression, withdrawal from interests, suicidal ideation, or other alarming changes, you can utilize this time to help your adolescent gain a firm foundation to stand on. Many issues that kids struggle with have underlying mental health causes that sometimes go undetected. A professional can help diagnose and treat these concerns.
How do you know if you need professional help? If any of the above items are applicable, it’s good to consider seeking help now. I welcome any inquiries or consultations to discuss your unique needs.

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