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Community Corner

Immaculate High School Students Make Friends for Life

Alumni Call the School the "Best Kept Secret" More People Should Know About

Immaculate students make friends easily through 35 extracurricular clubs and 39 sports teams. The Mustang Stable fan group is pictured here at a football game.
Immaculate students make friends easily through 35 extracurricular clubs and 39 sports teams. The Mustang Stable fan group is pictured here at a football game. (Immaculate High School)

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Chad Doto ‘23 of Danbury remembers exactly what it felt like to walk through Immaculate High School’s doors as a new student four years ago.

“Nervous – that’s how I felt, especially because I attended public school and didn’t know anyone coming to Immaculate,” he said. “But it was so welcoming because everyone was friendly and very open. I think we have a special community here because we’re a small school and everyone gets to know each other.”

Sarah Tallaksen ‘23 from New Milford seconds that. Even though she came with friends from St. Gregory the Great School, she made new pals at Immaculate. “It was easy to meet people because there are so many opportunities between social events, clubs and sports,” she said.

Immaculate boasts 35 clubs and 39 sports teams to be exact. For six decades, the school has been committed to developing a well rounded student – which includes academics, athletics, extracurriculars, service projects and faith based activities. Niche ranked Immaculate the #1 Co-Ed Catholic Day School in Connecticut for the second year in a row. This year, the school is celebrating its 60th anniversary of providing a rigorous, Catholic education to high school students in 28 communities in Connecticut and New York.

But you don’t have to tell Immaculate’s alumni it’s a special place. Not only did they form strong friendships in high school but many enjoy bonds that have endured for a lifetime – some 30, 40 and even 50 years.

The fun foursome from the Class of ‘81 from left to right: Patty Gustavson, Kathleen O'Rourke, Marianne Mitchell and Laurie White.

“Enjoy” may be an understatement. The spirited foursome from the class of ‘81 – Marianne Mitchell, Patty Gustavson, Laurie White and Kathleen O'Rourke – recall many antics from high school including getting tickets to a Doobie Brothers concert, selling them to classmates and renting two buses to attend the event together. “We all had the same attitude toward life and our love of music always kept us dancing and singing,” recalled Laurie White.

At their 40th reunion, Marianne told Patty and Kathy that Laurie could not make the event, but they should come over for a cocktail beforehand. They were a bit glum, when suddenly the Doobie Brothers song “Taking it to the Streets” came out of nowhere and Laurie emerged from another room playing her air saxophone. “I screamed,” said Patty. “It was the best surprise!”

The group has been there for each other through college graduations, weddings, illnesses, heartbreaks and now their own children coming of age. All four credit Immaculate’s unique community for their bond. “In public schools, usually students are with the same group until graduation. But when you get to Immaculate there are kids from all over the region and you’re forced to start over,” said Marianne Mitchell. “In a way, it's great preparation for college.”

Such devotion is evidenced across Immaculate’s vibrant alumni network.

Every year, Immaculate Alumni come back to the school to share their college experiences with students.

“Our alumni feel a powerful connection to this school. They not only attend reunions and fundraisers but also give back to Immaculate in a big way,” said Debbie Basile, Director of Advancement. “We just had an alumna anonymously pay for a new student’s full tuition, because she wanted someone else to have the opportunity she had here.”

Immaculate is hosting a 60th Anniversary All Alumni Reunion Celebration Weekend June 2-4 this year. The festivities include a Robert E. Gerwien, Sr. Scholarship Endowment Breakfast, individual class reunion cocktail hours, the Class of 2023 Commencement, an Alumni Gala and Mass. There’s an especially grand celebration for the 50th reunion class which are always inducted as “Golden Mustangs.”

The Immaculate Advancement team also hosts alumni reunions all over the country called “Mustangs on the Road” events at spots like Boston, New York City, Houston, Chicago, Naples, Bluffton, Alexandria and Washington, D.C. “Our alumni have such fun at these events and over and over again they tell us their friendships from Immaculate have played a pivotal role in their lives,” said Basile.

Often former students don’t wait for an event to come to them – and return to Immaculate for a visit instead. “We always have alumni popping in to say hello to us. It’s great,” said Gina Donnarummo, teacher and Chair of the Theology Department. The school holds an annual Alumni Panel where recent graduates share their college experiences with Immaculate students – and many alumni stop by to say hello to their favorite teachers and staff members.

Rudy Antonios ‘19 said the family environment at Immaculate is something he cherished and is grateful for the three best friends Zach Demko ‘19, Abdel Razeq ‘19 and Tommy Coonan ‘19 he met there. Even though Antonios is now at the College of the Holy Cross, Demko is at Marymount Manhattan College, Razeq is attending Western Connecticut State University and Coonan is at University of California Davis, they get together often.

Class of ‘19 graduates (from left to right) Abdel Razeq, Tommy Coonan, Zach Demko and Rudy Antonios attend college all over the country, but still see each other often.

“We have seen Yankees games, visited each other at school, played sports together and gone to the beach,” Antonios said. “However, I would have to say my favorite memories come from summer backyard barbeques we share. These days consist of backyard games like washers, basketball and kan-jam followed by a jump in the pool to cool off.”

Immaculate friends made up almost the entire wedding party for Juliana Leone ‘12 and Steven Rebeiro ‘12 at their Fall 2022 nuptials. Yes, they met at Immaculate and even took some engagement photos at the school!

More than half of the wedding party for Juliana Leone ‘12 and Steven Rebeiro ‘12 were fellow Immaculate alumni. The couple even took engagement photos at the school!

Graduating Mustangs Chad Doto and Sarah Tallaksen know they’ve made friends for life too. What would they tell a student who’s considering Immaculate but might be nervous?

“Get involved, join clubs and try sports,” said Doto.

“I’d say you’re going to love it here,” said Tallaksen. “It’s tight knit and the culture here is cheerful – you’re going to be welcomed no matter what!”

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This post is sponsored and contributed by Immaculate High School, a Patch Brand Partner.